Gu Tianren’s fleshly body was broken with one finger!

Gu Tianren’s body under Starry Sky was wrapped in mysterious power. Although the fleshly body was not broken, it was quickly reborn.

After recovering, Gu Tianren’s face was cold.

“Well, an Emperor Heaven, so ignoring our ancient clan!” Gu Tianren’s face was fierce, and there was a jerk in his eyes. “It is said that the slut Liu Ziyue really has an unclear relationship with Emperor Heaven. Now it seems true, this nasty little bitch … “

When he came, Gu Tianren had already thought about the countermeasures.

I expected myself there, and I was ejected by a finger of Emperor Heaven. The strength of the other side was a mess, and I had no resistance.

Gu Tianren really dare not go in now.

One finger smashed himself, and I really wanted to kill myself because it was a matter of eight-nine.

I dare not take any chances!

“You wait!”

Originally trying to solicit Emperor Heaven, now Gu Tianren has no way of thinking about it.


“Why are you doing this? You have set up a powerful enemy for yourself!”

Liu Ziyue’s beautiful eyes under his veil revealed a happy look, and then returned to normal, with a hint of helplessness in his tone, and did not want Emperor Heaven to do so.

Lin Fei didn’t care, “You also know my current situation, anyway, there are many enemies, and there are too many lice, and I don’t care about one or two. This Gu Tianren is very interesting. Can you tell me why?”

With the current strength, Lin Fei took the shot and wanted that person to die, and that person would surely die.

A subtle change was noticed in Gu Tianren just now.

Seal Power Complete mysterious!

Gu Tianren should have been smashed by the bomb just now, but now it is indeed wrapped in power, which is unusual.

“If you asked me this way before, I wouldn’t tell you. I’m afraid you’re too stressed. I’ll blame the little girl!” Liu Ziyue sneered. Several people can do this kind of domineering with a finger bomb! “

That being said, Lin Fei knows that the other party is not small.

“Gu Tianren is from Chaos Ancient Country!”

“The one who disappeared Chaos Ancient Country?” This, Lin Fei had read the books and had records in this regard. Even when he was in Chaos, he met the Chaos Giant.

“They didn’t disappear, they retired!” Liu Ziyue nod, “The backstage of the Heavenly Fortune Building has Chaos Ancient Country, and the ancient surname belongs to Chaos Heaven Kingdom, which belongs to the noble bloodline.”

“It’s not small at all!”

Now there is a Chaos Heaven Kingdom, Lin Fei has nothing to adapt to.

Such a thing Lin Fei had already guessed!

“You’re provoking another powerful enemy now!” Liu Ziyue didn’t want Emperor Heaven to do this from his heart. “However, you don’t take action against Gu Tianren, for fear that you won’t agree to anything that Gu Tianren can bring up, or you will offend the other party sooner or later! “

“Willn’t it be soliciting me?”

Lin Fei didn’t like Gu Tianren when he met from the beginning of the day.

“You guessed it, the Gu Family of Chaos Ancient Country wants to attract you and become their subordinates, making Great Heaven World an agent of their Gu Family!”

Lin Fei is now afraid of biting when there are more lice, especially at the Immortal Beast auction, because all forces want to bite themselves.

“They have a big appetite!” Lin Fei sneered. “Immortal Courtyard, Immortal Gate Major Sect, Two Palace are afraid to say such a thing, a Gu Family is really unusual, I thought I had such a good deal, early know just now, kill a few more times to relieve anger! “

Liu Ziyue puchi smiled, “Gu Tianren is coming to see you, it is really a wrong choice, and I also want to thank you, this guy in our Heavenly Fortune Building I do n’t know how many people hate gnashing teeth, now it is finally planted in You have it! “

Lin Fei’s heart moved, “so to speak, your Liu Family is in Heavenly Fortune Building, I’m afraid it will be a hard time!”

Chaos Ancient Country, originally in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, belonged to a super power. They were born in Chaos, including Chaos Fiendgod, Chaos Immortal, Chaos God Beast, fleshly body tyrannical terrifying, undying and unextinguished Starry Sky.

Now walking on All Heavens and Myriad Realms, it is not difficult to make Lin Fei think of Liu Ziyue’s situation.

“Don’t worry about this for the time being!” Liu Ziyue slightly smiled, “We Liu Family in Heavenly Fortune Building is not a small force, but one of the Ten Great Elders. If you are worried about me, the little girl will be flattered!”

Are you worried?

Lin Fei asks himself like this, doesn’t it?

After thinking about it, Lin Fei felt that he was worried about Liu Ziyue, otherwise he would not ask such a thing.

There are several wives in the family, and Lin Fei doesn’t want to provoke women anymore.

“We have been working together for so long, and I was worried that we could not continue to cooperate, that would be a big loss!” Lin Fei reluctantly found a reason.

Liu Ziyue lightly snorted, said in his heart, “The guy who speaks by heart!”

“We at Heavenly Fortune Building really want to have an in-depth cooperation with you!” Liu Ziyue revealed the savvy of another businessman. “However, before I represented my father, I wanted to cooperate with you in depth, do not know that you have a secret space. ? “

Lin Fei came to know Liu Ziyue with a purpose.

Without taking out Gu Tianren by himself, Lin Fei believes that there is a way for Liu Ziyue to propose this woman.

“no problem!”

Lin Fei waved and took Liu Ziyue into the World Master Stone Tower.

This is one of the tightest places.

No one but Paragon can enter this place.

“World Master Stone Tower, it’s a good place!” Liu Ziyue was not surprised, “father, you can come out!”

Liu Ziyue opened a portal behind him.

This portal is not large, so it is walking alone.

“Your Heavenly Fortune Building is rich. You have used Teleportation Portal!”

Lin Fei recognized it at a glance. This is the Teleportation Portal, which is expensive, and many disciples go out. They will bring a Teleportation Portal with them, and they will return to their World in danger.

The channels of the Teleportation Portal can only bear a certain amount of Realm power.

If the Realm is high, the price of the Teleportation Portal will constantly rise. Similar to the Teleportation Portal like Immortal Emperor, the price is extremely expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

“No matter how rich you are, I’m afraid it’s not as frustrating as you are!” Liu Ziyue replied.


In the portal, a black leather boot broke out of the realm and stepped on the World Master stone tower floor, followed by a tyrannical breath, immortal Venerable Realm.

A flowing middle age person finally came from the portal and appeared in front of Lin Fei.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, a long-awaited name, finally met today.” As soon as the middle age person appeared, Gaze stayed on Lin Fei, admired and looked, and arched.

“This is my father Liu Sansheng!”

“My fame is some notoriety, it is not worth mentioning, but I wanted to see the Three Saints Fellow Daoist for a long time!” Lin Fei also arched, Complete gave his face. (To be continued.)

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