Within a moment, three 2-Star Paragon and two 3-Star Paragon were killed by Lin Fei.

After slaying six Paragons in a row, Lin Fei gained satisfactory Invincible value and Divinity.

Waaaaaa ~~~ Waaaaaa ~~~

Lin Fei killed Paragon in the Qianyuan Dynasty, the golden toad over the lake, and sprayed a thick black mist. When the dense mist passed, barren, even the dark mist of Paragon’s body was turned into blood.

“You’re wicked!”

Paragon was packed, not to mention the golden toad.

I can ask Qian Paragon to bring them to feed the toad, Lin Fei knows that this is not an unusual golden toad, maybe there is something good.

“Big Sword Qi Secret Technique!”

Five Sword Qis flew out, and a sword broke through the thick fog, entangled in the golden toad.

hua hua ~~~

Golden Toad Blood DC!

Wudao Sword Qi was not blown. The defense of the golden toad was formidable, and it was also cut open on the spot. The painful golden toad made a sound of gu lu gu lu.

Such a large golden toad, Lin Fei must be packed.

Maybe ~~~ Divinity is not necessarily.

The golden toad in his hand sank into the lake, a large lake rolled over, the blue lake water became black, and the sky was shot with black sword light.

Between Heaven and Earth, it instantly became black.

Lin Fei took back the big Sword Qi, surrounded him, smashed the black sword light, and brows frowned, underestimated the power of the golden toad, and easily escaped from the attack of the big Sword Qi.

“This Paragon Immortal Beast outside Sky City is not easy, I’m here for the first step first step!”

Lin Fei turned and left. When he left, the lake returned to blue, a huge head appeared, and his eyes turned, full of resentment.


The mountain range is large.

Lin Fei randomly found a safe place, shot an Immortal Beast, grilled it on the fire, and buried her head to clear the storage rings of the nine Paragons.

Paragon’s ring Lin Fei is all closed.

“So poor!”

With the Storage Ring hollowed out, Lin Fei got 30 million Low Grade Saint Stones, more than XNUMX million Middle Grade Saint Stones, and several Low Grade Paragon treasures.

This harvest, Lin Fei really looks down on it.

After a while, the barbecue was ready, Lin Fei tore off a piece of barbecue and ate it, “It’s still good for Divinity and Invincible value. It seems that Paragon here is not thick enough!”

Nine Paragons have poor things.

This made Lin Fei very in a bad mood. When I thought about it, I was immediately relieved. This is Sky City. It will not be easy to survive in the next ten years, otherwise no one will be fooled.

Soon Immortal Beast’s barbecue fell into Lin Fei’s belly.

What are you doing down here?

From the Storage Ring, after flipping over the map, after viewing it, Lin Fei immediately had an idea, “Anyway, for ten years, I came to have time to collect Invincible value and Divinity. I believe there is a little Paragon out there, and No one cares! “

At this point, there is an additional buster in Paragon mountain range hunting Paragon.

…… ..


A behemoth fell to the ground.

This is a 1-Star Paragon demon bull. It has terrifying brute force. The body is up and down are treasure. Just talking about the meat on the body, you can increase the Divine Strength after eating, so the price has been high.

Not far from the side of the savage cow, three bodies were lying horizontally and vertically.

“Big brother, we sent it!”

“Let’s be cool again for a while!”

There are two Paragons standing next to the Divine Bull, all of which are 1-Star Paragon. Zheng Yi’s face is proud. It turned out that they secretly attacked them, annihilating the previous people and occupying the Divine Bull.

“Collect the savage cow, let’s go!”

Those who are called big brothers, while happy, remain vigilant.

“Yes, yes, put away now!”

Sky City is not as good as elsewhere. Just killing the savage cows is not small, and they must leave immediately. Once they have attracted Paragon of High Rank, they will have their lives worried.

“You don’t need it!”

In vain, a voice came from the woods.



A giant Storm descended on this area.

Black’s Paragon Storm trapped them. Storm, like the blade, was strangled down, and the three 1-Star Paragons were strangled into fragments within a few breaths.

“Sin, sin!”

A black robed man came out, put away the savage cow corpse, charged three Storage Rings, turned and walked into the woods, disappeared without a trace.



Yun Kong mountain range has a powerful killer.

The news spread wildly.

No matter what Paragon is, as long as he meets the killer, none of them can survive, and this Paragon is a ghost, no one knows where.

Everyone knows that this person is in the cloud and empty mountain range.

Strength is unknown, Realm is unknown, origin is unknown.

A series of unknowns. For Paragon, this is a big threat. Paragon alone, basically no one will enter the cloud-mountain mountain range, usually people who go in are in groups of three or four.

Even so, some groups still disappeared into the cloud-mountain mountain range.

Killed by Paragon Immortal Beast, or by Paragon, is no small mystery.


one year later!

Cloudy mountain range, on the edge of a stream.

A black robed man is grilling Immortal Beast, frowning slightly, it seems why things are worrying.

“People who place orders are poor in strength, and they are getting fewer and fewer now!” The black robed man sighed, “I want to choose a target again!”

This person is not someone other than Lin Fei who has been in the mountain range.

After killing Qiankang Paragon, Lin Fei did not return to Plaza’s Safety Sector, and he lived alone in the mountain range.

Although the cloud-free mountain range is not safe, not only Paragon, but also Paragon Immortal Beast, Five Flowers Eight Sects, strength and arrogance, Lin Fei turned on System Scanning all the time, and survived in shock and danger.

Among them, Lin Fei was not in danger. He had been hunted down by a 6-Star Paragon Immortal Beast, and finally managed to dump the opponent.

Something like this happened to Lin Fei more than ten times.

The barbecue is ready, Lin Fei cuts a piece of barbecue and eats it.

In this year, there were at least hundreds of 1-Star Paragons who were killed in his hands, and there were many 2-Star Paragons, and they gained a lot of Invincible value and Divinity.

Similarly, 1-Star Paragon Immortal Beast died a lot.

These Paragon Immortal Beasts also have Divinity on them, and more importantly, Paragon blood essence.

So these Paragon Immortal Beast bad luck, and fell down at the feet of Lin Fei, hundreds of Paragon blood essence fell on his hands, and all ended up being cheap for Hairball.

To be on the safe side, Lin Fei has never played Hairball.

Now 1-Star Paragon and 2-Star Paragon Immortal Beast are almost wiped out. As soon as Lin Fei appears, these guys are disappeared without a trace, and they are already scared.

Lin Fei can only increase gaze.

Such as 3-Star Paragon and 4-Star Paragon.

Lin Fei was thinking while eating barbecue, thinking about how to take the first step, in vain, a dark shadow flew over the sky.

“Warship!” (To be continued.)

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