ten thousand li Five Immortal Venerables in the Grand Court

They never came to see what strength they were.

Right now Immortal Venerable has a very powerful battle strength. As soon as the five of them got out of the way, they didn’t think about how about it.

As a result, the immortal Venerable coercion was exhibited, but was pressed to the ground by the coercion of others. They reacted, and all the people who came were Immortal Venerable.

This sweep almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

It’s all Middle Rank Immortal Venerable. There are twelve Immortal Venerables.

The five Immortal Venerables came out to bullying people, relying on the backing, and usually had no trouble that could not be solved, and the tone was very high, and there would be someone who was more domineering than them.

“Who are you, why are you doing this to us?”

The gray robed old man of Middle Rank Immortal Venerable has fear.

“This is the reason!”

The tiger roar will rush forward, the coercion will unfold, and a fist will be hit on the opponent. The speed is too fast to resist, and it will be directly blown out, smashing a palace.

“It’s normal for you to hide your Master’s enemies and tear down your door! It will be normal for you to kill you!”

Regardless of your thirty-seven and twenty-one, hit someone and say, don’t forget to put on a big hat.

“Master, am I right to do this!” Tiger Roar will be proud of it, rushing up again.

Lin Fei said with a smile, “You guys have to study hard with Tiger Roar and learn, this is called the famous teacher. Before you hit someone, give yourself a reason!”

“We know!”

Lin Fei can do not know. After saying this, Twelve War Generals became extremely rogue.

People around rolled their eyes after hearing it.

What the hell!

I have never seen anything so shameless.

“Master, the guys on them can make atonement, I’m going to pick it up!” The Sky Rat chuckled and rushed up.

The four Immortal Venerables who had just emerged from the ruins were extremely unsightly.

“I am going too!”

“Together, together!”

The four Immortal Venerables fell directly into the siege, hovered between life and death against the four Immortal Venerables.

“No, my battle shield!”

“This is my Immortal Armor!”

“You bandits and bandits!”

How could the four of them, Immortal Venerable, block the Ominous Beast from the wolf-like tiger? Within a short time, everything on them was burned out, and Storage Ring and the like were forcibly cut off.

“Master, this guy just dragged to death, I’ll help you clean up!” Tiger Howler will be back with a lot of things in his hand.

These are all from this Middle Rank Peak Immortal Venerable.

“Don’t move, I will destroy you!”

Ten thousand li The Immortal Venerable of the grand court was quickly defeated, and was even stripped of everything on the body, everyone followed the suck in a breath of cold air, which was too savage, but also no one lived!

“Gu Tianren, you haven’t rolled out yet, do you want everyone to be the same as these Immortal Venerable!” Bao Mie will also speak.

ten thousand li The people in the grand court were originally watching the lively.

At the ten thousand li mansion, no one dared to come to trouble. As a result, he encountered a more domineering today. Few breaths cleared the Immortal Venerable of the ten thousand li mansion.

“We don’t know Gu Tianren!”

“Let’s go now!”

Those who came to play, immediately saw the situation, and immediately wanted to leave.

As soon as a few people came out of the palace and wanted to break through, they were shattered by Mount, fell down, and fell into the hands of the generals of Savage.

“You all stand up for me!”

The shot was a crocodile air warrior, who captured him back and threw it on a rubble.

Come out and grab one and throw people on the rubble. None of them can leave. In the blink of an eye, most people were caught.

They didn’t dare to move before Immortal Venerable’s coercion.

Cracking a joke, these are Immortal Venerable. With the movement of their fingers, they can crush them and threaten them? Wash and sleep.

“Sir, did you do this, could it be do not know to cause you trouble!”

Middle Rank Peak Immortal Venerable coldly said.

Oh la la !

Lin Fei flicked his finger, beating one arm with the other, indifferently said, “Trouble, will I be afraid!”

After removing the door, Lin Fei had no intention of fearing trouble.

“Good Emperor Heaven, this is not the Great Heaven World, this is the site of Wind and Rain Palace, Hugh’s crazy!”

Within the ruins, a stern sound came, and I saw a bright sword light, moved towards Lin Fei, and the sword light was sharp and vicious.

“You dare to do something to my Master!”

Bao Mie whole body rushed up, and the brilliant sword light was smashed. There was a stuffy hum in the depths of the ruins, and a dark shadow flew out and fell not far from Lin Fei.

With this shout, everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out this is Emperor Heaven!

The Emperor Heaven of the famous All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

No wonder it’s so arrogant, they go out with twelve Immortal Venerables, and some are confident.

Ten thousand li The Middle Rank Peak Immortal Venerable in the mansion, with a dead white on his face, offended Emperor Heaven himself. This guy is famous for his ruthlessness. The Immortal Venerable of Wind and Rain Palace dare to kill. Attempting to threaten the other party is a death.

At the same time, gray robe Immortal Venerable hated that Gu Tianren.

If it weren’t for this guy, how could ten thousand li Hao Ting be like this, almost wiped out by others, causing them to be wiped out.

At this time, the heart that killed Gu Tianren was all there.

“Emperor Heaven, you dare to do it to me, believe it or not, you can’t get out of Wind and Rain Palace!” The black robe Deacon on the ground said resentfully.

Lin Fei flicked his finger, and ejected a blade light directly, killing the other person, a big head flew out, blood Fei Yang, “You dare … kill me!”

This guy’s consciousness was in the dark.

Lin Fei is the least threatening, nothing happens to the background pressure, this is not forcing me to kill you.

An idiot!

“You’ve seen it for so long, and when will you see it!”

Five people appeared in front of them, among them Gu Tianren, who was expressionlessly, and there was still a hint of hatred flashing deep in the pupil.

“You killed Wind and Rain Palace Deacon like this, have you thought about the consequences!” Mo Qiu Deacon said coldly, and his heart was cold.

The Deacon that was shot just now was the only thing Mo Qi hadn’t expected. Emperor Heaven was so killing. Wind and Rain Palace didn’t even look at it, they killed him with one stroke.

This is an Immortal Venerable!

Wind and Rain Palace Immortal Venerable is not a Chinese cabbage on the street either, kill one and lose one!

Mo Qiu Deacon didn’t dare to do anything. He had to open his face in order to maintain the face of Wind and Rain Palace, otherwise he thought Wind and Rain Palace was afraid of Emperor Heaven.

“If you don’t want to die, all stand aside.” Lin Fei gaze landed on Gu Tianren. “You are very good, really!”

Gu Tianren was looking hairy. “I’m from Gu Family, what do you want to do!”


Lin Fei reached out and grabbed Gu Tianren. He couldn’t resist and was caught in the sky. He slap and slap, Gu Tianren’s face was swollen.

“You dare to overcast me, I haven’t thought about it today!”

Working left and right, and two slaps down, Gu Tianren’s teeth were blown out.

“Gu Family, what a breath!”

Oh la la !

Lin Fei splits Gu Tianren’s arm. (To be continued.)

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