Emperor Chao Saint Palace!

The four Paragons sat together, each with a spy in the Great Heaven World.

The World in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, only the Great Heaven World can’t see through it, and the Emperor Heaven person naturally arranges some spies to investigate and monitor.

No one wants to have power that is not under their control, and Emperor Heaven is a power that is not under control and is out of the palm of your hand.

The only thing I didn’t expect was that this time Emperor Heaven took out great talent, which made them once again shock the power of Emperor Heaven, the twelve pseudo Paragon’s battle strength.

The Alien race’s offense was a small wave, and it was completely drowned without breaking any waves at all.

“We still underestimated Emperor Heaven. In the silent ten years, we have cultivated twelve fake Paragons!” Tian Ju Paragon shook his head. “I thought Emperor Heaven would use the hole cards. Now it seems that this is the tip of the iceberg! “

wind and rain Paragon said with a smile, “At least we don’t need to worry about the Great Heaven World being breached now!”

“This is also temporary. Once there are Paragon hands, the twelve generals under Emperor Heaven will not be blocked!” Extinct Paragon coldly snorted and said, as the Paragon of Immortal Courtyard, he did not want to see Emperor Heaven. Powerful, let alone see contradictions.

“Alien race this time did not succeed in the tentative test, and maybe soon, it will be a full attack!” Wudi Paragon thoughtfully, “This is what we must pay attention to!”

All four Paragons are silent!

This time is indeed the temptation of the Alien race, trying to open a gap, but I did not expect to be easily resolved.

Then the next time must be full power shot.

“Emperor Heaven, we must pay attention to it!” Tian Ju Paragon said, “I suggest that Ming Shan be in the Great Heaven World, or have a support!”

The three Paragons sneered.

Who do not know Ming Shan Paragon is your person.

Seems to be supportive, I’m afraid I’m ready to take advantage of Emperor Heaven!

Such as cultivation method!

In ten years, Twelve War Generals was promoted to Twelve Pseudo-Paragons. This speed of cultivation by rockets, even by themselves, was not considered to be possible.

They naturally pay attention to the cultivation method of Emperor Heaven!

If you can get it, it is an opportunity to strengthen the strength. You can cultivate a large number of Immortal Venerable Experts. Within millennia, the strength of All Heavens and Myriad Realms will increase by hundreds of times.

Tian Ju Paragon’s words are right, and Paragon can’t stop them.

The Alien race really wants to attack comprehensively, it will inevitably dispatch Paragon, and arrange a Paragon to pass, which is also very normal.

It was so settled.


Tian Ju Paragon returned to his palace.

Immediately attracted his own confidants.

Emperor Heaven once again showed strength, and Tian Ju Paragon was also tempted. It would be best if he could get the method, but this matter must be taken care of.

“Go tell Ming Shan, don’t give Emperor Heaven a face, it’s better to win each other … even if you can’t win, you can’t be an enemy!” Tian Ju Paragon told his confidant.

Ming Shan Paragon’s temperament, Tian Ju Paragon is still known.

I definitely look down on Emperor Heaven. He is now XNUMX years in Hedong, XNUMX years in Hexi, the times changes, and Tian Ju Paragon also values ​​it.

Prior to High Rank Immortal Venerable battle strength, there was only one, and it was also necessary to play a battle array. God Paragon would not care.

This Battle Technique, All Heavens and Myriad Realms is not unsearchable.

Now that the strength has reached the pseudo-Paragon, for ten years, plus the Battle Technique, I am afraid that the 1-Star Peak Paragon may not be taken down.

Clearly know Emperor Heaven has the ability to defend, Tian Jue Paragon still has to sell a favor.

The relationship must be good!

This is the arrangement for a trip to the confidant, so as not to cause trouble.

As for the other three, what will be the idea at that time, Tianju Paragon can also be counted.


The first offense of the Alien race ended like this.

Lin Fei once again invested in the level up. Constantly hunted down the demons and obtained the demonic blood essence, which was used to give Bao Mie their level up, preferably all Paragons. Once there are twelve real Paragons, at least for a long time Great Heaven World need not worry.

Once they become Paragon, the battle strength is at least the battle strength of 1-Star Peak Paragon.

This is their advantage.

“Master, Ming Shan Paragon is here, and bring the imperial army!”

Ten Thousand Evils Immortal Venerable came in to report the situation, with a disdain written on his face, he really looked down on the imperial army and his name was aid.

“Isn’t it nice to be here!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “At least there is cannon fodder in us!”

The meaning of the imperial dynasty, Lin Fei is not invisible, this is even more fearful of himself, those spies of Great Heaven World, I am afraid that is the most of all World.

This Lin Fei is the clearest.

Lin Fei didn’t go to clean them up.

“It’s not that Paragon is here. You ask Bao Mie to have a good time!” Lin Fei suddenly said with a smile.

“good idea!”

Ten Thousand Evils Immortal Venerable has seen Bao Mie’s battle strength, and now it’s all fake Paragon’s battle strength.

In Lin Fei’s words, Ming Shan Paragon had a complete headache. When he met rough skin and thick flesh, he really gave him a terrible pit.


“I did not expect this Emperor Heaven, talented!”

On an unmanned star, this is the base camp of the Alien race.

Sky burning Paragon and the others gathered again.

Their Alien race army against Great Heaven World is gone.

It was Paragon who was speaking, and one of the pseudo-Paragons arranged it for him. “This Great Heaven World is also a difficult bone to deal with. We should do it ourselves!”

They have never shot since.

This is also a rule!

In their opinion, this is a petty fight, not a real fight.

“The battle strength of the twelve pseudo-Paragons, Great Heaven World is indeed unusual!” Said Starfish Paragon, “I’m more interested in what exactly is the Cultivation Technique they cultivate!”

Over the years, they have collected a lot of information.

Great Heaven World’s battle strength has also been investigated, and Twelve War Generals is on the list, but it hasn’t been counted. After ten years, they silently reached this Realm.

They are very concerned about this cultivation method.

“It is rumored that Emperor Heaven cultivation may be cultivation if there is divine help!” Tie Xuan Paragon nod, “Otherwise, the young age may not have this battle strength!”

They are all desperate.

The offense also looked at the population of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and its weak power.

I did not expect to find a good thing!

“Not as good as the three of us went to Great Heaven World in person and forced Emperor Heaven to surrender the cultivation method!” Burnt Paragon also Completed his heart, “As long as this cultivation method is available, the strength of our men can improve a great deal cut!”

“Not just an Immortal Venerable, let’s take a shot, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain!” Starfish Paragon agrees, “It is best that we attack the three directions in detail, and launch Paragon to attract their gaze, Quietly attack Emperor Heaven, the success rate will be very high! “

Tiexuan Paragon naturally does not say much at this time, who is not interested in that cultivation method.

They have traveled to many territories and have never seen such a cultivation method.

They have been stuck in 1-Star Paragon Realm for a long time, maybe they can use the cultivation method at this time to break through Realm in one fell swoop, and they will become a powerful and invincible Paragon in the future.

“Let’s discuss it!”


A month later!

The Alien race forces in three directions launched a fierce attack.

Previously, it was a small-scale battle. This time, it was a full-scale attack. All Alien race Immortal shots, putting great pressure on the border.

Also launched at the same time is Alien race Paragon!

Three Alien race Paragon!

Each Alien race Paragon, holding a Paragon weapon and wearing a Paragon Battle suit, led the team to kill him. The emperor sent six Paragons in this direction, two Paragons in each direction.

Emperor Chao is under great pressure!

Breaking in either direction is not a good thing for the emperor.

The only thing they didn’t understand was that there wasn’t much movement in the Great Heaven World, it seemed that they didn’t choose to start in this direction.

This makes them sighed in relief.

…… ..

“Heaven Paragon, they should be fooled!”

Not far from the Great Heaven World, three Alien race Paragon came in person to catch Emperor Heaven back.

In order to quickly cultivate the cultivation method, they will not care if they fall into bullies, they are desperate people anyway, as long as they get things in their hands, it is victory.

The three of them sneaked into Great Heaven World.

“It seems that we are too careful!” Burning Sky Paragon said with a smile, “There is no Paragon here except Ming Shan Paragon, and that Emperor Heaven is at Invincible Palace!”

They were afraid to beat the grass to scare the snake at first.

Into the Great Heaven World, Paragon-level Divine Sense swept away. Experts were few, except Ming Shan Paragon had a certain battle strength, which was a good deal in their eyes.

“Go straight to Invincible Palace!”

The trio shuttled Void and appeared outside the Invincible Palace when they appeared.

They now want to grab Emperor Heaven and use Soul Searching Technique to find what they want.

“Go in!”

Three Paragons descended on the Invincible Palace, and three terrifying oppressions oppressed the Invincible Palace.

“no one?”

A sweep of Paragon-level Divine Sense did not reveal the whereabouts of Emperor Heaven.

This made them start lightly, and Emperor Heaven was not in the Invincible Palace. This is not good news. It is impossible to reason.

Bang bang bang ~~~

Bao Mie, they rushed out first, “Invincible Palace also dares to come, you are so brave!”

Regardless of XNUMX, XNUMX, Bao Mie will be the first to wait.

“courting death !”

They came to Emperor Heaven, and naturally they didn’t take everyone else seriously.

Tie Xuan Paragon sneered, the right hand lifted up and turned into a long knife, and the sword was cut down to kill the opponent’s war.


Bao Mie’s rays of light rose, and a Paragon Battle suit emerged, blocking a blow from Tie Xuan Paragon.

“It’s actually a Low Grade Paragon Battle suit!”

A fake Paragon wore such a good Battle suit, Tie Xuan Paragon suspected that he had read it wrong, and his men’s fake Paragon were all Immortal Venerable Battle suits.

“I want this Low Grade Paragon Battle suit!” (To be continued.)

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