After finishing his meal, Lin Fei shamelessly entered Chen Ling'er's room!

Chen Ling'er pushed Lin Fei hard to let him out, but Lin Fei refused to leave, leaving Chen Ling'er a little helpless!

In the end, Lin Fei got what he wanted and hugged the beautiful woman and fell asleep, feeling happy and painful. Except for the last step, Lin Fei had been done!

It's a pity that Lin Fei is also very depressed even if he can't do that!

Finally, I fell asleep and had a wonderful dream!

It was almost noon when Chen Ling'er woke up and found Lin Fei lying there on his side, his palms still in his clothes, a lustful smile on his lips, and drooling a lot!

Helplessly, he took Lin Fei's hand away and got up to wash up!

Not long after, Lin Fei felt that something was missing from his hand, and he woke up and looked at the drool dripping from the corner of his mouth!

I quickly wiped it with my clothes. I couldn't help but blush. It was so embarrassing that my saliva was drooling in my dream!

At this time, Lin Fei clicked on the system page to check his attributes!

Host: Lin Fei

Level: Nine-star Martial King

Experience: 1200000/9000000

Kung Fu: God of Killing Technique "God-level Kung Fu, currently the blood body of killing has been condensed, and the next stage of killing is awakening"

Weapon: Blood-drinking magic knife "Heaven-level low-grade, can be upgraded"

Martial Arts: Phantom Xiaoyao "High-grade Earth Level", Lingbo Weibu "Low-grade Heaven-Level", Lion's Roar "High-grade Earth-Level", San Sangui Yuan Qi "High-grade Earth-Level"

One yang refers to "low-grade heaven level", Bahuang Liuhe Zhang "high-grade earth level", Shura's sword slash "low-grade heaven level", nine-star combo "high-grade heaven level"

Drawing the sword "Special martial arts, after use, an invisible sword energy is formed, which increases the attack power by five times and has a 30% chance of instant kill"

Sub-professional: Alchemist level 6 "Proficiency 15000/100000"

Supernatural power: Fury "Increase strength by 10 times within one hour, gain three times experience by killing enemies, cooldown time is one day"

The Immortal Golden Body "can withstand the attacks of two warriors in the great realm within one hour"

Gold coins: 38 million

Seeing that more and more experience points are needed for upgrading, Lin Fei's head feels a bit big. Fortunately, the system is not picky. Taking pills and yuan stones can increase experience!

In addition, the God of Killing Technique operates automatically, and the increase in experience is not slow. If you practice it independently, the experience will be increased faster and more!

Lin Fei looked inside at the blood-slaughtered body in his dantian and found that his eyes were still closed, showing no signs of opening!

However, there was more and more blood surrounding his body, and the killing aura became stronger. Lin Fei's physical strength also increased a lot!

Lin Fei estimated that he could fight against the Five-Star Martial King based on his physical strength alone!

Although the physical strength cannot catch up with his own realm now, the Killing God Art has continued to temper his body. As he gains more blood later, I believe that it will not be difficult for the physical strength to catch up with his own realm or even surpass his own realm!

At this time, Chen Ling'er had washed up and saw Lin Fei in a daze, so she called Lin Fei!

Lin Fei came back to his senses and didn't think too much. With the existence of the system, it would be a matter of time for him to become a peerless powerhouse!

Chen Ling'er stepped forward to tidy up Lin Fei's clothes gently, and laughed at Lin Fei: "It's a shame to drool while sleeping!"

Lin Fei said with a bad smile: "Because I dreamed about my Ling'er in the dream. It can't be done in reality, but it can be done in the dream!"

"Do you want me to tell you the specific content, haha!"

Chen Ling'er said shyly: "Lin Fei, why are you not serious at all? Stop making trouble, it's time to go to the City Lord's Mansion later!"

Lin Fei slapped his head and almost forgot about it, so he kissed Chen Ling'er again!

Satisfied, she pulled Chen Ling'er out of the room. Lin Feng and others were waiting downstairs early!

Seeing Lin Fei and the others coming down, Lin Feng and Chen Shuai smiled obscenely and said, "Lin Fei, how was your rest yesterday!"

Chen Linger's thin-skinned face instantly turned red, and she quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, nothing happened between Lin Fei and me!"

Lin Fei interrupted Chen Ling'er and said: "I must have a good rest and feel refreshed, unlike you singles who are envious and jealous!

Ha ha! "

Chen Ling'er hit Lin Fei hard with her pink fist. Lin Fei pretended not to feel it and continued to brag!

Later, Chen Ling'er had no choice but to pinch the flesh of Lin Fei's waist hard, and Lin Fei screamed in pain!

She also closed her mouth. All women can do this, even someone as gentle as Chen Ling'er!

I have no choice but to be honest, for fear of making Chen Ling'er angry again, I will give him another blow. Although it doesn't hurt much, it is actually Lin Fei who is pretending!

With that said, the group of people rushed to the City Lord's Mansion under the leadership of the shopkeeper, and soon arrived outside the gate of the City Lord's Mansion!

The City Lord's Mansion looked majestic and heavily guarded at first glance. The guards at the door stopped a group of people!

He said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner: "No idlers are allowed in, the city lord's mansion is hosting distinguished guests today!"

The shopkeeper was startled, fearing that he would offend Lin Fei and make a scene here, which would embarrass him!

So he quickly said: "This is the guest invited by the city lord. Get out of the way quickly and don't neglect the guest!"

The guards also knew the shopkeeper. After hearing what he said, they quietly stepped aside and stopped blocking them. One of them ran into the house. It seemed that he should have gone in to report!

Lin Fei nodded with satisfaction when he saw the quality of the guard. The city lord was very resourceful, unlike some of the guards at the gates of some families who were so arrogant!

Not long after Lin Fei walked in, a middle-aged man with an elegant look walked out with his servants. He had an indescribable aura about him!

Lin Fei thought that this might be a sign of being at the top for a long time, so he didn't think much about it!

Behind him was an imposing young man who looked somewhat similar to the city lord. He should be his son!

When the middle-aged man saw Lin Fei, he asked politely: "Xia Wenshan, I don't know what to call my little brother!

The person behind you is Xia Yuanzheng, the dog. You are all young people and can communicate well! "

Xia Yuanzheng nodded politely!

Seeing how polite the other party was, Lin Fei said in a friendly manner: "You're welcome, Lord City Lord, just call me Lin Fei!"

Then he introduced Chen Linger and others one by one!

But seeing Xia Yuanzheng staring at Chen Ling'er, Lin Fei looked a little unhappy!

He cursed in his heart: "Made, when you look at my wife with a pretty face like this, you think I don't exist!"

If the other party hadn't been so polite, Lin Fei would have turned against him long ago!

Xia Wenshao noticed that his son was abnormal, so he coughed and said quickly: "Don't be here now. There is a banquet set up inside. Let's go in and have a chat!"

Xia Yuanzheng also reacted and realized that his behavior was a bit rude, so he withdrew his gaze in time!

Seeing that Xia Yuan was so knowledgeable, Lin Fei didn't bother to care. Who made his daughter-in-law look so beautiful?

So the group of people followed the city lord in!

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