Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 976: Huang Pao Xuan Yuan

It was just that he did not expect that Lin Lang's response was so quick that he could complete an effective counterattack in such a short period of time. It is clear. This Yan Luo monk is not Lin Lang's opponent. But there are more than dozens of monks standing around. Immediately. An underworld fairy king with a strength of ninety-nine percent came out, and said lightly, "Kill my bone clan, you decide for yourself." In the face of the enemy, there is not much talk and no insult, just one sentence Divided to death. "It's bone ink. The teacher inherited a bone clan emperor. He is considered a little famous in the bone clan." Everyone talked about it and revealed the identity of the skeleton in front of him. In Fuyunhai, basically everyone has a good background behind them, either from a big religion, or there is an immortal platform behind them. These days of arrogance gathered together, it is inevitable that a collision of arrogance, let alone belong to two camps. "Is it up to you?" Lin Lang's figure flashed, and the speed was extremely fast. The next moment he came directly to the bone ink, the five elements field opened, and he was blown away by a punch. This time he didn't keep his hand in the slightest, took the opportunity to get up, and the two fought fiercely in the blink of an eye. Bone ink fell into the wind from the beginning. Even though the moves were repeated, it was still difficult to break through Lin Lang's blockade. After about a hundred strokes. Bone ink was blown out by a punch, the palm bone of the left hand had been broken by Lin Lang, and his fingers were broken into sections. "Ming, but that's all." Lin Lang fainted, and he turned around, preparing to leave. He knew Fuyunhai's rules. As long as he showed enough strength, there would be fewer people looking for trouble in the future. So from the beginning he used almost all his strength, and it can't be said that his bones were too weak. In fact, his real combat power does not lose too much to Lin Lang. If Lin Lang can kill the latter, he will be hit hard. To blame, you can only blame the carelessness of the enemy from the beginning, and missed the opportunity. And just before Lin Lang went out of his way, he only injured one of Palm's palms. "Want to leave? Maybe I don't take my bones too seriously." The voice dropped. Huh! Several people stopped in front of Lin Lang. Most of these people are bone monks, and they look quite similar. They are all crystal skeletons, but their costumes are different from the weapons around them. It is worth noting that the skeleton in the front, enveloped in a wide black robe, was blown by the breeze, exposing a white skeleton with golden speckled particles. "It's the epiphysis, the first disciple under the epiphyseal bone, and the seventh super arrogant in the bone family." Aside from the crowd, everyone also saw the origin of this person. "It's strong." Lin Lang's eyes also brought dignity. In this person, he felt tremendous pressure, and it was by no means what he can now confront. A race can be ranked in the top ten, it is already a very amazing character, even if placed in the Fengxian list is also a super strong ranked close to one hundred, equivalent to half-step saint. Earlier, Lin Lang played all the cards, and even used the eternal device to kill the emperor of the Raksha tribe. The latter corresponds to the monk of the fairyland, and it only belongs to the end of the Fengxian list. "Come, pick me up and die, and today's things will stop." Bone Gu said lightly. As the sound falls. The epiphysis did not leave Lin Lang with any respite. He flashed in shape and appeared in front of Lin Lang the next moment. The palms with golden dots dropped gently, more like the sea out of the cage, filled with the might of heaven and earth, and fell suddenly. When the palm print was close to three feet, the terrible mighty power poured out and fell, and a strong wind brought up and fell on Lin Lang's cheek when he cut a wound. You must know that Lin Lang is the physical body comparable to the sacred artifact, and now he can be injured by the wind of the palms, which shows how horrible the power of this palm is! It wouldn't matter to shoot an immortal king who is 90% complete! Lin Lang didn't dare to neglect. When the opposite palm print blasted, he had summoned the Five Elements armor and the heavenly silver pattern, and his defense strength immediately improved by a grade. But Rao is so. When the papal print was dropped, Lin Lang was still blown away hundreds of meters away, and his two legs plowed deep dents on the ground. Leaving aside race issues. This is the strength of top Tianjiao! At this moment, Lin Lang only felt that the bones all over his body were cracking, and the power of the palate was not inferior to the blow from the emperor on the platform. Obviously. This person also did not do his best. "Unbearable." Gu Xi smiled scornfully, and when he stepped forward, Lin Lang's life was completely lost. "Do you dare!" Fang Lian sulked immediately, blocking Gu Lang in front of Lin Lang at the same time. "Don't you deserve it?" Bone ridge revealed a touch. Although she won the top one thousand rankings in the last Fengxian battle, she largely picked up the bargain, and her real strength is only in the upper and middle reaches of the same realm. It is far from being an epiphyseal opponent. Many Tianjiao who participated in the battle of Fengxian, although they are all in the same realm, still have a big gap between them. For example, Qi Jiuyou can already compete against the Emperor. It can be called the Holy Child Tianjiao, and the next level is the bone crest. It can basically be invincible in the same realm and is called Half-step son. Fang Lian is still in the third echelon and can only be called Tianjiao. And like Gu Tianshu, although they can fight against the digital realm at the same time without falling, it is only slightly stronger. If you are not famous, you don't deserve the word Tianjiao. Lin Lang and Gu Tianshu are only between Bozhong, naturally they will not be such strong opponents. Seeing the epiphysis step by step, at this moment, a yellow figure flickered, staying in front of Lin Lang. This man is tall and handsome, and even more like an emperor. Even without a dragon robe, he can inadvertently reveal the majesty of the monarch. The man in the yellow suit stepped forward, slamming his hand against the epiphysis, colliding with his hands, making a loud noise. The palms fell and the two separated. have equal shares! "Who are you?" The light flashed in the bones. In this world, there are only a few monks who can compete with him directly. Before he left, he did his homework. He is in control of those who are qualified to be his opponent.着 信息。 With information. Only, there is no man in yellow. "My name is Xuanyuan." The man in yellow said slightly. Including the fairyland side, few people have heard of the name Xuanyuan. Among the information they know, there is no such person who has reached the level of half-step Shengzi level. "Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan." A fairy king in the crowd said a few words in silence, and suddenly asked: "Have you come from the Three Holy Palaces?" "Exactly." The man in yellow clothes nodded gently. The immortal king seemed to confirm the identity of the man in yellow and explained to the people around him: "The Three Holy Palaces are located in the far north cold area, so they are not well-known in the immortal realm. I also come from the north, which is the reason for this gate. Someone nodded, saying, "I know the Sansheng Palace. It is said that it is just a new ancestral gate. It has no more than one Yuanhui. There is an immortal emperor in the gate." Lin Lang heard the name, It was a touch of intimacy. He naturally knew the Three Holy Palaces and had a meeting with the founder of the Three Holy Palaces, Shen Nong. In the Three Holy Palaces, the forces of the Ascension of the Emperor Linxing gathered in the immortal realm. Unfortunately, as the emperor Linxing entered the last age of the law, only a few monks of the emperor Linlin entered the immortal world. The Xuanyuan Emperor was one of them, and it was also the last monk to enter the fairyland before Lin Lang. For 5,000 years, Emperor Xuanyuan was able to cultivate to such realities in front of the impoverished Emperor Linxing, which is also extraordinary. And now that he can only compete with the epiphyseal of the perfect realm, only by the cultivation of the heavenly state of mind, in a sense, he should belong to the prince of heaven. "If you want to move him, first ask me if I don't agree." Xuanyuan said nothing, and looked at the bones peacefully. "If you want to fight, then fight the last one!" Naturally, Gu Xiu didn't seduce him, and he was backed by a strong force, and in front of him was just a kid in the state of mind. How could he be afraid? "It's really lively. The human race and the underworld have appeared in the Fuyun Sea at the same time. This is the first time since the age of the ancient king." The crowd. There was a chuckle. A man in a purple robe came from behind. The man was about six feet tall, with eyebrows drawn, and looked handsome. In terms of temperament, it is similar to Xuanyuan. The difference is that Xuanyuan is a high-ranking and inadvertently revealed emperor's spirit. It is the great shore emperor. But the man in the purple robe in front of him is different. He is born with the emperor's spirit, and can also be called emperor's prestige. Just standing there exudes strong coercion. Suddenly, many people actually gave birth to an illusion, as if a group of immortal emperors bowed down and saluted around this person. "The emperor is honored, I am afraid that the emperor will be overshadowed in front of him." In the eyes of many people, the Zipao people are like a dazzling light group. Appearance. No one knows his identity, but judging from the coercion on him, I am afraid that he is already a superpower who is infinitely close to the Emperor. "Di Luotian, you slaughtered the 13 Tianjiao in the underworld all night, and today the king will take revenge for them, and you will be the first person in the immortal world." The voice fell. A terrible pressure suddenly shrouded above the sky, a seven beast car driving from the distant sky, the beast hoof ran across the void, cracking the sky into deep black holes. The seven strange beasts in front of his chariot alone have quite extraordinary origins, including Yinglong, Zhu Gan, Jiuwei, and Tengu, and the bright octagonal angels are all the powerful factions of the fairy realm. Among the seven beasts, there is also a giant giant pulling a cart, each of which is almost ninety-nine percent of the perfect fairy king who has reached the level of half-step saint. It is impossible to say whether the Ming family is seated in the carriage. This carriage alone is enough to offend all the races in the fairyland, which is equivalent to provoking the races in the fairyland at the same time. Who has such boldness? Naturally the Shura tribe-Yukang!

This person's cultivation is ordinary, and it is not much stronger than that of the previous bone people, but he wants to sneak in from behind while Lang Lang has no fortification.

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