Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 983: Tiger Wolf Heart

Lin Lang grabbed the pink orb in his hand and looked it up carefully, but found no abnormalities and no life fluctuations.

That is to say, Gu Xia has completely died, but I don't know why, after he died, he would condense into a sphere.

Lin Lang hasn't killed the Bone tribe. Generally speaking, as long as the fire of life dissipates, the bone monk basically declares death, and will not condense into a ball.

The only possibility is that Guxia has an unusual origin and is likely to be different from other bone families.

This bead can be left behind, and I will study it later when I have time.

Although Gu Xia could not feel the life fluctuations of Lin Xia, Lin Lang was still uneasy. After setting a few heavy bans, this was put into the space spiritual ring.

And his move.

However, the members of the bone clan who watched the battle were anxious, and immediately a bone clan quasi-tianjiao jumped out.

"Give up Kasumi or die."

The quasi-son of the bone clan spoke coldly.

"Have you forgotten who died in the hands of Gu Xia? Or do you think that there is still room for peace between me and the bone clan."

Lin Lang looked at the latter as if he were mentally retarded.

"If you don't, you die!"

This bone clan quasi-tianjiao is not a lot of people. His voice fell and he attacked Lin Lang.

Lin Lang had just killed Gu Xia, and he was in a state of vigorous combat. He took a step forward, flipped his palms, urged the golden elephant fist, and hit thirty-six punches in an instant.

Looking around, the sky is full of dense boxing shadows. Even though the bone tribe Tianjiao is on guard, Lin Lang's fist is too fast, and he can barely resist it.

Boom boom!

Thirty-six punches fell in the blink of an eye, and the bone clan Tianjiao made a big step backwards. Only with the force of parry, he could not fight back.

Lin Lang chased over, and the power of the Golden Elephant Boxing was completely unfolded. One punch was more fierce than one. The hot fist was like a volcanic eruption with immense power.

The bone clan quasi-tianjiao retreated back and forth until Lin Lang's 67th fist fell, and he had thrown away heavily, such as a broken kite, smashing a huge deep hole in the ground.

The same is the quasi-children Tianjiao, but there is still a certain difference in combat effectiveness. For example, the bone tribe Tianjiao is the weakest approved saint, and it can only reach this level.

And like the bones, they have approached the Son infinitely, and can even fight against the Son for a period of time.

This is the gap.

Of course, it is not so easy to reach the level of the Holy Son. The level of the quasi-son is physical, and any of the magical powers and avenues reaches the limit level of the fairy kingdom.

The Sage, however, is comprehensive in all aspects, and each one is cultivated to the extreme of the immortal king's realm. Some talents are already destined, but you can't be promoted by hard work.

Only the realm can be promoted by the process of penance, and more importantly, spirituality and opportunity.


Until then.

The quasi-son of the bone clan was not badly injured, and his mind was awakened.

He finally realized that Lin Lang can kill Gu Xia, and his strength is not covered. Although he ranks in the bone family, he is still a bit worse than Gu Xia Lin Lang.

"Give up Kasumi."

The bone clan's quasi-son is still this sentence, but his eyes have been staring at Lin Lang with vigilance, he didn't take another shot, just confronted him from a long distance.

Although there is a gap between him and Lin Lang, but he is a master of this level, at least the difference in combat strength is not so great.

If you want to defeat him, you can't do it in a short while. Besides, anything can happen in life-and-death fights. Killing and being counter-killed are more common.

He was jealous of Lin Lang's strength, but he didn't have much fear. He also hoped to take this opportunity to let the masters of the Ming tribe put pressure on Lin Lang.

"Gu Xia is the arrogance of my bone clan. After her death, she should naturally inherit it and return it to her hometown."

Another boned Zhunshengzi spoke, and in speaking, he had already jumped off the cliff and stood opposite Lin Lang. It seemed that if he didn't agree with each other, he would take a shot.

"If you don't want to die, just give us the bead." The quasi-sons of the Yanluo and Raksha clan also spoke, intimidating Lin Lang.

Their number occupies an absolute advantage. Nearly ten underworld quasi-sons speak at the same time, even if one is standing here, it is impossible to ignore it.

Changing to anyone other than Lin Lang, at this time I am afraid that I have already compromised.

But Lin Lang didn't. He just stared at the people in the opposite direction, which was impossible. At least he still had a way to get out, and he was not too worried.

"Let ’s give it to me. These monks must not dare to embarrass you. I guarantee you will not die. How?"

A chuckle came from the top of the mountain, and it was the **** tribe Tianjiaofengrui who spoke. After the death of the bone clan, only the spirits were broken and the bones collapsed.

Therefore, he expected that the bead must have a secret, and maybe Gu Xia was not an enlightenment.

The protoss are powerful, and they are faintly called the most powerful races outside the human race in the immortal realm. Most of the time, they are monks of other races.

The weight of his speech is naturally conceivable.

"Joke, why should I give you what I got from killing you? If you want, you should kill a few bones." Lin Lang sneered, staring proudly at the others.

This group of people of the protoss are clearly robbing while taking advantage of the fire. They are also monks in the fairyland, and they do n’t have to take the lead in the same camp when facing the underworld.

Instead, they took the opportunity to ask for treasures, even if it fell on anyone, such a thing will not be happy, not to mention the other party is still his hostile protoss.

"Do you really no longer think about it, isn't it just a bead? Give it to us and you can both pay us and keep your own life. Why not?"

The Yan Yan immortal king from the Yan clan also followed closely. He and the quasi-son of the Protoss had always maintained a very good relationship, and naturally he had to make a clearance for the other.

Both races have always worn a pair of pants.

"The nasty guys have really come together." Lin Lang sneered, and didn't speak.

The Protoss always have such a high attitude, and dealing with anyone is like giving alms, which is disgusting.

At the moment, it is not a transaction at all. Everyone in the crowd is the heart of the tiger and the wolf. Each one is thinking about how to swallow him.

The cold light flashed in Feng Rui's eyes, Lin Lang's disregarded attitude also made him quite unhappy, just about to start.

"Do you want to fight?"

Su Shi smiled suddenly and said, "Everyone has come to witness the battle with their own eyes. Now that the victory and defeat are clear, why the bones have lost face, it is necessary to deceive more.

"Don't even face it?"

"If you ca n’t fight, you just want to besiege. If that is the case, we in Tianjie Tianjiao will not sit idly by."

Followed by another master of quasi-sun level in Fairyland spoke. At this time, Feng Rui saw that Su Shi had represented the Celestial Clan, and was unhappy, but knew that it was not the time for the attack, and he had to endure it first.

. At this time talking blindly, returning to the fairyland is afraid that he will be drowned by Saliva.

"We were here to kill him and talk about the rules." Tianjiao on the underworld side sneered.

"With more bullying and less, the immortal world won't just sit idly by. You might as well take this opportunity to also learn about the strength of the monks in the underworld, and it would be beautiful if you could improve your ranking on the Fengxian list.

Su Shi laughed. The group of people behind him had already cultivated themselves, and the war was boiling, and they might do it at any time.

At present, Lin Lang's problem has not been resolved. Of course, the underworld does not want to have a large-scale conflict at this time, and only then will Lin Lang escape. One of the Yanluo Zhunshengzi snorted coldly.

"What do you say then?" He asked.

Su Shi opened her mouth and didn't know how to answer. However, in the same race, he couldn't just watch his fellow being bullied.

"I have a proposal here," Wang Yanxian suddenly interjected, "the underworld sent another person to a fair duel with this bone hunter."

"If you win, you will take away Orb. It is reasonable. If you lose, you will obey the rules. Wherever you fight, what?"

Wang Yanxian seemed to speak for Lin Lang, but he was fierce. He pushed Lin Lang to the stage and grilled it on the fire, so he had to agree to the proposal.

Lin Lang has just gone through two battles. Neither the combat strength nor the state is at its peak. Next, the underworld will definitely send stronger players to participate in the battle, and the danger factor will greatly increase.


Regardless of whether he wins or loses, he is making a bet with Lin Lang, which will not affect him in the least. He won. Lin Lang can't get any benefit, but if he loses, he will lose his life.


"It makes sense, since it is his resentment with the underworld, it is not unreasonable for the two sides to have a fair battle." Feng Rui smiled. This so-called fair battle was not fair at all.

"Yes, it's about the honor and shame of the monks, whoever will kill him."

This suggestion is also a very proper method for the underworld side, and they will naturally agree.

The problem is.

Who to send?

Everyone is Tianjiao at the level of Zhunshengzi, and there is not much difference in strength. In the previous two battles, they also saw Lin Lang's combat power, which was by no means everyone.

It is okay to say that Lin Lang was killed, but who has this confidence? What if I get killed and fail, what if Lin Lang escapes?

Isn't it a shortfall of time?

No one wants to bet their lives, not to mention that this matter has little to do with them.

"Naturally, the bone race fought, and today's battles started because of the resentment between the bone race and him. I rushed to intervene and it was not reasonable."

A Rakshasa Tianjiao Road.

This time.

Several bone-type quasi-sons are also dumbfounded, not because they are not confident in themselves, but because it is too difficult to kill monks in the same realm.

Half a minute passed, no one came forward, even if it was the bone tribe's own people, he could not help but enough.

Right now.

A gray beam from the sky struck from the sky. The gray beam was a bone man.

Before anyone came, the voice came first.

"Let me kill him!"

The bone monk stood fast, staring at Lin Lang full of murderous intention. This person is not someone else, it is the skeleton who hurried over thousands of miles from Fuyunhai.

The two of them had a deep holiday. During this trip, he came to kill Lin Lang!

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