Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 43 Threaten Lin Fei

Lin Fei, who was following behind, scanned the information about Xia Wenshan and Xia Yuanzheng with his insightful eyes!

"Xia Wenshan, a five-star Martial Master, uses the Holy Dragon Art "Heaven-level High-Grade Kung Fu". This technique is exclusive to the royal family of the Eastern Xia Dynasty!"

"Xia Yuanzheng, Seven-Star Martial King, his technique is also the Holy Dragon Art!"

Xia Wenshan is quite hidden. According to outside rumors, he is a four-star martial master. Xia Yuanzheng is also very strong and is already a seven-star martial king!

No wonder Lin Fei felt an indescribable aura in him. It turned out that he was of royal blood, and it was normal to have the aura of a person who was born to be superior!

However, the strength of Xia Wenshan's five-star martial master was a bit beyond Lin Fei's expectation, because every time the realm of martial master increases by one star, the strength will be several times stronger!

Fortunately, after Lin Fei destroyed the Yun family, his strength increased a lot!

Although Xia Wenshan is strong, Lin Fei is not afraid of him. Now that he has all his cards, even if he is not a five-star martial arts opponent, the opponent will not be able to take advantage!

Soon they arrived at the city lord's courtyard. The city lord had prepared sumptuous dishes and wine, and Lin Fei and his party sat down!

Xia Wenshan asked politely: "Brother Lin Fei, he is famous in Yunjiang City in the first battle. The old guy from the Yun family is a three-star martial master. Almost all the strong men from the Yun family were killed or injured in your hands!"

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said: "Your Majesty, the city lord has given you the reward. I was just lucky. I risked my life to destroy the Yun family!"

"I don't offend anyone unless they offend me. If they dare to offend my woman, I do it to protect myself!

The Yun family was forcing each other, and I had no choice, so I had no choice but to kill him directly and get rid of him once and for all! "

Xia Wenshan echoed: "It's true. The old guy from the Yun family has indulged and doted on his grandson over the years, and he has done countless things like bullying men, dominating women, and doing bastard things!"

"Brother Lin Fei can be regarded as a major scourge in Yunjiang City. I don't know how many people in Yunjiang City applauded!"

Lin Fei always felt that Xia Wenshan was a bit hypocritical, so he said straight to the point:

"I don't know what the city lord has to do with this boy. Could it be that I have offended something in Yunjiang City!"

Xia Wenshan waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, no, I just see that little brother Lin Fei is young and promising, and I want to make some friends!"

"I wonder which sect my little brother comes from and where he comes from?"

Xia Wenshan just wanted to find out the details of Lin Fei. After all, being able to kill King Wu at such a young age was not something ordinary people could do. He must have a rich background or a powerful sect behind him!

Lin Fei sneered in his heart, knowing that he wanted to test his true identity!

However, Lin Fei did not hide anything and said directly: "No, we are all from Tianfeng City and went to the Imperial City to participate in the competition!"

Because these things cannot be hidden, as long as you take the time to investigate, you can always find out, so Lin Fei simply said it openly!

Xia Yuanzheng said disdainfully: "How is it possible? Tianfeng City is just a small place, many times worse than my Yunjiang City!"

Xia Wenshan shouted: "Yuan Zheng, don't be rude! Tianfeng City is indeed a place with beautiful scenery and talented people!"

Xia Yuanzheng was told the truth by his father and did not dare to say any more!

He said to Lin Fei: "Little brother, I want to ask you for anything!"

"You and I join forces to destroy the Jiang family, and I will retaliate afterwards. How about that?"

Lin Fei smiled in his heart and said, Xia Wenshan's ambition is not small, he wants to dominate the Yunjiang City!

Lin Fei's face remained unchanged and he said: "The Jiang family has no grievances, and I will not join forces with the city lord!"

"Besides, with the strength of the city lord's five-star martial master, it's not a big problem to destroy the Jiang family alone. Why do you need my help?"

Xia Wenshan was a little shocked that Lin Fei could actually see his state!

So he said: "The old guy from the Jiang family is also very powerful. If we fight hard, the strength of my city lord's mansion will also suffer heavy losses!"

"So I need help from my little brothers. You can put forward any conditions you want!"

Lin Fei directly refused and said: "Lord City Lord, I have my own choice, and I take it with my heart!"

At this time, Xia Yuanzheng couldn't help but speak, and said arrogantly: "Lin Fei, give you some face, you just come from a small place in Tianfeng City!"

"Believe it or not, you will not be able to leave the City Lord's Mansion today, and I will send people to Tianfeng City to destroy your family!"

Lin Fei smiled coldly and said: "Is this what the Lord of the City means? If I don't agree, I will force you to stay!"

Xia Wenshan smiled hypocritically and said: "Maybe you can escape yourself, but the few friends behind you may not!"

Lin Fei also smiled and said: "City Lord Xia's surname is Xia, right? Judging from the aura on your body, you should be of royal blood!

He is considered a relative of the emperor, so there is no need to covet Yunjiang City. Besides, the fact that I dare to come shows that I have nothing to fear! "

"If you don't believe me, the city lord can give it a try, but if you really fall out, the city lord should think about whether the price is worth it for you!"

Xia Wenshan was surprised that Lin Fei could even tell that he was of royal blood. No one in Yunjiang City knew about this, so he didn't know how Lin Fei could tell!

He just smiled and said: "The royal war is the cruelest thing, so I stay away from the imperial city. It's good to be free and happy in this place!"

"Since little brother Lin Fei is so confident, how about we compare notes!"

Lin Fei stood up domineeringly and said: "Okay, please give me the guidance of the city lord as a junior!"

Lin Fei flew directly into the sky, and Xia Wenshan also flew up. He was afraid that the battle would affect the city lord's palace, and the powerful aura from his body was exuding!

Suppressing Lin Fei, Chen Ling'er and others below looked at Xia Wenshan's powerful momentum and couldn't help but worry about Lin Fei!

But there's nothing to worry about. They can't get involved in a battle of this level. However, Chen Ling'er is more determined to practice hard and doesn't want to hold Lin Fei back in the future!

The powerful momentum did not have any impact on Lin Fei!

Lin Fei directly used his magical power to be violent, but he did not use the immortal golden body. After all, he had to keep a trump card, and his power was directly increased tenfold!

As the nine-star martial arts king Lin Fei, his current momentum is not much weaker than Xia Wenshan!

A trace of passion flashed in Xia Wenshan's eyes. No wonder Lin Fei had the confidence to challenge him. He had such a trump card!

There must be a big secret in this kid, it would be great if he could get it!

So he directly tested it, and the Mad Dragon Palm carried powerful real energy and hit Lin Fei. Lin Fei was not afraid at all!

Directly use the nine-star combo to use Yang Finger, preparing to teach Xia Wenshan a lesson and let him know that he is not easy to mess with!

The Yiyang Finger clicked out nine times in an instant. Although Xia Wenshan was a five-star martial master, the Yiyang Finger, which could superimpose power, broke his Mad Dragon Palm in the first three times!

Xia Wenshan's face was a little moved when he saw Lin Fei shoot out nine rays of true essence with his Yang finger. Although he was just testing it, the first three rays of true essence quickly neutralized his attack!

Moreover, there were six paths of true energy, each one seemed to be stronger than the last. Xia Wenshan did not dare to take it lightly, and used all his methods to block them all!

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