A Low Grade Paragon Battle suit is valuable.

Tiexuan Paragon was directly eyeing the other person. A pseudo-Paragon in a small place actually wore this equipment. Isn’t this obviously telling them that they are very rich?


Must be robbed!

At this time, the three Alien race Paragons all noticed that the Twelve War Generals that rushed up all had Low Grade Paragon Battle suit.

Let them shine again!

Made it!

A Great Heaven World actually has such equipment, and none of their pseudo-Paragons have this good equipment.

“If you want to grab it, it depends on your ability!”

Bao Mie sneered, flipping his two hands, a pair of gloves appeared, and two fists blasted out, facing 1-Star Paragon’s Alien race Paragon without any coercion.

Just kill it!

Bang bang bang!! !

Twelve War Generals battle strength has a pseudo Paragon battle strength.

Peak of Immortal Venerable!

Once close all are close combat, the came to four warriors will besiege one, and shot in four directions: left, right, front and back.

The Alien race Paragon is really powerful.

They attacked at will, but they couldn’t hold them up.

Alien race Paragon cannot kill them in the first place.


Tiexuan Paragon hasn’t killed a fake Paragon. Today’s fake Paragon is particularly difficult to defend, and the defense is so powerful that it can’t break the defense in a short time.

This is not what they want to see.

Directly used Paragon Immortal Symbol.


A white glow spread out!

The sky above the huge Invincible Palace turned into a snow and ice World.

Twelve War Generals was instantly frozen!


Twelve War Generals is particularly difficult. The three Alien race Paragons are afraid that Emperor Heaven will run away. They can only use the Paragon Immortal Symbol to try to catch people in the first place.

Paragon Immortal Symbol is scary.

Twelve War Generals is temporarily sealed and has a Paragon defense as a defense. It will not be killed for a while.


“Alien race sneak attack!”

In a corner of Great Heaven World.

Ming Shan Paragon takes people here.

As soon as the three terrifying breaths appeared, they immediately realized what was going on and were about to check it out. Seeing Twelve War Generals’ shot, they met the three 1-Star Paragons.

“They are dead, I really think that the fake Paragon can fight against Paragon!”

Ming Shan Paragon had commanded them and still looked down on them.

It’s actually envy and envy.

When Twelve War Generals added a Battle suit, Ming Shan Paragon spit out almost a spit of blood. This is the Paragon Battle suit. No wonder they dare to do it.

Pseudo Paragon wears Low Grade Paragon Battle suit, this treatment ~~~ This equipment ~~~~

Famous mountain Paragon could not help but feel a bitter smile.

No way!

As soon as the horrible Paragon Immortal Symbol was released, the famous mountain Paragon felt pressure. This one-time consumption was actually used at this time. It was really rich and imposing.

They want to do it quickly!

Ming Shan Paragon realizes what they think.

They are going to catch Emperor Heaven and go back!

This is not working!

Without saying a word, Ming Shan Paragon killed him directly, even though the other party had three Paragons, at this time brace oneself was up, and one could be dragged, and Emperor Heaven must thank himself afterwards!

If it was contempt before.

Then Ming Shan Paragon has the idea of ​​making Emperor Heaven.

What if someone was happy and gave themselves a Paragon Battle suit?

Looking at the Top Grade Immortal Venerable Battle suit on his body, Ming Shan Paragon felt that he was a countryman. Compared with Emperor Heaven, the gap was bigger and completely incomparable.



Three Alien race Paragons are killed.

At this time, Invincible Palace exhaled a terrifying breath.

“I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

A faint voice echoed above, with a slight disdain.


A golden light flew out from under the Invincible Palace and turned directly into a golden river, and moved towards them rolled over.

“insect carving small technique !”

Starfish Paragon showed a long black knife in his hand, and it was a knife in front of the golden long river, ready to split the long river and break the opponent’s attack.

As long as Emperor Heaven people are saying everything!

The subtle attack is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain!

blade light on the long river is throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

The river is getting closer!

Hua hua 哗~

The starfish Paragon didn’t believe that hundreds of knives burst out in a row.

The river is still moving!

“Not good, go!”

Tie Xuan’s Paragon secretly thought was a bad voice, and people withdrew outside, a wave of the Changhe came down, and a fist of Changhong ran across the Changhe, and the river water evaporated.

Changhe has never changed!

The long river rolled up sideways!

The three Paragons did everything they could to break the long river, and finally there was a hint of panic on their faces.

Emperor Heaven hasn’t shown up yet, just a treasure attack made them feel a headache, which made them feel scared. What treasure is in Emperor Heaven’s hands.


A roll of long river tangled up.

The three Paragons are avoiding, not as good as Chang Changhe, which is farther than the speed. They are directly wrapped around him. The three Alien race Paragons are tied firmly, revealing the true colors of Changhe, which is a Golden Rope.

“Middle Grade Paragon treasure!”

The three Alien race Paragons saw a heart sink directly.

No wonder they couldn’t break this treasure.

It was this rank. For a time, the three Alien race Paragons were disheartened and countless. They didn’t count Emperor Heaven not as good as they thought.

This guy is hiding so deep!


The people below control the Golden Rope, and the three Alien race Paragon land in the Invincible Palace.

Titicaca ~~

Then a Sword Qi flew out, Frost’s sword was smashed, and Twelve War Generals broke out, but his face was pale, and it looked like he was not seriously injured.

“That’s it!”

Ming Shan Paragon, who was also ready to express, fought a cold war.


“Three Alien race Paragon defeated so?” Ming Shan Paragon really couldn’t accept the result.

That’s three 1-Star Paragons, not three pseudo Paragons.

Who shot?

could it be Is Emperor Heaven?

I can trap three 1-Star Paragons, so why is it a Middle Grade Paragon treasure?

Ming Shan Paragon thought of this, and he dared not think about it. Everyone thought that Emperor Heaven had a hole card. Who would have expected Emperor Heaven’s hole card to be more scary than expected?

What if they do it to Paragon?

Ming Shan Paragon shuddered again.

This is a major event!

Ming Shan Paragon couldn’t sit still. If it wasn’t for his own eyes, it would be hard to believe that this was true. The three Alien race Paragons were just taken down and fell into the hands of Emperor Heaven.

After a cold sweat, Ming Shan Paragon turned back and did not dare to go to Invincible Palace. Now looking at Invincible Palace, it is already a dragon’s pool and tiger’s den.

It’s not enough to see if you can get into the 1-Star Paragon yourself. Ming Shan Paragon secretly rejoices that he didn’t bother to find Emperor Heaven before, otherwise, it would be unthinkable!

This must be notified to the lord immediately.


“The three come in the middle of the night are so enthusiastic!”

The three mules bound by Alien race Paragon also landed in the Main Hall of the Invincible Palace. (To be continued.)

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