The gun fired.

The breath of death swept away.

At this moment, also do not know how many Young Master slaughtered under the attack of the Paragon destruction gun.

“No ~~~”

“I don’t want to die!”

“I’m 3-Star Paragon. In the future, I can also become 4-Star Paragon, 5-Star Paragon!”


The locked Paragon flashed a consciousness, and fell completely into the darkness of Endless, one body after another exploded, fragmented throughout the sky.

This is a massacre!

The real slaughter!

Lin Fei grinned, “Aren’t you going to deal with me, now come!”

The Frost dragon chased, Lin Fei flashed, avoiding the horrible freezing, and ignored the attack from the blast, and the Paragon destruction gun in his hand started again.

Bang bang bang!! !

This time opened three times in a row!

The stored energy is used up!

“Ding, kill 2-Star Paragon!”

“Ding, kill 3-Star Paragon!”

“Ding, kill 4-Star Paragon!”

“Ding, kill 4-Star Paragon!”


These three guns go down, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

Xuanyin Paragon’s men and women are all in a mess.

Black’s beam of destruction, like a demon, devoured lives, and Paragon died under attack.

Lin Fei received a large number of Experience Points.

“Ding, Congratulations Player is promoted to 5-Star Paragon!”

Opening the System, the Experience bar was full, Lin Fei was promoted to 5-Star Paragon, and he had a strong breath.

“Ding, Congratulations Player has a thousand points of Divinity!”

“Ding, turn on Divine Era!”

For the sake of Divinity, Lin Fei cuts out.

Fortunately, everything is in plot against, Invincible Defense has been turned on, and the Paragon destruction cannon on his hand has killed them and turned them over, causing heavy losses.

“I and you are irreconcilable!”

Xuanyin Paragon’s face was as black as coal.

Most of his own horses were lost in an instant, and the rest were wounded and disabled, with more or less injuries on their bodies. This is not the most important thing. Xuanyin Paragon was concerned that his own horses were scared Already.

This is the last thing Xuanyin Paragon wants to see.

Boom ~~

A Xuanyin knife appeared in Xuanyin Paragon’s hands, and no longer intended to capture the other side, the blade light flashed, a mighty, white one, and the Void 1st Layer turned into Frost.

“Haha ha, don’t play with you!”

Lin Fei laughed heartily, rushed out, and punched, Frost broke apart and rushed out.


Xuanyin Paragon caught up.

Lin Fei is faster than him, and Ancient Devil’s Wings is not a weakling, always pulling away.

“Hi abilities, dare to come out at this time, so stay with me now!”

A silhouette appeared in front of him, but it was Green Hill Paragon. With a single-handed shot, a huge palm appeared, and the terrorist force was blocking the front to prevent the opponent’s way.

“Afraid you are insuffcient!”

Lin Fei turned into a streamer and was shot with the same palm.

Palm to palm!

The wave of terror opened.

Qingqiu Paragon was overturned.

Advanced to become 5-Star Paragon, Lin Fei battle strength has been increased again, directly blocking the 6-Star Paragon’s attack.

Once Qingqiu Paragon retreated, Lin Fei broke through the blockade.

“Go there!”

From Lin Fei’s charge into Xuanyin Paragon’s camp, all seven Paragons knew that, but everything happened too quickly. Between lightning and flint, Xuanyin Paragon’s men and horses suffered heavy losses.

A huge flame empire appears, densely packed flame War Soldier is killed, and it is immense.

This is the flame empire of the fiery Paragon.

Then there was a repression of Endless.

The long bridge of the Seven Color Paragon also came from the air, holding everything in Void and preventing Lin Fei from escaping to War Fortress.

At this moment, they shot together.

They were all a little disturbed.

Boom ~~~~

The attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth drowned the opponent.

The eight Paragons didn’t have any slack, and Gaze stared at the place, they didn’t believe it, and could survive at this time.

“Your gift, I remember!”


A silhouette rushed out and entered War Fortress before everyone was back.

Eight Paragon dumbfounded!

That guy is all right, how can this be!

Of course!

At this moment, they were in shock, the other party’s voice was still echoing in their ears.

Eight Paragon You look at me, I look at you, there is a hint of unwillingness and a bit of bitterness in their eyes. They joined forces to attack and failed to win each other. This was not acceptable to them.

They don’t even understand what the other party used, they can survive it.

They don’t believe in this treasure!

But at this time ~~~ they do not know what to say.

In the first round, they lost!

Lost terribly!


“That brat is not easy, it actually used our do not know treasure!”

The three priests were also lightly startled, and then a smile appeared on their faces, but this smile was very ugly.

“It looks like we can have a great guy in Sky City!” Mu Shenshi said, “None of the eight Paragons can win each other. It’s a heaven defying guy!”

“I’m curious what the guy used to save his life and actually carried a wave of power. This is a power I haven’t seen before, and it’s an eight-bit 6-Star Paragon attack!”

The three priests did not see the specific reason.

This is the first power that has made them invisible.

That power is very mysterious!

mysterious to the point where they can’t peer into the full picture.


Back at War Fortress, Lin Fei withdrew Invincible Defense.

“Someone was peeping at me just now, and nothing should be seen!” Lin Fei secretly thought, sitting on the throne.

Facing the siege of eight Paragons, Lin Fei resisted by Invincible Defense, but it also consumed a lot of Invincible value, and Lin Fei was painful.

Invincible Defense, mainly rely on Invincible value.

What level of attack will consume as much Invincible value.

The previous attack was very expensive.

In Xuanyin Paragon, he killed the Young Master, and the specific discussions were not counted. Lin Fei believes that it is no less than a thousand Paragons and has obtained a large number of Invincible values.

It’s just now that Lin Fei is curious about who is peering at himself.

When they attacked, Lin Fei clearly sensed the presence of Divine Sense, which was very vague. If they were not surprised, they would not have noticed it.

“Could it be a minister?”

Sky City, Lin Fei think about it, they have this possibility.

“If it is a godsend, I have to be careful so that they don’t see the existence of System.” Lin Fei secretly thought, this is the only thing I worry about.

“My Master, you don’t have to worry about it!” Little Devil flew out. “On the three Puppets, I can’t find the System on the Master for a lifetime!”

“Why didn’t you remind me earlier?” Lin Fei was still a little dissatisfied.

Little Devil dismissed, “They didn’t target the Master, so I didn’t care. They were attracted by your defense just now. This is only good for you, not bad!”

“How to say?” (To be continued.)

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