Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 984: Strong epiphysis

The ossuary, the seventh super arrogant in the bone family, is quite scary. Even the bone son, he has fought a battle. Although he failed to win, he escaped safely.

It is said that the bone crest not only relied on their talents to exercise their physical strength to the limit of the immortal king realm, but also practiced magical powers to make up for the deficiencies of most bone monks.

Compared with the Snake-Bone King, Bone Xia's flow is too strong.

He was still in the 14th district of Fuyunhai. Later, he heard that Lin Lang was called the Bangu tribe in Luo Xingxing, and rushed to the night, killing Luo Xing in one breath.

It can be seen how strong he is in killing Lin Lang, so the result of this battle must be that only one can survive between Lin Lang and him.

"It was not easy to find you once, hiding from the Tibetan mole rat in the east." After the epiphysis came, he flung the cloak behind him, exposing the crystal-like bones inside.

"Come and die."

The epiphysis itself is also a fairly arrogant person. Even if the consumption is not small under repeated hurries, it still invites the battle with the attitude of a slapstick.

"What's wrong, then fight, and the grudges of you and me will also be cut off!" Lin Lang was fearless and his consumption was not light, but since his bones appeared, he had to fight.

Now that he has the strength to challenge the quasi-son, how can he cowardly avoid war? This is not his character.

"You are really looking for death."

The cold light flickered in the epiphyseal eyes, and he lifted his feet and stomped hard. The vicinity was like the sky falling apart, the mountains trembled, and the beasts were frightened.

next moment.

The epiphysis rose into the air and shot down with a heavy palm to the top of Lin Lang's head.

Lin Lang's complexion remained unchanged, and the palms of his hands were filled with heat waves, his hands turned into flame arms, and he struck forward at the same time.

The two ran into each other without fancy action, followed by a loud deafening noise.


Both were exhausted, and they also possessed the physical strength of the immortal king's realm. At this moment, they collided together, as if they were two ancient immovable stones.

At the same time when they couldn't do anything about each other, they were shocked. Lin Lang could vaguely feel that his arms were full of swollen and numbness.

Although it is also a quasi-son level, the physical strength is close to the limit of the fairy king, but the bone crest seems to be a little stronger than the limit state.

However, it is this insignificant trace, which is enough to affect the war situation, making Lin Lang into a disadvantage on the physical collision.

On the other hand, from the beginning to the end, the Vietnam War became more and more brave, as if the fists cast by stainless steel kept falling, forcing Lin Lang to step back.

The physical body does not have an advantage, and Lin Lang naturally cannot continue to waste his energy. He turned his thoughts, flipped his fingers, and began to use Yinjue.

Colorful clouds rise in the sky, surrounded by colorful clouds, Lin Lang sits between the colorful clouds, raising hands to become wind, covering the rain and rain.

"Be windy."

Lin Lang whispered softly, the wind whizzed up, rolled up to a height of ten feet, and the clouds that were originally peaceful suddenly burst, and each cloud turned into a set of hurricanes, howling away.

The epiphysis was surrounded by the storm and stood at the wind mouth. The wind blade scraped his body surface. Rao was his flesh comparable to the sacred artifact, but still left a shallow mark on the surface of the bone.

He stomped forward, and the hurricane was stepped down by him, but there were more storms in the rear.

"It's going to rain."

Lin Langduan sat on the top of the cloud, more like the ancient **** who controlled the four seasons. He turned his hands and poured heavy rain to fill the entire sky, accompanied by the sound of wind and rain, and the lightning flashed.

The heavy rain poured down, every drop was terrible corrosive, and a bunch of green smoke came out from the bones, even his bones could be corroded.

"So weird."

The epiphysis was also very careful at this time. Although the damage caused by the rain and hurricane was limited, it could not hold up for a long time.

At that time, I was afraid that he hadn't killed Lin Lang before, and his bones were half melted.

He stepped out step by step, avoiding the rain as much as possible, while at the same time punching a piece of rune paper in his hand, branding the next inscription in the void.

And at this time.

The outermost periosteum of his body had been corroded and the rain began to melt his true body.

"Small tricks, but also match my real body?" Pao Pai a short while, the bones suddenly sneered.

He moved his handprints, and each piece of rune paper in the void turned into a golden thread of the sky, which was woven into a net in an instant and quickly lifted off.

Strangely, this gold net obviously has many gaps, but the paved plane can block the rain. When the gold net floats into the air, the bones are pinched and the gold net bursts.

The colorful clouds under Lin Lang's seat were also impacted and collapsed.

However, this was in Lin Lang's expectation. If the skeletal can't even break his first magical power, it's not worthy of occupying the position of the seventh immortal king of the bone clan all year round.

Hold the mountain seal.

Without a pause, Lin Lang embossed a mountain seal, the mountains overlapped, and the mountains that covered the sky fell from the sky.

"It is this kind of holy art, the appearance is no different from that of Taikoo Shenshan. It should be a supernatural power copied by a powerful person of the human race with reference to Taikoo Shenshan."

"If there is no top holy spell nearby, he will definitely lose this battle."

Monks talked all around.

"How is it possible that as a quasi-son with a face and face in the underworld, how could there be no top-level holy art on his body? Even if he masters two top-level holy arts at the same time, that's not surprising."

Many people curiously looked at the Baoshan Seal exhibited by Lin Langshi.

There are even a few human races that have begun to wait until the end of the battle to see if they can get this holy art from Lin Lang.

The god-like mountain shadow formed by Baoshanyin came down, but saw that the epiphysis lifted the right leg, and the color of the right leg bone became more reddish, like a red iron rod, exuding an amazing temperature.

"Red legs, one of the most advanced holy arts of the bones, basically the magical powers that the saints of all ages will practice." Someone in the underworld soon recognized the magical powers that the bones cast.

"It is said that 300,000 years ago, a bone-type demon smashed the golden body of a Buddhist monk with one leg.

Just as everyone was talking.

The epiphysis's right leg suddenly swelled a hundredfold, like a Taikoo giant, and kicked heavily towards Taikoo Mountain, which was falling rapidly.


With a thunderous noise, everyone could only see that a thick right foot kicked on Taikoo Shenshan, and the latter was only stable for a moment.

Immediately after that, cracks visible to the naked eye appeared and began to crack rapidly.


The rocks were rolling and the mountain fell!

Then, at this opportunity, the epiphysis bullied himself, attempting to fight close with Lin Lang. Lin Lang reacted faster and his magical power was broken. At the same time, he retreated quickly, and his palms were printed again.

The empty sound of the zen-like sound sounded, and the six-character mantra of the Buddha loomed in the void. At the same time, outside the distant sky, a palm covering the sky fell from the sky.

Days to India!

"This is Emperor Buddhism, why did he cultivate the magical power of Buddhism!" Exclaimed Tianjiao, another side.

The Buddhist magical powers are very recognizable, especially the Dayan Rulai Yin. It is also the Buddhist monk's signature emperor art, and only the Buddhist Emperor has been qualified to practice.

And it won't be transmitted at all.

It's no wonder that the immortal world Tianjiao saw a ghost-like expression. Buddhism has always attached the utmost importance to its family heritage. It is not the Buddhism people who have shaved their hair, and it is impossible to get the magical power of Buddhism.

Moreover, how is emperor art practiced so well? Looking at the world, in addition to the Emperor Xian, only the priestly child Tianjiao can barely perform emperor skills.

right now.

Emperor Shu appeared in the hands of a junior fairy king, how to not shock them.

"No, his imperial art is deficient. Maybe it's because of the realm. The Sun Riyalian he exhibited is not so powerful."

Someone found this problem carefully, but then someone sneered, and said, "Even if it is incomplete, it is also Emperor's art, how can it be comparable to top-level Holy Art."

"I think this time, even if the bone marrow has lost its combat power."

The voice fell.

The wide and heavy bergamot in the sky was slammed down, and the skeletal bones were close to the enemy, and the palms of the hands were buckled together, calling out a small ancient tripod.

This is a quasi-emperor tool, the so-called quasi-emperor tool, which is a kind of spiritual tool that fails to cross the eternal device, between the emperor tool and the sacred tool.

Of course, this does not mean that the power of the quasi-emperor must be greater than that of the sacred weapon. On the contrary, the quasi-emperor is the most powerful weapon, sometimes the power of aura is comparable to that of the emperor, and sometimes it is like broken copper and iron. , Injecting spiritual power can not exert any power.

Generally, even monks with quasi-emperor weapons will not use them, unless they are in danger of life and death, self-explosion of quasi-sacred tools is the most effective means.

This was the idea for the ossuary. He was holding a quasi-emperor, and at the same time, he was performing another holy art he had mastered.

Along with the movements of the epiphysis, Zhundi Xiaoding danced with the epiphysis. At this moment, the power also bloomed, and the light was overflowing, colliding with the bergamot in the sky.


In one shot, the sky collapsed!

The area of ​​tens of thousands of miles turned into a piece of scorched earth, and the pyrocrystalline ore at the foot was also instantly dissolved and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

As for the ground, under the collision of the two supernatural powers, it was bombarded with a bottomless pit, which was tens of thousands of meters deep.

A blow of power is so horrible. This is the Luo Xingxing who is still recovering, and the spirit is tyrannical, otherwise, any star will be cut.

Although a group of Tianjiao stood on a distant mountain top, a few hundred meters away was still regarded as the center of the explosion. They naturally did not dare to resist and fled away.

But there were still a few unlucky eggs, who were swept away by the aftermath of this blow and died instantly. There is also a quasi-son of the fairyland, who was too late to dodge and was seriously injured.

The power of Ruth India is evident.

After the Tianjiao felt the power of the Emperor's power dissipated, they turned around and gazed, only to see the deep pit in the ground where the bone wolverine crawled out, and the bones all over their bodies were broken into several pieces, pieced together, and then re- Recovery.

However, almost every bone of his body has been broken, forcibly gathered and covered with cracks, and the left leg is shorter than the right leg by the length of the thumb.

In one blow, the epiphysis was seriously injured.

And the other side.

Lin Lang fell from the sky and slammed heavily on the ground. His body was rotten and scorched.

It seems no big problem, but only Lin Lang himself knows that under the recent supernatural power confrontation, the backwash of emperor's art, and the top alchemy exhibited by the ossuary with quasi-emperor implements.

He himself was severely wounded and unable to heal himself.

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