Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 881: Star Wars!

Starry sky.

Lin Lang had five enemies, and beside him there were five true immortals condensing together. Several real immortals were burnt and burnt, and different injuries appeared on his body.

At this point, everyone no longer hid privately and exhausted all his life's horrific attacks.

Lin Lang is even worse.

He was torn and ragged, the flesh behind him was blurry, and even the sacred armor he was wearing was cracked, covered with large and small cracks.

The five condensed Tao realities impressed him too much!

Everyone has almost the same lethality as Lin Lang, and his cultivation is not higher than these people, but he has persisted until now by relying on a variety of means.

Condensed Tao Realm.

To be honest, in the normal cultivation system, there is no division of this realm. Of course, the absence here does not mean that it does not really exist.

But only a small number of people can reach this state and cannot be extended to all monks. The condensed Tao realm has already gathered the imperfect Taos in the real realm realm, and can use some of the imperial power.

In the fairyland.

Almost every true immortal who has reached the condensed state has a state of emperor's realm. If practice is smooth and smooth, promotion to the emperor's realm is almost a natural thing.

And this part of the people is also capable of cutting the fairy retrogradely and smashing the existence of the fairy king in the real fairy realm, without a simple role.

Lin Lang used one enemy to five, which is equivalent to facing five Celestial opponents at the same time. Although he was strong, he did not reach the level of facing five people at the same time.

Playing three at the same time is already his limit.

"Pray for the Holy Light and wash your sinful soul. God, please lower the light of redemption and liberate this sinful human soul."

The octopus of the bright tribe quickly flipped through the Bible. In pages and chapters, she shot out pure Taoism, full of endless power of salvation, and attacked Lin Lang.


One of the strong siege of Lin Lang.

Lin Lang shook his arm, and the hands of countless gods behind him spread out, scattering the light one by one.

A golden statue was sacrificed by the golden sacrifice, with countless gold-colored lines intertwined in the sky, weaving a dazzling gold net, and covering it with Lin Lang's head.


Lin Lang shouted, and the burning sun sword broke out in his hands, and countless swords slammed the golden net above his head.


The sword gas collided with the gold net a few times and failed to tear the gold net. At this time, the three-eyed magic boy was killed from the rear, and a terrible white beam shot from the third eye.

Lin Lang ducked away, then quickly moved Yin Jue, her body was shrouded in endless white light, and there was no other scene.

"I said, let there be light!"

Guangming Avenue exploded again, enveloping a nearby area in an area of ​​endless magical light.

"Well, this is the means of the bright people." Jin Yan's face changed slightly, and after a few attempts, he was horrified to discover that his consciousness could only spread over a distance of less than kilometers in this white area. .

Illusions and consciousness are his most feared means.

Although his physical body is comparable to a holy artifact, once he is blinded by his perception, he becomes a stake that can be slaughtered by others and can only be passively defended.

"Damn, where did he get the light holy art. He intends to separate the battlefield. My weakest consciousness is probably the first goal of Lin Youye." Jin Yan thought secretly.

He didn't dare to care, and was always alert to the surroundings.

the other side.

The eight-winged angel is also a face with a ghost, and the other is obviously a monk of the personal tribe, but he is purely indifferent to the study of the non-passing holy art of their bright tribe.

"The realm of redemption of the gods, this is the Supreme Holy Art created by the gods of the light tribe. It only spreads in the level of the immortal. How did he get it?"

The eight-winged angel couldn't figure out. For the bright people in the universe, the realm of redemption of God is a secret that has never been made public.

Although he was valued by the Archangel, and was given the magical power by a special rule, he could not cultivate to the level of Lin Youye.

"However, with my familiarity with the realm of God's redemption, it should only be a matter of time before breaking it. I hope those guys will not be resolved so quickly."


"No, he should have expected that I had the means to break through the realm of God's redemption, and he would definitely strike me, so I must be vigilant during this time."

The rest of the people also have this idea, thinking that Lin Lang will shoot at them first, so each one is waiting in place, trying to delay the time in the realm of God's redemption.

The magical powers that can include their five condensed realities at the same time are definitely huge. Almost everyone has this idea in mind.

However, they did not expect it.

Lin Lang didn't even shoot at any of them, but shot several shocking magical powers in succession, directly wounding two monks who besieged his magic Tao avatar.

That's it.

He then returned to his battlefield, and picked Jin Yu's first start.

"he came!"

Jin Ye's face changed slightly, and when he felt Lin Lang's breath appeared nearby, he immediately made a decision and blasted his power towards him.

Lin Lang's figure flickered, and he avoided this terrifying punch, and then immediately wielded his sword to cut out the second sword to Jin Mao. Jin Yan is not slow, avoiding this sword, a loud sound like a bell rang in his body.


This punch was enough to penetrate the heavens and the earth, and even the realm of redemption between the real and the real was scattered at this moment.

Lin Lang didn't dare to regret it, and his stature was pushed to the extreme, avoiding Jin Quan's fist.

However, Jin Yan responded faster, and thousands of punches were thrown out instantly. The dense shadows completely covered Lin Lang, and almost every punch had the ability to blow the true immortal.

"Did the power have reached the extreme of the true immortal?" Lin Lang muttered silently. Rao is that the blood flowing in his body is Hongmeng and Sanren, and the physical strength is far stronger than the monks in the same realm.

Compared to Jin Yan, there is still some distance.

He secretly reckoned that only when he reached the realm of true immortality could his physical body be able to reach the opposite level of Jin Mao.

Boom boom!

A punch in the air caused a series of explosive sounds that made Lin Lang's ears buzz. His body keeps flashing, wandering on the battlefield looking for opportunities.

"It seems that I still have to create the opportunity myself." After a while, Lin Lang finally gave up. Jin Yan was already a man standing at the top of the universe. He has endured hundreds of battles in his life, and his combat experience is no worse than anyone else.

When he reveals his flaws, it is estimated that he will wait thousands of strokes.

"Cut God!"

Lin Lang waved his sword, brewing a solitary demeanor of heaven and earth, he leaped forward, the whole person seemed to be one with the sword body.

Cut out with a sword.

Approaching the extreme sword!

"Come here!"

Jin Yan growled, and didn't dodge, the palm of his hand caught the direction of the Sword of Sword.


Rao is the body of a golden urn, which is comparable to a sacred artifact, but under the sharp sword's sharp blade, he was also cut directly into a huge wound.

The flesh below the **** was directly cut off by Zhiyang Sword. However, there was a hint of deceit on Jin's face, and his other hand quickly greeted the Sword of the Sun.

Such an eternal device was caught by him directly. Lin Lang could only feel a mighty power from the other side of the sword, and he would take the Sword from him.

This is exactly what Jin Yan planned early.

At the cost of half a hand, the Sword of the Sun was won.

Although Lin Lang ’s magical powers are strange, what really hurts him is the Eternal Sword, which is equivalent to cutting off the most powerful arm of Lin Youye.

Seeing that the burning sun sword was about to be taken away, Lin Lang was very clear of his sword. His body flashed. I do n’t know when he had put another sword in his other hand.

Mysterious Epee!

The heavy mysterious sword fell into the air, and Jin Zhi shot it directly from the sky. Lin Lang was chasing after him, his left hand flashed, and the Blood Sword appeared out of thin air.

Jin Ling still maintained a falling posture in the air, Lin Lang shot down, and with the sound of a golden iron attack, the dripping sword pierced the body of Jin Ling directly.

The strange rules of the Cause began to erode Jin's physical body. At this moment, the part of the dripping blood sword pierced into Jin's body seemed to turn into an abyss.

Began to whale to drink blood from the golden pheasant.

Dripping Sword.

The most bizarre holy sword in the Meteor Sword Abyss can devour the essence and blood of the monk and strengthen himself. It is said to be a holy sword, but in fact to some extent, the dripping sword has far exceeded the standard of some holy weapons.

"you wanna die!"

Feeling the rapid loss of blood in his body, Jin Yan could not care about anything else at this moment, facing the blade of the dripping sword, and slap directly on Lin Lang.

Lin Lang's speed was not slow, the Xuan Epee fell from the sky, and the heavy blade cut into Jin's body, smashing the golden armor covering his body directly.

The movements of the two were completed almost at the same time.


Lin Lang was also hit by the head of Jin Mao, and flew out immediately. At the moment, he spit out a lot of blood, and also suffered a minor injury.

of course.

Jin Yao is even worse.

The Xuan Epee slammed on him twice, and his chest was pierced by a dripping sword. His combat power had been damaged by nearly 80%, and he was lying in the sky with a dying breath.

Regardless of the injury, Lin Lang flew forward, stepped on his feet, directly interrupted Jin Xuan's limbs, and then banned the law to seal Jin Xuan's Linghai.

"Aren't you going to kill me?"

Jin Yan was lying on the ground, staring closely at Lin Lang. At the same time, there are strong doubts. To this extent, a single mistake can lead to a complete loss.

Why did Lin Youye save him?

"I have something to ask you, and I don't intend to kill you. So, before this battle is completely settled, you better not resist and don't run away."

"Although the universe is large, there is no one I can track."

Lin Lang said quietly with his back to him.

Jin Yan snorted, don't talk too much.

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