Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 917: Five Elements Explained

For example, these detailed things are completely free and open, while the exercises are exchanged with integrals or equivalent exercises.

After all, as a disciple of Daxian Xianzong, it is impossible to obtain it blindly. In a sense, it can be considered as a contribution to the Zongmen.

of course.

Compared to the outside world, the cost of the Tibetan Buddhist Pavilion of the Great Leaf Immortals is much smaller. The so-called disciple points are obtained daily, and at the same time, you can get some specific tasks.


Lin Lang successfully entered the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and found books on the five elements in the bookshelf group full of eyes.

There are more than a dozen areas, each of which has a dozen meters.

There are hundreds of thousands of books on the five elements in detail, and the authors are also different. Among them, most of the immortal kings, and there are tens of thousands of immortal books.

There are few monks in the world who can understand the Five Elements Avenue, but this does not mean that there are few descriptions of the Five Elements Avenue.

in contrast.

Many people have studied this kind of ancient avenue, including the immortal king and immortal.

It's just that there are very few successes. After being promoted, many immortals also studied the Five Elements Avenue.

And many people have succeeded, but at that time, they realized that a kind of small element of the Five Elements Avenue was just a little more fun.

Little help to combat power.

Before the immortal realm, the immortal king needed to transform his own avenue into a doctrine. As long as one of them was converted, he had reached the standard of the immortal realm.

After that, after entering the realm of immortals, their spirits and avenues merged, and the speed of enlightenment of the Tao was greatly improved.

And before the immortal realm, there is no avenue that transforms into Dao Ze, basically after the immortal realm, the possibility of turning into Dao Ze is very small.

They did not increase much, they just had a means. It's like the Emperor can create things out of nothing, that is, the assembly of the way of life and the avenue of nature.

However, there are still many people who are keen on this.

"Xiao Cheng's five elements are explained in detail." Lin Lang groaned for a moment and took off a yellowish book from the bookshelf.

The Five Elements explained are auxiliary books, and borrowing does not need to pay any price.

In this way, Lin Lang stood by the bookshelf and began to carefully read the detailed explanation of Xiaocheng Wuxing in his hand.

This is written by an immortal king. It was introduced earlier. He is a perfectly successful immortal king. He intends to prefer the Five Elements Avenue.


He only realized Xiaocheng's realm, the Five Elements Avenue behind him was too obscure, and he failed to break through Dacheng's realm after exhausting three thousand years.

I had no choice but to give up, took another avenue, and then broke through the immortal realm. In front of him was his handwriting.

"The starry sky is shining, and the scene is always as new as it has been for tens of millions of years. The human heart is still there, and a millet in the universe can be as clear as the sky ..."

Lin Lang read it carefully. This detailed explanation of the five elements was quickly browsed by him, but he could only understand about 90%.

He shook his head.

Free the five elements again.

He was able to understand Jiucheng, not that he did not understand the Five Elements Avenue inadequately, but that his accomplishments should not be far from that fairy king.

The reason is simple. Everyone understands the avenues are completely different. The deeper the perception of the Five Elements Avenue, the more similar to the real Five Elements Avenue.

Similarly, the more the two people's opinions differ, the more fallacies they prove, and they are far from the real Five Elements Avenue.

As an analogy, it is like three candidates with middle grades doing the same multiple choice questions with the same final score, and their answers must be very different.

If there are more of the same options, the more correct answers three people prove. Conversely, the more mistakes it proves, the lower the final score of the three people.

From the detailed explanation of the Five Elements, Lin Lang can roughly judge that his Five Elements Avenue has reached the level of Xiaocheng.

Lin Lang also selected two large-scale detailed explanations of the five elements and three or four small-scale detailed explanations of the five elements, and compared them with each other, confirming which five-element avenues are the correct path.

Inside the sutra hall.

Even if there are several detailed explanations of the five elements of the Tao realm, it is too obscure and Lin Lang can only go step by step.

Not that the higher the level, the better.

As soon as his forefoot left the Scripture Pavilion, he was already full of people outside his cave house, headed by a young man in military uniform.

This person's cultivation is not bad. The peak is true immortal. There are sixty or seventy avenues in his body. Among the true immortals, he can be regarded as a weak group.

"You are the master of this cave house." Wufu Youth looked at Lin Lang and said lightly, "Just call me Su Bu, and I will officially challenge you today."

"Not interested in."

Lin Lang was too lazy to care about him, it was just a small true fairy, and it wasn't worth his own shot.

"You're scared. Could it be that Li Hua was taken as a disciple by the real person of Lianhua, just a timid coward, I really look at you." Su Bu tried to spur Lin Lang.

Obviously, he knows Lin Langdi carefully.

In the Great Leaf Emperor Sect, those who are eligible to live in the Heavenly-level Dongfu, except for some immortal kings who are not weak, are only those who are disciples of the Supreme Master Zongmen.

Other disciples can also launch challenges to seize each other's Dongfu. Daxian Zongzong actually encourages such internal competition.


He was responded by the sound of the cave door closing. Su Bu's face froze. He specifically called a lot of people, and wanted to show his heroism when he captured Dongfu.

Who wants to eat a closed door.

"Incompetent rat."

Su Bu snorted coldly, but did not intend to give up on this, a magical power burst out in his hands, one after another bombarded the prohibition outside the cave.

Although it is impossible to break the defense of the formation, but the continuous loud noises make people in Dongfu unable to concentrate on cultivation.

In this situation.

No fight is impossible.

Unless the people in Dongfu can not practice.

Sure enough, under the harassment of Su Bu, the gate of Dongfu quickly opened, but what appeared was not Lin Lang, but a magic beam.

The magical power fell, and Su Bu was directly bombarded hundreds of meters away, seriously injured. Although the Great Leaf Emperor Xianzong forbids disciples to kill each other between life and death, it does not belong to this category to hurt someone.

at the same time.

Lin Lang's indifferent voice came from the Dongfu: "Since you are coming to challenge, let the people behind you come forward and kneel before Dongfu!"

A little true fairy dared to provoke, Lin Lang could easily guess that someone was behind him, otherwise he would not dare to come so rashly if he borrowed a hundred guts.

Su Bu was covered with blood. Before he turned back, his body had been imprisoned by the force of the sixfold restraint, and he knelt in front of Dongfu and could not move.

He gritted his teeth and used the news to send a message. He was indeed called by someone, but the other party did not tell him that the master of the Dongfu was so scary.

Shortly after, a middle-aged man got the news and came in person to control a seventh-order strange beast and roared.

This is a fairy king named Sun Ao.

Sun Ao is here!

Many monks who were attracted opened their way, showing awe, and following the steps of Hei Sunao.

This group is purely for fun.

This is the true immortal king. There is a real disciple of Lianhua, who are not weak, and they must fight fiercely.

"Lin Youye, come out and die!"

Sun Ao shouted at this moment, blessed by spiritual power, and spread out far.

Sun Ao, who was struck in black, was gloomy, turned over and jumped from the beast, and was surrounded by monks toward Lin Lang.

At this moment Lin Lang really saw Sun Ao's look. His cold and arrogant eyes seemed to have no focus, and his dark eyes were full of calmness, and a cold atmosphere surrounded him.

"Even my brother dares to fight, these new students are really less than one!" Sun Ao snorted.

"Things happen, just fix it." Ye Bugui stared at Hei Sunao calmly and said coldly. He didn't care why the other party was in trouble with him, all he knew was that it would stop after the fight.

"well said!"

Sun Ao blossomed in his heart, but he was the peak fairy king. Before he came, he was a little worried that Lin Youye would avoid fighting.

Lin Lang took the initiative to take a stand, and he naturally couldn't give each other a lesson. Of course, it is best to abolish the other party.


Lianhua's real person is not very easy to explain.


Sun Ao had cut his arms and bullied himself.

Bang bang.

The two turned into dozens of tricks in an instant, each time making a dull sound, punched into the flesh, hit the body firmly.

"Very good. Refining has reached a realm comparable to the sacred artifact. It is very difficult for you to achieve such achievements at this age." Sun Ao resisted Lin Lang's fist.

Immediately, I had a rough judgement of the strength and commented on Lin Lang's achievements as a superior.

"However, since the talent is so good, it should be even more abolished." Sun Ao looked coldly. He was only entrusted to others and never wanted to encounter a stubble.

And since he is a human being, he has simply settled together.

"Floating fingers." Sun Ao was indifferent, his figure disappeared, and next time he appeared in Ye Wugui's ear, one finger was inserted into Ye Wugui's temple.

Ye Bugui turned his body upside down, and just avoided the blow from Hei Sunao with his hands. At the same time, his legs were up, the way of gravity was blessed, and he was kicked into Hei Sunao's chin with the power of the force.

"The response is good." Hei Sunao still had a high expression, and calmly avoided the blow from Ye Wugui.

"The peak fairy king is just the same." Lin Lang shook his head, overwhelming, and entangled with Hei Sunao again.

Bang Bang!

Between the two, there is no fancy move at all, relying on the strength of the flesh to fight against each other, punching into the flesh, each punch has the level of bursting the first-level fairy king monk.

Lin Lang stormed in the most fierce way, physically surrounding the avenue, and going forward without giving Sun Ao some breathing space at all.


Sun Ao stepped back step by step, and under continuous counterattacks by Lin Lang, he fell into a slump.

The head-to-head battle of the immortal King Xian was suppressed!

Just how powerful Lin Lang was, he was able to overpower Hei Sunao, and everyone around the audience couldn't help breathing down the air.

Sun Ao is a real master of the pinnacle, even though he is not well-known, but the realm is real, and at this moment he has fallen behind in the hands of a true disciple!

"Well, look at it. Sun Ao has not used even one-tenth of his power. No one can stop him when he comes to him. Don't believe us to make a bet?" A monk sneered.

The man who spoke before also gave him a blank look: "We two bet, shouldn't you let me over Lin Youye? He won too little."

Not everyone thinks that their strength is on the same level, because some people simply cannot understand because of Sun Ao's terrorist strength!

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