In that center, it is an extremely vast continent, starry, and looks like a psychedelic ocean. This is Fuyunhai. The most famous place in chaos in the fairyland is mixed with fish and dragons, including many murderers who have committed the most evil in the fairyland. Moreover, it is said that Fuyunhai has a long tradition, does not belong to any party in the underworld, and is independent of the war between the two worlds. Even if there are many immortals in the immortal world, it has never truly subdued Fuyunhai. Visible its deep background. Lin Lang and others stood in Fuyun for a while, and quickly drove Shenhong to the mainland of Fuyunhai. It is clear. Here, the figure of the Hades also increased a lot, flying around in the sky, basically one or two Hades monks can be found out of ten people. Here, they did not hide their true body. Gu Tianshu moved slightly in his heart and was preparing to slay one or two Hades flags in the past. In his eyes, these Hades are simply the track record of walking. As long as he starts, his ranking on the Fengxian list can be improved by another number. As if he noticed the change of Gu Tianshu, Fang Lian's soft palm rested lightly on the sleeve of the latter and shook his head at him. "You may not know about Fuyunhai when you first arrived. The assassinations here are everywhere. Every day, people are dead, whether they are in the fairyland or the underworld." "But everyone is restrained. Even if there is a conflict, it will only be resolved in private. It wo n’t be noticeable. ”“ In fact, Fuyunhai has an unwritten rule, do n’t go out in the middle of the night. The night is a carnival of killings, and the best time for most people to kill their opponents. Even if nothing happens to you, It may also be killed by others passing by outside. "" In short, if you don't want to die, stay at the inn honestly at night. "Fang Lian said lightly, and it wasn't the first time she participated in the Fengxian battle. Naturally clear about these things. "So, according to what you mean, you can also organize a group to hunt the Hades in the evening." Lin Lang asked for a moment. "Theoretically this is so." Fang Lian nodded gently and said, "Many monks will choose to hunt down the Hades at night, and the same is true of Hades, and will actively seek out the monks at that time." "It is said There is a similar Fengxian list over the Hades, competing for the seat of the Hades ’strongest fairy king." Talking. The three have unknowingly walked to a crowded street surrounded by many pedestrians of various races. There are also many foreign monks setting up stalls on the street, selling their useless magic instruments or elixir, which is very lively. The three of Lin Lang walked around briefly. There are really many monks who buy and sell things here, and many sell slaves on the street. There are monks from the underworld who sell the captured human slaves, and there are also monks from the immortal who sell the underworld. while walking. Lin Lang suddenly settled down, looking at the young girl imprisoned in an iron cage ahead. The young girl had a beautiful appearance, her clothes were torn, and she had mixed with a lot of dried blood. But it is difficult to hide his good figure. She was entangled in chains from head to toe and could not move. Similarly, she lowered her head and looked motionless. perhaps. Any human race is caught by the monks in the underworld, and when it is sold by other people in the street, it is estimated that they will be ashamed and saddened, and they can't wait to be killed. But this is not the most important thing. When Lin Lang passed by here before, when his eyes swept over the girl, the blood in his body was agitated slightly. "I have to go there." After speaking, Lin Lang directly lifted his feet and walked towards the ethnic girl. "Master, you ..." Fang Lian found Lin Lang walking towards the iron cage and stared at Lin Lang with a strange look. At this moment, most of them thought that the latter had such a habit. But think about it, she didn't pay too much attention, after all, it was normal for them to have one or two extra maids beside them. "An authentic human girl, Han Yu's physique, still has a pure Yuanyin, which can be used as a furnace tripod to break through the realm." The skeleton in front of the booth was a skeleton skeleton, with ghostly fire flashing in his eyes. At first glance, I know that it is the underworld bone family. There are many people passing by, but most of them have a slight glance, even the people passing by are indifferent and indifferent. This kind of thing is too common. The monks in Fuyunhai have long been accustomed to it. Even if they consider the feelings of their kins, they can't control it. Fighting with the Hades is dying every day, and the monks captured by Hades army are measured in millions every day. Even the Buddha did not want to rescue them all. "Human, do you want to buy this woman?" The bones stared at Lin Lang, looking up and down several times. But it was a weird grunt: "What does this woman say is also the king of heaven and earth, with your little bit, don't be killed by others." "What, is there a problem?" Lin Lang stared at him calmly. . "No problem, as long as you can afford the price." Based on the principle of being a guest, the bones said: "I don't want those junk spirits in the fairyland. I want ten holy bones to buy her." There are corresponding trading methods. For example, most of the immortal races are spirit stones, the Yan clan is the Yanjing, and the bone clan is the holy bone. The sacred bone, as its name implies, is the sage's skeleton. As long as the monk reaches the realm of the immortal king, whether it is the Hades or the human race, the body is called the sacred bone. The Bone Clan practices by consuming bones, so the way to deal with them is also the Holy Bone. Lin Lang didn't speak, and the bone monk was not in a hurry, but he slowly said: "Nine pairs of holy bones plus a holy product of refined Dan can also be used, as long as the value is equal." Lin Lang still did not speak. A long while. But I saw Lin Lang with a smiley expression: "How do you know I want to spend money to exchange with you." I heard this statement. The bones' expression turned cold immediately, and the eyes turned quietly: "So, you are going to be strong." "Good!" Lin Lang smiled: "Now I give you a chance to let people out. Me, I can spare you not to die! "" So loud! "The bone monk was furious. Fang Lian also pulled Lin Lang's sleeves and whispered, "Don't do as much as possible. Since you want to buy her, she will trade normally, and the sister will help you pay for it." Not that Fang Lian was afraid of the little in front of her. Bone monks, but there are also a large number of Hades in the vicinity. Once they are noticed, I am afraid they will be found at night. God knows how many Hades will be there. "It's okay." Lin Lang shook his head gently, so that he had participated in the Battle of Fengxian that year, how could he not know these rules. However, the girl in front of him must be saved. He could feel that the blood of the same origin flowing in his body was not the same origin as the human race, but it could be traced back thousands of years and came from the same source. That is Dilin Star. As for why the blood on Emperor Linxing appeared in the immortal realm, Lin Lang couldn't figure it out, and he was going to save the other party before asking more. the other side. The Bone monk is approaching the edge of violent exodus, and there is only a junior fairy king in front of him. He intends to slap the other side to slap the other side to vent their anger before talking. He stepped on foot, rolling around, and dark clouds covering the top of his head. At the same time, the bones ejected at a fast speed, and the five-finger skeleton was approaching Lin Lang. "The ants are average." Lin Lang snorted softly. The bone monk in front of him did not practice too much, probably corresponding to the cultivation of the human mind. He doesn't look into it yet. that's it. When the Bone people killed Lin Lang, he raised his hand gently, but there seemed to be a lot of force flowing in the palm of his hand, and the latter fell and burst. boom! That bone clan couldn't hold Lin Lang's palm, the whole skeleton was directly smashed, and the bones were scattered all over the ground, and the two faint ghost fires in his eyes were also getting dim. After a while, the ghost fire went out. For the bone people, the flame in their eyes represents the fire of their life, and once the fire of life dissipates, it means that their life has come to an end. "Unbearable." Lin Lang glanced over the broken bones on the ground without any pause, walked directly to the iron cage where the girl was being held, flashed a magical power in his hand, and chopped Qi Qisuo. Squeak-the iron door opened and bumped lightly against the iron fence. "Come out." Lin Lang looked at the girl with a gentle look, but the latter seemed to be lost and indifferent. "Don't worry, you are safe now. If you don't get up again, there will be a new Hades to arrest you later." Lin Lang half frightened and soothed. But the girl remained indifferent. A long while. She suddenly raised her head, her dark eyes stared at Lin Lang: "Kill me, please kill me!" Obviously, anyone would be captured by the Hades and betrayed as a slave in front of the same people, feeling His face was lost, not to mention the fact that all the gates participating in the battle of Fengxian were arrogant and just wanted to hold a dead mind. Lin Lang was helpless and was preparing the wording, thinking about how to take the girl away for questioning, suddenly a cold voice sounded behind his back, and murder appeared. "Look for death, who dare to touch my Hades!" Lin Lang's troubles are not small here, and there are many Hades from the Hades, and when Lin Lang kills people on the street, he naturally stands up for justice. Four monks have gathered around. Among them are the Hades and the Hades. Some people of the Hades are glaring with anger, some people are indifferent, and the same is true of the human race. And at the same time as the voice fell, the monk monk had been attacked, and a spear pointed directly at Lin Langhou's heart. "Jumping beam clowns." Lin Lang didn't look back, reached out and grabbed the back, grabbed the spear sneaked from behind in his hands, the two seemed to be wrestling, accompanied by Lin Lang's palm, long The spear also trembled slightly. A moment later. The spear tip was broken. And Lin Lang suddenly turned around at this time, knocking down the Ming monk with one palm. This person has the same appearance as the human race, except that he has blue-gray skin all over his body, and Kung Wu is strong, more than four feet taller than the normal human race. This is a monk of the Yanluo tribe.

In the distant sky, the endless sea of ​​stars is connected into a piece, and the blue clouds linger in the starry sky, connecting the lotus leaves, reflecting the starry sky into a deep mood.

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