Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 74 Wanhua Tower

Entering the imperial city, it was already evening, and the two of them walked to a place called Wanhua Tower!

The Wanhua Building is brightly lit. This building is nine stories high and decorated magnificently. There is also a group of beautiful women at the gate!

Lin Fei kept saying hello to passers-by. Of course Lin Fei knew where this place was, but he had no intention of going in!

But Qin Shou next to him was staring at this group of romantic women, unable to walk. Lin Fei saw this guy's expression!

Lin Fei said angrily: "Forget it if you haven't eaten meat in the sect, you haven't even seen a woman!"

Qin Shou looked at Lin Fei and nodded with a bitter look on his face!

Lin Fei slapped his head, what kind of sect is this!

""Is it possible that this guy is staying in a monk's temple? All the six majors are empty! ""

At this time two women came out! One person held their arms and shouted in a sweet voice:

"You two gentlemen, come in and have fun, our store has everything!"

Qin Shou couldn't resist the temptation and immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice!

"Okay, let's go in and take a look together, Brother Lin!"

Lin Fei had no choice but to go in with Qin Shou, and he happened to see what a brothel in another world was like!

There were a lot of people sitting on the first floor. It was cluttered, the sound was harsh, and it was quite confusing. Lin Fei frowned, feeling a little disappointed!

When the woman next to her saw Lin Fei's performance, she immediately understood it and led Lin Fei up the stairs!

"Sir, our store has nine floors. The first, fourth, and seventh floors are for eating, the second, fifth, and eighth floors are where the oirans and girls perform, and the third, sixth, and ninth floors are for resting!"

"But the higher you go up, the higher the consumption. Where do you two young masters plan to spend your money?"

The woman looked at Qin Shou lovingly, but Qin Shou looked at Lin Fei lovingly!

Lin Fei felt a chill and his hair stood on end!

"I'm not gay, don't look at me like this!"

Qin Shou pretended to be pitiful and said: "Brother, I am penniless. I can only rely on my eldest brother to spend money like water today!"

"Just because of this, you are really a tough cock, and you don't even get a hair out of it!"

Lin Fei was truly speechless with Qin Shou, and said domineeringly: "Go directly to the seventh floor and have a meal first!"

Qin Shou shamelessly echoed: "Big brother is so happy, little brother admires you!"

The two of them were taken to a large private room. Lin Fei casually ordered a table of delicious dishes. At this time, a group of women came in!

All of them are covered with gauze, all of them are slender and have watery eyes!

Qin Shou's eyes widened and his mouth watered. Lin Fei touched him with his arm!

Only when Qin Shou reacted did he realize that he had lost his composure, and quickly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve robe!

Lin Fei said angrily: "You are too worthless. The word "sex" has a knife on your head. I'm afraid you will easily die from women in the future!"

At this time, a graceful and plump woman in front of the group of women walked up and said with a chuckle: "These girls are here to perform their talents. I wonder if the two gentlemen are satisfied?"

Lin Fei said calmly: "It's okay, but the veil is in the way. Just take it off. It's boring if you can't see your face!"

The woman said softly and gently: "Yes, yes, but the price will be doubled for the higher level. Moreover, these girls are not selling their bodies, so please bear with me, sir!"

Lin Fei said disdainfully in his heart: "It's all nonsense to be an artist but not a person. If you become a bitch, you shouldn't build a memorial arch!"

All the women have taken off their veils, and all of them have beautiful faces. Although they are not stunningly beautiful, overall they are passable!

In the end, Lin Fei paid 5,000 low-grade Yuan stones. Although it was a bit expensive, Lin Fei didn't care!

Since you want to play, you have to have fun. It’s also good to relax once in a while!

Lin Fei waved his hand!

"Okay, you go down first!"

Two women came up to drink with them, and the rest danced to entertain them, which was quite enjoyable for Lin Fei!

These women are good at singing and dancing, and the looming skin under the tulle is even more exciting!

Qin Shou was staring straight at him!

The woman poured wine for him, and when Qin Shou took it, he touched his little hand and was reluctant to let go!

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile. This guy was too hopeless. It looked like he had never been to a place like this!

Although Lin Fei had never been to a place like this when he traveled back in time, Lin Fei in his previous life had been nurtured a lot!

He directly hugged the woman next to him, asked her to sit on him, took the wine glass and drank it all!

The woman did not resist, but fell directly into Lin Fei's arms. This made Qin Shou think in his heart that Lin Fei still knew how to play!

So he followed Lin Fei's example and hugged the woman next to him. The woman also didn't resist!

Lin Fei's hands were not idle. Although he was not interested in these romantic women, Lin Fei did not resist the cuddling and touching, and would pinch them from time to time!

It was good to be addicted to handjobs. Lin Fei made the woman in his arms look so affectionate that she wanted to push Lin Fei away shyly!

He said softly: "Young master, please respect yourself. I don't want to sell my body when I'm a little girl!"

Lin Fei took out a large handful of Yuan stones and placed them on the table!

"Don't worry, I won't let you sell yourself, I just want you to drink with me!"

The woman saw a large handful of primeval stones on the table and took a quick look, almost two hundred of them!

Immediately, I stopped struggling. The tips from the guests belong to them. When you meet such a generous host like Lin Fei!

Of course, I couldn't offend him. It didn't matter if I was taken advantage of anyway. I poured a glass of wine for Lin Fei and gently handed it to Lin Fei's mouth!

Lin Fei laughed loudly and drank it all in one gulp. The flower wine is delicious!

Qin Shou also saw Lin Fei's actions!

"Holy shit, Brother Lin, this is okay!" He said and gave Lin Fei a thumbs up!

The woman next to Qin Shou looked at the yuan stone in front of Lin Fei with envy, and looked at Qin Shou affectionately, hoping that Qin Shou could be so generous!

Qin Shou didn't know whether he really didn't have the Yuan Stone or was just being stingy, but he looked at Lin Fei embarrassedly!

"Brother Lin, what do you say? Let me borrow some Yuanshi Huahua!"

Lin Fei didn't waste any time and just threw the Yuan Stone over!

"What's the excuse between us? I'll treat you to a drink today. Remember, you owe me a favor, haha!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, continuing to enjoy the dancing of the women!

Accompanied by beauties, enjoying fine wines and delicacies, and a group of women performing their talents, the two of them exchange glasses, how happy they are!

Such a luxurious life is a man’s dream!

Lin Fei sighed, "It's a pity that she can't enjoy it all the time. There are two beauties waiting for her. She needs more strength!"

"But if you indulge yourself occasionally, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

A few hours passed quickly!

"Brother Qin Shou, it's almost time to leave. You should have enjoyed enough!"

Qin Shou is still a little reluctant to leave!

Lin Fei said with a smile: "If you don't want to leave, let's go to the eighth floor to see what kind of beauty the oiran looks like. If you like it, Brother Qin Shou can spend a night here! Haha!"

Qin Shou said a little embarrassedly: "That's not good, I'm not that kind of person!"

"Haha, brother Qin Shou, stop pretending to be innocent!!"

With that said, Lin Fei took Qin Shou and they went to the eighth floor!

Before leaving, Lin Fei also took out a pile of low-grade Yuan stones, about a thousand of them, and rewarded these women!

The women bowed and saluted one after another!

"Thank you, sir, for the reward."

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