The Tao heart will be incomplete. Even if you hold a brave and advanced heart, you cannot have a perfect Tao heart.

The so-called pure Taoism is to understand what goal you are striving for. Of course, the actual purpose of this level can go beyond these.

The monk's own experience in the process of enlightenment of his own heart will also be branded at this moment, and those immortal emperors behind the scenes can arbitrarily snoop.

no way.

Now that you want to recruit disciples, you must let Dayxianzong know the origin of these disciples.

Otherwise, let the monks with ulterior motives join Daye Xianzong and spend a lot of resources to cultivate them, that is the laughter.

In this process of the pure heart, the monk can magnify his thoughts infinitely, as well as the views of good and evil.

For their purposes, these immortal emperors know well.


This time there were some surprises.

For example, Lin Lang, these immortal emperors who were present can only see his memory on the Emperor Linxing. As for the previous life, there are other important secrets that have been hidden by a mysterious force.

Even the Emperor Xian was hard to detect.

Most of these ordinary apprentices have only two or three days in the process of the third level of the pure heart. Once the time has passed, the achievements of this level can be divided according to the purity of each monk's heart.

Lin Lang is different.

He lasted for half a year, until the end of the disciple's assessment phase, Lin Lang was still sitting in this strange space.

during this process.

His perceptions of the avenue are advancing by leaps and bounds, such as the Five Elements Avenue. During this process, he rose rapidly, allowing him to touch another mystery of the Five Elements Avenue.

Like him now.

You can change the heavens and the earth, and turn the range of the square miles into the field of five elements. Of course, this is only in the embryonic stage, not a complete field of five elements.

According to Lin Lang's estimation, if the field of five elements is truly completed, it should be possible to release the field of five elements with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Within ten thousand miles, the power of the five elements is under his control.

at the same time.

His understanding of the Avenue of Light has also been further improved, and it is not far from Dacheng of the Avenue of Light.

After half a year.

The mist cleared up, Lin Lang ended his cultivation, and the surrounding space was distorted, and was teleported to a temple in Daye Xianzong.


The seven immortals sat and looked at Lin Lang calmly.

"Lin Youye, you have passed the assessment. From now on, you can join Daye Xianzong." Above, the turtle-backed old man faintly announced.

Lin Lang was no surprise. The talent he showed was enough to cause the top leaders of the Emperor Xianzong to shake up and down.

"The practice of this seat is Da Yan's true formula, and I have a deep understanding of the Five Elements. Would you like to worship under my door?" Taking this opportunity, the old turtle turtle asked Lin Lang directly.

The remaining imperial emperors scolded shamelessly in their hearts, and they all wanted to introduce Lin Lang. The old man Turtle Back took the lead, and their chances were much smaller accordingly.

The Emperor Qingliu shook her head and said, "Don't listen to this old boy bragging, he's just a fortune teller, except for stargazing and divination teaching."

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