Qingyuan Paragon said all the way, while taking Lin Fei out of Sky City.

It turned out that Restriction flying over Sky City.

“Those are the people we go to complete the task!”

Out of Sky City, on a hillside in the vicinity, eight Paragons are standing, seemingly waiting for Qingyuan Paragon.

“Good guy, three 1-Star Paragons, three 2-Star Paragons, and two are 3-Star Paragons!” Lin Fei swept the Scanning System and knew the strength of eight Paragons.

This lineup is to complete the task, Lin Fei is curious, what task will it be.

“This Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist went with us to complete the task!” Qingyuan Paragon said with a smile.

“It was Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist. Welcome!”


Three 1-Star Paragon’s lukewarm.

2-Star Paragon is a lot more talkative, and briefly introduced the mission, saying that it is to cloud the mountain range, hunt Paragon Immortal Beast, and pick Immortal Medicine by the way.

Lin Fei quickly knew the situation.

The three 1-Star Paragons were all found outside. In other words, they were all task-finished. As for the three 2-Star Paragons and two 3-Star Paragons, they should be a group, and Qingyuan Paragon was among them. A member.

The two headed 3-Star Paragons are called Qiankun Paragon and Kunyuan Paragon.

After a brief understanding, the entire group went out into the cloud-free mountain range.

…… ..

“No way ahead!”

“Here we have a charter!”

The cloud-mountain mountain range is very large, and there is no danger in coming along.

During this long walk, when they were ready to cross over one of the mountains, they were driven away.

“Why don’t you let us go!”

Those of them came coldly and said, “We are the people of Panlong Paragon. We have the ability to do it!”

Qiankun Paragon and Qianyuan Paragon apologized, pulling the entire group to detour, never dare to stay.

“Who is that Panlong Paragon!” Lin Fei asked casually along the way.

Qingyuan Paragon looked back, said low, “Panlong Paragon is one of our top ten Paragons, 5-Star Paragon strength. There are hundreds of Paragons in it, which offends Panlong Paragon, unless you are not in the Safety Sector. Otherwise you wo n’t be able to go back as soon as you come out! “

“Top Ten Paragon!” Lin Fei asked again, “Do not know Top Ten Paragon, what’s the best one?”

“The top ten Paragons are ranked firstly,” 道 Paragon “, said to be 6-Star Peak Paragon!” Qingyuan Paragon said, “You people, who offends bad, what happens must not offend the top ten Paragon, God entered Land, there is no place for you, okay, you just have to remember this. Our most important thing at the moment is to complete the task! “

Lin Fei didn’t keep asking.

…… ..

Around the mountains.

They eventually came to a blue lake.

“Our place is here!” Qingyuan Paragon said with a smile.

There is a lake island in the middle of the blue lake, which covers a large area.

“Our mission is to collect fairy grass on the island. Fortunately, today we are lucky, that thing is not there, there is no danger!” Qingyuan Paragon said with a smile, “The picking of fairy grass is given to four Fellow Daoist!”

From the beginning, Lin Fei saw that Qingyuan Paragon had no intention.

Now it seems true.

Although the lake is calm, Lin Fei always feels dangerous, and picking fairy grass should not be so easy.

“Why, it’s us!” Asked is there a person 1-Star Paragon.

Qiankun Paragon turned back and sawered, “You can’t go or you can’t, unless you want to die here!”


The coercion of 3-Star Paragon shrouded the four 1-Star Paragons directly.

The 1-Star Paragon present only reacted. It seemed to be fooled. The coercion of the 3-Star Paragon made them afraid to move, and the killing intent of the 2-Star Paragon locked on them.

“You lie!”

1-Star Paragon gnashing one’s teeth said.

The 2-Star Paragon and 3-Star Paragon haha ​​laughed, spread apart, and surrounded them.

Lin Fei shook his head and said, “These Paragons are so poorly aware that you deserve to be fooled!”

Qingyuan Paragon also showed his fangs. “If you don’t want to die, go to Huxin Island to collect fairy grass, otherwise we won’t mind destroying you on the spot!”

Six Paragons deal with them, four Paragons, Realm is one or two Realm, they have no chance of resistance.

“Pride you first!”

Lin Fei has no plans to rush.

2-Star Paragon and 3-Star Paragon, this is a good income.

Lin Fei also wants to know, they came for something, it is impossible to bring them here for no reason.

“Let’s go, don’t kill us!” Lin Fei pretended to be afraid.

The other three 1-Star Paragons also bowed their heads for mercy, and if they were disobedient, they died.

whoosh whoosh whoosh ~~~

The four rose into the air and flew to Huxin Island.

They just appeared on the lake. Qiankun Paragon had a bite of Paragon’s sword in his hands. It was red and swept away. In the middle of a 1-Star Paragon, the fleshly body exploded on the spot and the whole body fell off.

A 3-Star Paragon strike is not something that a 1-Star Paragon can resist.

The blood of the sky fell on the lake.

In vain, the lake was tumbling for a while, and there was a giant underneath. It was the lake island, a huge golden toad. He drew out his huge head and ate the corpse.

“Immortal Beast at 4-Star Paragon!”

As soon as the golden toad appeared, terrifying coercion locked the three Paragons in the sky.

咻 ~~

The golden toad rolled his tongue on a Paragon, dragged it down, ~ snap ~, and bit the 1-Star Paragon in half, drenched with blood, and swallowed it.

The powerful Paragon, at this moment in front of this golden toad, is vulnerable to withstand a single blow, just like a gnat, and eats as soon as it is eaten.

“No ~~~”

The remaining 1-Star Paragon turned pale.

Facing the horrible 4-Star Paragon’s golden toad, it was not something he could fight at all.

. 咻 ~~

The golden toad was obviously not full.

After eating two 1-Star Paragons in succession, use the tongue to roll again. The terrifying offensive on that 1-Star Paragon can be broken by the tongue and the attacks. The Low Grade Paragon Battle suit on the body is one roll. The next part was torn apart, and when the big mouth opened, they swallowed the other side.

All this happened between electro-optic flint.

Lin Fei reacted, his tongue came towards him, with the terrifying 4-Star Paragon power, he now finally understood why Qingyuan Paragon would bring them here, maybe for the golden toad.

Seeing the appearance of the golden toad, eight-nine is the goal of Qiankun Paragon. Lin Fei no longer intends to hide, he doesn’t want to walk in the other’s stomach.

Devil’s Wings appeared behind him, plunging into Void, avoiding the blow from the golden toad.

Qian Kun Paragon They all stood still, and let the golden toads hunt and kill 1-Star Paragon. As long as the golden toads were full, they could go to the heart of the lake to collect Immortal Medicine.


Seeing that the last one was about to die in the hands of Golden Toad, the man was gone in vain, and several Paragons present were dumbfounded.

This golden toad is 4-Star Paragon, how did that guy run away.

“Qingyuan Paragon, this is what you said, actually feed us 4-Star Paragon!”

This is not the first time Qingyuan Paragon has done this kind of thing. 1-Star Paragon is a pit, and 2-Star Paragon is also a pit. As long as you bring them here, none of them can survive, and they naturally benefit a lot.

Seeing that the brat disappeared uncontrollably, Qingyuan Paragon released Divine Sense, but the other side’s shadow was not seen.

At this time there was a cold wind behind me, and I immediately realized that it was not good.

A sword light in Void was stabbed, and the Low Grade Paragon Battle suit on Qingyuan Paragon released rays of light, which was penetrated by the sword hole. The other party twisted it gently, and the entire head was shattered into a slump. Qingyuan Paragon did not immediately Out of consciousness.

“Ding, kill 1-Star Paragon!”

“Ding ~~”

“Ding ~~~”

System horse uploads the prompt.

Lin Fei plunged into Void again, leaving a corpse of Qingyuan Paragon on the scene.

“Qingyuan is dead!”

The three 2-Star Paragon startled came back immediately, and they had a Paragon Battle suit on them, and their faces did not look good.

“Paragon Storm!”

The terrifying Paragon Storm is coming!

A few 10 million miles were immediately under Storm. Five Paragons were enveloped in it. After advancing to Paragon, World Storm entered the Paragon Storm Level.

This is also Lin Fei’s first show!

And it is still playing with 4-Star Paragon strength.

Together with Storm, the three 2-Star Paragons were the first to have bad luck, and their hearts collapsed instantly. Thousands of Sword Intents were mixed in, and they were instantly shot into a horse honeycomb.

whoosh whoosh whoosh ~~~

Even though they are wearing the Paragon Battle suit, the Paragon Battle suit at this time is also full of scars.

“Why is it like this ~~~”

“Unwilling ~~~”

Under the first wave of attacks, the three 2-Star Paragons had no chance to struggle, so they fell down and contributed to Lin Fei again.

Qiankun Paragon and Qianyuan Paragon scared a cold sweat.

The 1-Star Paragon that they haven’t kept in their eyes, such a terrifying attack erupted. The Paragon Battle suit on their bodies was already covered with cracks, and it was not far from the collapse.

At this Paragon Storm, they knew that Daoist’s family was better than them.

This time I really picked myself up!


They lost confidence in Paragon Storm.

This person is far more powerful than them. They can’t afford this horrible Paragon Storm.

“Can you still go?”

Lin Fei appeared in vain. A sword stabbed at Qiankun Paragon. Qiankun Paragon had a wooden shield in front of him, trying to block the attack of this sword. Since Lin Fei shot, it was a full power shot.

~ snap ~ ~

The wooden shield shattered, Lin Fei stabbed Qian Qian Paragon with a sword, Paragon Battle suit burst into pieces, and a sword pierced Qian Qian Paragon’s eyebrow, just like Qingyuan Paragon, with a strong twist, his head exploded.

3-Star Paragon’s Qian Paragon has stepped in.

“It’s your turn!”

Paragon Storm shrinks to the size of a lake, instantly turning into tornado wind style motion.

ka ka ka

Qianyuan Paragon’s Paragon Battle suit followed, and Lin Fei’s figure moved back and forth to Teleport. With only three swords, he killed the 3-Star Paragon’s Qianyuan Paragon under the sword. (To be continued.)

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