Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 75 Oiran Liu Ruyan

Soon the two of them arrived on the eighth floor. There were quite a few people on the eighth floor, but they were obviously mostly dignitaries!

A group of beautiful women and some men. The women are all very beautiful and pretty good!

The quality is pretty good, and if it’s high grade, it’s usually not too bad!

However, Lin Fei looked down upon him. For a woman who could kill a hundred or ten thousand people, Lin Fei had no interest in it. He was just addicted to killing her!

Men are different, there are teenagers, fat men with big bellies, and old men in their seventies or eighties!

There are fat, thin, tall, short, handsome, ugly, and all kinds of weirdos. They all come here to be free and happy!

Lin Fei thought to himself: "Except for me, there doesn't seem to be anyone good!"

If others knew that Lin Fei thought this way, they would definitely scold Lin Fei for being extremely dirty!

From time to time, women and men would walk out and go up to the ninth floor. The ninth floor was for accommodation and rest. It was obvious what they were doing!

The woman on the stage in the middle is the oiran from the eighth floor. Her face is covered with a gauze veil, and there is almost a screen blocking her face, although her face cannot be seen clearly!

But I think as an oiran on the eighth floor, it shouldn’t be too bad!

The woman's proud figure, tall and straight breasts, slender waist, dancing gracefully!

Lin Fei even heard the sound of the man below spitting wildly!

What made Lin Fei even more speechless was that an old man in his seventies or eighties stood beside him, holding a wine glass and staring lewdly at the woman on the stage!

"Damn it, you are worthy of being a master, your sword is still young!"

"It's so disrespectful of me to come here to be carefree and happy at such an old age!"

Lin Fei thought secretly in his heart: "What if I accidentally burp my fart, but dying a happy death should be a relatively comfortable way to die!"

Qin Shou next to him was not much better, Lin Fei hit him with his arm!

"Brother Qin Shou, stop your saliva. The people downstairs will soon be drowned in your saliva!"

Qin Shou wiped his saliva and continued to watch intently!

Lin Fei felt a little bored at this time. It was too boring not to look at his face. Who knows what he looked like?

Lin Fei was leaning against the wall, and soon a woman came up to seduce him!

"Master, are you bored alone? Do you want me to accompany you?"

A very pretty woman walked towards Lin Fei. After all, Lin Fei was also a handsome young man!

Sixteen-year-old Lin Fei was leaning against the wall, with a smirk on his face and a sneer in his mouth!

It makes those women feel like they are willing to fall in, even though they are doing this for money!

But it is a blessing to be able to spend the night with a young man like Lin Fei. After all, it is much better than those old men or fat guys!

However, Lin Fei waved his hands seriously and said: "Exchanging experiences is fine, but understanding in depth is not necessary!

"After all, I have been keeping my integrity for more than ten years, and there is no way you can get me!"

The woman couldn't help but smile when she heard Lin Fei's words: "Young Master is so free and easy, that little girl can talk to him to pass the time!!"

Then he picked up the wine from the table next to him, poured a glass, and handed it to Lin Fei!

Lin Fei drank it down without any courtesy, and then discussed with the woman the origin of life and the reproduction of the race!

The woman was amused by Lin Fei and giggled. She found that Lin Fei was not serious at all, but he was not interested in his teasing at all!

"Could it be that this young master looks down on me? He seems to have too high a standard!"

Women are relatively confident in their looks, and few can compare with him except the oiran!

However, although Lin Fei was full of talk from beginning to end, he was indifferent!

In the end, the woman was accosted by another man and was taken away. Before leaving, she winked at Lin Fei and said, "Young master, come here often. My sister will accompany you next time!"

Lin Fei also blinked and replied: "Okay, beauty!"

The oiran on the stage also finished her performance at this time, and then walked out of the screen and said seductively, "Thank you all for your support. My little lady Liu Ruyan is very grateful!"

A group of pig brothers below started shouting excitedly!

"Miss Ruyan, take off your veil and let us take a good look at your appearance!"

Liu Ruyan said softly: "The little girl does her art but not her body. I hope all guests will forgive me. The little girl's appearance is only for those who are destined to see it!"

Lin Fei was speechless for a while: "A person who is destined to be rich is called a person who is destined to be rich!"

Then he pulled Qin Shou away, but Qin Shou looked like a pig and was a little reluctant to leave!

"Brother Qin Shou, you drank the flower wine and the girl watched it, that's about it. Don't be so worthless. Do you still want to spend the night here?"

Qin Shou smiled obscenely and said: "It's not impossible, I think this place is quite good!"

"Then just stay here by yourself, I don't even bother to be with you!"

"Brother Lin, I think you are more experienced than me. You can tell from a glance that you have been to this kind of place a lot, and you have the nerve to accuse me!"

Lin Fei said with a smile: "I am as guarded as a jade, and not a single leaf among thousands of flowers touches my body. Don't compare you with me!"

Qin Shou looked at Lin Fei speechlessly and said to himself: "Lin Fei is so good at pretending, I will just watch you pretend!"

At this time, several people came up from downstairs. Among them was a fat man weighing several hundred pounds, his eyes narrowed into slits!

Immediately, several women came to greet them, and Jiao Didi shouted: "Master Jin is late today."

The fat man is the illegitimate son of a Northern Song Dynasty general named Jin Yuan, and he seems to be a frequent visitor here!

At first glance, Lin Fei thought it was a meat ball rolling up!

Qin Shou next to him burst out laughing!

Jin Yuan said with an arrogant look: "Boy, why are you laughing? Are you looking for death?"

Lin Fei saw that the two guards behind the fat man were both at the third level of martial arts. It seemed that their family background was not simple!

"You can laugh if you want, it's none of your business, fat man!"

"Looking for death, teach that boy a lesson!"

The guard behind Jin Yuan walked out directly and jumped over to catch Qin Shou!

It's a pity that the guard underestimated Qin Shou and didn't catch him. Instead, he was hit by Qin Shou's monkey-stealing peach move!

He let out a scream and fell to the ground covering his crotch!

At this time, an enchanting woman came out, it was Aunt Liu, the proprietress of the store, and said charmingly: "You two gentlemen, please give me some face, don't make trouble here, okay?" "

The fat man snorted coldly: "For Aunt Liu's sake, I'll let you go today, but don't let me see you next time!"

At this time, the guard on the ground stood up with a pale face!

Qin Shou shrugged: "Then you must have that ability!"

Jin Yuan was so angry that his whole body was trembling. He didn't expect that such a brat would dare to challenge him!

The woman hurriedly came out to smooth things over, for fear that the two of them would argue again. A businessman would definitely not want to cause trouble in his shop!

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