whoosh whoosh whoosh ~~~

The storm transformed by long sword into Endless swept away.

“Ding, kill 1-Star Paragon!”

“Ding, kill 1-Star Paragon!”

“Ding, kill 2-Star Paragon!


The waves swept out and killed everyone a completely unprepared!

Low strength Paragon, none of them can withstand Paragon Storm’s attack. Both the mind and the body have a double blow. Storm goes and takes away a bit of Paragon.

These Paragons are mostly 1-Star Paragon and 2-Star Paragon!

As soon as they died, Lin Fei immediately brought great benefits and turned them into sky-high Experience Points.

Storm continues Wuqing’s raging!


Eight of Paragon’s gazes shot at Void.

There is the location of ‘Dao’ Paragon.

The hair of ‘Dao’ Paragon was seen, forced to look shocked, “You don’t have to look at me like this, I do not know about it, really do not know!”

“Hmph, when this is over, I’ll ask you to settle accounts, my ‘Dao’ Paragon!” The angry Paragon sent out an angry emotion.

“Do you think you said that, would we believe it?”

“You didn’t say that this black robe guy cultivated Paragon Storm. What kind of intention do you have!”

“It’s over, I must ask you to figure it out!”

… ..

Paragon Storm is strong.

This quite then a field exists.

Against Paragon with low rank, the effect is very obvious.

For example, now that Storm every single time is swept away, it is hit hard by the low rank Paragon. When the second wave of attacks appears, the low rank Paragon falls from the sky.

Eight Paragons didn’t take Paragon Storm in their eyes.

They all have the Middle Rank Paragon Battle suit. Paragon Storm has little effect on them. They are willing to accept ‘Dao’ Paragon to deceive them and hide such a hand.

This hand is very poisonous.

Even they were taken care of, and stopped by the Middle Rank Paragon Battle suit.

Now they will not shoot at ‘Dao’ Paragon. The timing is not right. They must suppress Paragon Storm now, so as not to cause casualties.

It’s a long story, but it actually happens in a very short time.

Hundreds of 1-Star Paragons were killed by Paragon Storm, and countless injured.

“Seven Color Field!”

Seven Color Paragon lightly shouted, a Seven Color field appeared, and the Seven Color bridges ran across the sky, hitting Paragon Storm, creating a vacuum area.

Paragon Storm couldn’t get in and was blocked outside.

“Flame Empire!”

The fierce Paragon waved his hands and opened his eyebrows, firing endless flames, where the flames passed, mountains and rivers, empires of mountains and rivers, flame fighters, spread all over In the flame empire, began to attack Paragon Storm, and quickly opened up a vacuum area .


A deep voice was also spit out of Paragon’s mouth.

The huge black hole behind him slowly turned. With each turn, it hanged Paragon Storm and protected Paragon behind it. The casualties were also suppressed.

“Endless Wang Yang!”

blue water Paragon The special life water giant below turns into a swell of ocean, up and down against Paragon Storm.

The remaining four Paragons are all the same. They chose to shoot and protect the men behind them, so as not to cause heavy casualties. This was not what they wanted.

Even if they respond quickly, the losses are not small.

The low rank Paragon were more or less injured, and before their shot, their men and women were hit hard, which made them very dissatisfied.



Bang bang bang ~~~

There are eight Paragon’s means in the first time to resist Lin Fei’s Paragon Storm.

They had no light on their faces, no more hesitation, and launched an attack on War Fortress. The Divine Ability Secret Technique attacked the sky, and they came to death.

War Fortress raised a force and blocked the attack.

The battle has begun!

In the direction of eight points, XNUMX% of the Paragon forces were assembled to launch the most violent attack.

“too strong!”

Once they shot, Lin Fei disappeared.

With the menacing attacks coming, Lin Fei felt threatened by himself. It was an attack that could make him fall into horror.

In the face of densely packed attacks, War Fortress has not changed, and remains stable and unaffected by any influence. Lin Fei is completely relieved.

“A lot of Paragon can also become a man-eating tiger. Unfortunately, they have to fight against Paragon Storm. I want to kill that many Paragon again, and it will not be easy!”

Lin Fei feels sorry for a while!

I fought with them before in order to give Paragon Storm a chance to use it. This blow just now barely killed more than 1 Paragons, including XNUMX-Star Paragon.

This gave Lin Fei nearly three hundred Divinity points.

Invincible value also has a 200,000 points.

This is much cooler than going out for hunting. It’s like harvesting a large field of wheat, but unfortunately I can’t continue it now.

“Ding, Divinity is approaching a thousand points, please keep up!”

In vain, System heard such a voice.

Lin Fei did n’t understand when he came to the system to give this prompt, he still suggested Divinity points. This was the first time he encountered it. He hurriedly opened the System and found that his Divinity was already XNUMX points, which is only XNUMX points away from XNUMX point.

“Could it be a thousand to turn Divinity on?”

Lin Fei’s eyes suddenly lighted up. It seems that there is no second reason besides this one.


……… ..

Sky City’s Paragon is now almost out of the box.

The Paragon attack hiding the sky and covering the earth, this area is turbulent, Void has not crashed, but it is strong.

The War Fortress in the middle was attacked by countless Divine Ability Secret Technique.

All they have to do now is to blast the outer defense.

Attacks can continue to consume War Fortress’s energy as quickly as possible. Without energy support, even if the other party is upset, they will not be able to find their palms.

They are easy against Paragon Storm.

Hand over the rest.

… ..

Xuanyin Paragon sacrificed a treasure tree and slowly turned to release the cold air.

As soon as Paragon Storm approached, the cold froze Storm, and a large area of ​​Frost condensed around it.

“So many people shot, I see how you block!”

Xuanyin Paragon dispelled the thought of secretly shooting at them because of a few words from the other party.

The remaining Paragons are not easy to deal with without being is a person, especially the fiery Paragon, which has always been very domineering, has a very hot temper, and controls the flames together, came to restrain the power of his Grand Dao, Innate on Not occupying an advantage, threatened by the fierce Paragon, Xuanyin Paragon can only swallow his teeth and swallow down, and dare not say anything.

~ snap ~ ~~~

In vain, Frost in the distance cracked a crack, as if struck by a force.

Bang bang bang ~~

Frost Shattered!

Suddenly, someone rushed in.

whoosh whoosh whoosh ~~~

The sky ’s Ancient Sword Intent turned into a densely packed long sword and stabbed at them.

They are attacking War Fortress at full power, and the surrounding situation will not pay attention. As soon as Frost is broken, they obviously do not respond. When the powerful Sword Intent comes, their response is slow.

pu pu pu ~~~

Many Paragon vomited blood on the spot.

One face to face, more than a dozen Paragons fell from the sky, their bodies were sore, and they did n’t know how many Sword Intent attacks they had, which really killed them completely unprepared.

A 3-Star Paragon spit out a mouthful of blood, and the Paragon Battle suit on his body was much dimmed, revealing a hint of doubt. Suddenly, a cold wind blew and saw a black robed man appear.

“he came!”

A punch was hit on 3-Star Paragon.

The sound stopped.

People around saw a sweep of golden Sword Intent, and a flash of black shadows, all selected into the darkness.

“You dare to kill in!”

Xuanyin Paragon’s face was angry, “You’re walking right into a trap, see how I can take you!”

At this time, Xuanyin Paragon couldn’t imagine whether this guy ate the leopard gall and dared to kill himself. Isn’t this sent to the door for his own capture?

Once he captured the opponent, War Fortress was not his own.

A dark shadow appeared, it was Lin Fei, “If you want to catch me, you need this ability!”

Oh la la !

Lin Fei killed a 1-Star Paragon, stabbed it with a sword, stabbed the Paragon Battle suit, one sword took his life, and then rushed to another Paragon.

“Frost off the cord!”

Seeing that the other was killing, Xuanyin Paragon didn’t stop it.

I took out a white Frost dragon, and the whole body was cold. As soon as the Frost dragon moved, Space was frozen and went straight to the other side. It happened to be a Paragon accidentally, and it was immediately frozen into Ice Sculpture.

“Middle Rank bondage treasure!”

Lin Fei oh la la avoided it at once, Sword Technique swept away and took away several lives.

Frost also appeared on the left and right arms.

Lin Fei’s thoughts, the impact of Grand Dao shocked Frost.

“This Gloomy and Cold Frost is not easy. I have to be careful to avoid it!”

With a single thought, Lin Fei knows how to deal with it, and cannot be entangled by the Frost dragon, otherwise it will be a little trouble.

“Invincible Defense, open!”

Lin Fei said nothing, turned on Invincible Defense, held a Paragon weapon, and rushed into the Paragon group in the previous piece.

“This guy is courting death!”

Xuanyin Paragon sneered, full of contempt, I really thought that I was a thing, but this time I gathered about XNUMX Paragon here.

The opponent directly rushed up, and it is estimated that the guy can take down this guy without having to take his own shot.

Even if the other person is fleshly body formidable, in this case, they ca n’t eat it, and it will be seriously damaged alive, but it can save a lot of trouble.

“kill him!”

“This guy is here to die!”

“Look at me!”

Paragon’s eyes were shining.

It’s just that they dared to shoot, the attack landed on each other, all throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

At this time, the black robe guy who rushed in took away the Paragon weapon and waved out the war weapon. The Paragon destruction cannon appeared in the opponent’s hand.

“Not good, this is my Killing Move!”


The voice fell and the beam blasted out.

This scene is beyond their imagination, why the attack is useless.

“Ding, kill 1-Star Paragon!”

“Ding, kill 2-Star Paragon!”

“Ding, kill 3-Star Paragon!”

“Ding, kill 3-Star Paragon!”

……… (To be continued.)

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