Lin Fei is in a bad mood this time!

I didn’t go to you, but instead you pitted against my head first, and who did not look for you?

Twelve War Generals also knows that the Master has a bad temper, and wonders whether he will have to start fiercely and clean up the other party, dare to make the Master angry because he is not suffering.

When Su Feng Immortal Venerable left, he mentioned where Gu Tianren was.

The intention is knowing.

Lin Fei doesn’t mind at all. He is so willful, is it good, no matter where you clean up before you talk, say it out of this tone.

That’s it, Lin Fei took twelve fierce guys out.

“He did go!”

When Lin Fei left, Su Feng Immortal Venerable appeared in another restaurant.

Su Feng Immortal Venerable has a hard time explaining who Emperor Heaven is.

“Gu Family, you may do not know, in order to target Emperor Heaven, obtain the Cultivation Technique in his hands and everything, I am afraid that it will be a disaster in the future!”

Theoretically, the collision between Emperor Heaven and Gu Family generally means that Gu Family will win.

The difference between the two strengths is too great!

“Saintess, where do we go next!” A black clothed woman emerged next to her, with a strange smell.

“Let’s go back!”

Su Feng Immortal Venerable plays a Medical Pill, which is an Experience Dan, “I want to retreat!”

The two Daoist shadows disappeared in the restaurant.


“Ten thousand li mansion!”

Lin Fei and his warlords will come to a main street and easily find what Su Feng Immortal Venerable says.

This is a pinhole.

As long as you have money, you can play anything here.

You can even play female Immortal Emperor!

Consumption is not low. Except for Clan Disciple, most people cannot afford it.

Not to mention anything else, when Lin Fei came, Divine Sense saw sixteen Immortal Emperor standing at the door.

The goalkeeper is Immortal Emperor!

And it’s all three steps Immortal Emperor, which is no small feat.

At least it’s daunting and dare not take any action.

“There is still some energy!” Lin Fei’s Divine Sense swept through the entire ten thousand li mansion again, and with his current Divine Sense strength, found out the overall strength of the ten thousand li mansion.

Five Immortal Venerable, two low rank Immortal Venerable, three Middle Rank Immortal Venerable, one of them Middle Rank Immortal Venerable Peak.

This strength is really powerful!

Su Feng Immortal Venerable is even more mentioned. There is Wind and Rain Palace Elder at the back of the ten thousand li mansion. The background is sky-high. Ordinary person will frown when he hears it, and dispel any courage.

“Master, is this here?”

Bao Mie is the most direct, “Would you like to fight!”

Visit the door, and let people come out, either Gentleman first, then villain, none of Twelve War Generals can do it.

A moment ago, when Divine Sense was swept away, Lin Fei found Gu Tianren’s trail. He seemed to be drinking at a party with a group of people, laughing at the sound of wind, and the completeness of Complete.

Lin Fei naturally figured it out, secretly using black hands to marry himself, clearly knowing that I am coming to Wind and Rain Palace, and dare to drink here, do you really think I dare not shoot?

“Call me in, no one has to give face!”

A ten thousand li mansion, Lin Fei really didn’t take it seriously.

The same goes for Wind and Rain Palace Elder at the back!

At this time, there is a big disaster, no one will be difficult for themselves, who let All Heavens and Myriad Realms have a hard time now.

“I come!”

Tiger Roar was the most excited, taking the first step first, and opening his mouth was a roar.

Terrifying’s sonic attack blasted to the gate of the ten thousand li mansion, and the power could spread.

“Who is ………”

Three steps Immortal Emperor secretly thought at the door was a bad voice, just about to exit, terrifying sonic attack came, and sixteen three steps Immortal Emperor vomited blood and fell to the ground.

oh la la ~~

The building at the door, the collapse of hong long long, dust Fei Yang.

The damage range extends constantly inside, and nothing can stop this sonic attack.

Suddenly, the door of the ten thousand li palace became a ruin. It was a mess, and it was terrible. I couldn’t see it before.

People coming and going on the main street, when looking at this scene, many Immortals are sucking in a breath of cold air. Who is this, who is so brave, he just opened the door of the ten thousand li mansion.

This is a face!

Who do not know ten thousand li The strength of the grand court.

The tiger roar was moved, and the ten thousand li mansion was up and down, and Rank 4 Immortal Emperor immediately flew out and yelled, “You are dead, dare to be in the ten thousand li mansion …”

~ snap ~ ~~

After finishing talking, Tiger Roar patted his hands directly, and took Rank 4 Immortal Emperor to the ruins.

“Gu Tianren, dare to marry my Master. Come out if you have the ability. Don’t hide it!”

Bao Mie’s voice was so loud that it was directly transmitted, and it was impossible to do not know.

Ten thousand li In a palace in the mansion, Gu Tianren is drinking with a group of Deacon disciple from Wind and Rain Palace.

I heard the movement outside and didn’t care.

ten thousand li The background of the palace is deep, and Immortal Venerable dare not come to find a place in this place, and there is no need to go back.

The next second, his name echoed in the ten thousand li court.

“It’s Emperor Heaven!”

Gu Tianren stood up awkwardly, and his face did not look very good.

At first, he flew out with a flick of a finger and was bombarded once. Gu Tianren’s memory is still fresh. There was a hint of jealousy in the depths of his eyes, and he had no courage to fight head-on.

“Old man, could it be the Emperor Heaven that killed us at Wind and Rain Palace?”

As mentioned earlier, Deacon disciple of Wind and Rain Palace are sitting.

Those who became Deacon at Wind and Rain Palace are all genius disciples close to Immortal Venerable, and will break through at any time to become Immortal Venerable, becoming the main battle strength in the palace.

Gu Tianren panicked at the name. When he heard the person in front of him speak, he had an idea in his heart, and bitterly said, “Brother Mo, the person outside should be Emperor Heaven. I didn’t expect this person to be so shameless. It came to you face to face, who I am, you should know, our Gu Family will never do such a thing! “

Mo Cong Immortal Emperor knows Gu Tianren ’s origins, and naturally understands that he will not do this kind of thing, and is also full of anger at Emperor Heaven. Trouble, now come to the door, this tone we help you out! “

“Emperor Heaven this child, must learn a lesson!”

“It’s best to take it down to the discipline hall and torture it to see if it killed our Immortal Venerable at Wind and Rain Palace!”

“Emperor Heaven is playing with fire and self-immolation, and dare to kill at Wind and Rain Palace!”

These Deacon disciple look down on Emperor Heaven from Mortal World.

Gu Tianren sneered, “Emperor Heaven, Emperor Heaven, see if you dare to take action and kill the people of Wind and Rain Palace, see what else you can do!”

Ten thousand li At the gate of the palace, seven or eight Rank 4 Immortal Emperors were killed one after another, not the enemy of Tigers Howling.

“No matter who your lord is, killing people here is best explained!”

In the depths of the ten thousand li, there were five Immortal Venerable heads, a gray robe Immortal Venerable, Middle Rank Immortal Venerable Peak battle strength, and the rank of Middle Rank Immortal Venerable Peak.

This is a preparation to oppress everyone.

As soon as the prestige was released, twelve dao prestiges were crushed and crushed, and even more savage, the five Immortal Venerables fell from the sky in a row, and then smashed into a ruin.

“Damn it, what a twelve Immortal Venerable!” (To be continued.)

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