Great Heaven World lacks Immortal Tool!

Immortal Venerable’s treasure is no need to worry, Devil’s Heart can get a lot of Immortal Venerable treasure.

I blackmailed some forces from the Immortal Courtyard and other forces last time, and there are still a lot of leftovers in my hand, which are still unavailable. Immortal Venerables under their hands all have Immortal Venerable treasures.

Ningchuan needs a lot of Immortal Tool this time!

Where can I find such good things as Immortal Tool with Immortal Beast?

Too expensive?

Then don’t buy it!

Lin Fei means very simple. I want Immortal Beast, but also High Rank Immortal Beast. For the time being, I can only exchange it with Immortal Tool, and I still want Middle Grade Immortal Tool.

“I can give you three days to think about it!”

This is the time Lin Fei gives them.

Gu’an Immortal Venerable and Qing’an Immortal Venerable and the others were called out, and each other was a hostile force, and coldly snorted left.

As for how to choose, that’s their business.


Immortal Courtyard As soon as they and the others left, someone wanted to meet outside.

Heavenly Fortune Building?

When I heard Heavenly Fortune Building met me, Lin Fei heard that Liu Ziyue was here. For this woman who has been working together, not at all is treated as a normal woman.

This is a woman with means.


Finding your own deal from the beginning is a more discerning person.

I heard it was from Heavenly Fortune Building, and Lin Fei brought it in.

Last time about the Field of War, I would also like to thank Heavenly Fortune Building for the materials, so that I can improve the strength, survive the crisis of Life and Death, and even open Devil Space, strength advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching a very high Level.

Even if Liu Ziyue of the Heavenly Fortune Building does not come, Lin Fei will have time to visit.

Here comes Liu Ziyue!

The person who came this time is not just Liu Ziyue alone.

This is what made Lin Fei a little surprised, and he glanced at will. This person accompanied by know Liu Ziyue, the strength is not weak, but he is also an Immortal Venerable. The most amazing thing is that within the body seals a powerful force.

The strength of this seal is very perfect. If it is not that strength has been improving, I am afraid that the presence of this seal strength will not be sensed.

This force exploded, and could sweep through many Immortal Venerable Experts, and could even cause a critical strike.

This young man is not easy!

All Heavens and Myriad Realms chaos appears, and this kind of person is not odd. During this time, Lin Fei also took a look at Liu Ziyue. The woman ’s strength had never been seen at first. Now Lin Fei can see through it. It is Immortal Venerable Realm. .

“Liu Fairy Maiden, long time no see!”


Lin Fei sat on the throne and smiled at Liu Ziyue.

Liu Ziyue is still a black clothed. This time, he was wearing a black veil, and he was courteous. “I haven’t seen you for a long time. You have become the prince of All Heavens and Myriad Realms. It is really hard to believe it is true.”

There are more than twenty Immortal Venerables under his control, of course, not including Immortal Venerable at Hairball, which is already a very powerful force in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Emperor Heaven has also become a prince!

“Singlehanded was tired before, it is not easy to master a Great World, and someone has to keep it. I’m just lucky. I am so ashamed of your praise!”

Ever since the news about Emperor Heaven was constantly coming out, Liu Ziyue has indeed been a bit unbelievable.

Emperor Heaven’s strength is progressing too fast!

Immortal Venerable Realm, which is difficult for others to break through, is as simple as drinking water on his hands, without any bottleneck trouble, and the evil spirits are abnormal.

The important thing is how to make one Immortal Venerable willing to join Great Heaven World.

This is what many people want to know.

Seeing Emperor Heaven again, Liu Ziyue’s emotional changes are exceptionally different. Now Emperor Heaven is already qualified to talk to father, and even All Heavens and Myriad Realms is really a big strength boss.

Emperor Heaven already has this strength to speak!

Especially this time the Immortal Beast Auction, Heavenly Fortune Building, which has always been famous, was also overwhelmed by Great Heaven World at this time.

Immortal Beast, this is not a Chinese cabbage on the ground, you can harvest a batch when you go in. Heavenly Fortune Building auctions Immortal Beast are scattered.

But this time Emperor Heaven has a big handwriting!

Heavenly Fortune Building High level has been shocked. When will Immortal Beast be available for wholesale, the important thing is High Rank Immortal Beast.

Liu Ziyue, who was familiar, was sent over.

Good luck, can you so much Immortal Venerable? Good luck, will Peerless Expert be the backer?

Liu Ziyue would not believe it.

“You are the Emperor Heaven of the famous All Heavens and Myriad Realms? I thought that with Three Heads Six Arms, it turned out to be nothing more than Mortal World!”

Liu Ziyue and Lin Fei had a good talk, but the young man next to him frowned and looked very displeased, interrupting the two directly.

Lin Fei frowned. “What are you, and you are also entitled to ask me that!”

With a group of Immortal Venerables, Lin Fei gradually became domineering. This brow lifted suddenly and an invincible coercion shrouded the young man.

ka ka ka

The powerful coercion blessed, and the young man’s body was almost crushed.

“Emperor Heaven, you dare to humiliate me!” The power of the young man within the body Immortal Venerable erupted, and a little Berserk’s power was released, and his eyes turned red instantly, “Do you know who I am!”

Liu Ziyue’s eyes flashed a glimmer of secret, thought secretly, “Emperor Heaven’s strength is so strong that it can be suppressed only by coercion!”

When this person first came, without any effort, they defeated many of the Immortal Venerable Experts of Heavenly Fortune Building, showing out of the ordinary strength, and Heavenly Fortune Building also drank three points.

Liu Ziyue seemed to take a breath.

“What qualifications do you have for me to know who you are!”


Lin Fei stood up in vain, and the momentum of the whole body soared into the sky, as if shattering through Starry Sky, the invincible pressure of assaults the senses, the young people who sent the pressure constantly sent out ~ snap ~ ~ snap ~.

Plop !

The crushed plop of the young man knelt on the ground.

Main Hall seemed to be shaking!

“I want to kill you, I must kill you!” The young man’s eyes were flushed, and the momentum of Berserk was about to blow away the coercion, but the momentum of these Berserk in front of the towering Gao Shan was not enough to mention.

Lin Fei’s strength is now approaching Paragon battle strength.

Light pressure is not something the other party can resist.

“Liu Fairy Maiden, your people don’t seem to be polite, and do not know respect and humility, so I shot and punished you, don’t you mind!” Lin Fei said with a smile.

As for the crushed young man kneeling down, he did not look at it.

Liu Ziyue’s eyebrows fluttered lightly, “Gu Tianren, you have to change your temperament, don’t forget, the person who leads this time is me, not you!”

There was a hint of anger in this remark.

As soon as the young man looked up, he shot cold light, “Liu Ziyue, don’t forget who you are. Without the support of will have you, your father will be where you are today. You actually help an outsider speak now!”


Another coercion struck.

The young man only felt heavy like a mountain, and his whole body was crushed to the ground, like a dead dog. When he looked up, he saw the people on the throne giving out invincible coercion.

“You are dismissed!”

When I saw a huge finger bouncing, the young man was bombed out, smashed the 1st Layer and Void, and fell out of Starry Sky.

“Dare you step into the first step and kill you!” (To be continued.)

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