Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 880: Gorefiend!

If only on combat power.

Blood crickets should be regarded as the weakest group in this group, but their recovery ability is extremely horrible, and their thick blood is equivalent to three lives.

But Rao is so.

His blood was blown up three times, and his recovery ability couldn't support it. He felt a sense of weakness everywhere, and his combat power was less than one percent of the heyday.

"Two, two listen to me."

Blood was lying on the ground dying: "I don't need to take any action against Crow Nine. The only possibility is that there is another strong man who is good at manipulating blood."

"The strongest in the blood race is only your blood sacrifice, who is not you? Is it because your blood race has a second condensed path?"

The green devil hummed.

"The blood race is indeed not."

The blood puppet looks bleak, and no one knows the current situation of the blood race better than his blood ancestor. Although there are several blood races in the clan, they are still a long way from Ning Tao.

It's not possible that the **** man secretly shot.

The only possibility is that there is a foreign monk who is good at blood.

and many more.

Alien monk!

Suddenly there was an abnormal expression in Xueyan's eyes, and he almost exclaimed, "I know, it's him! The blood monster of the **** ancestor!"

The green devil is not bad.

He has heard of the blood demon, who is said to be an extremely terrifying human blood race. A few years ago, he came to the blood ancestor and committed a major crime.

Consumed nearly one billion bloodline descendants of the blood race, made themselves, and then left. Moreover, it is rumored that the blood demon is not only a blood cultivation, but also a master of the ancient avenue.

This is not the most terrifying yet.

The blood demon has also practiced magic Taoism!

This is scary.

A cultivating system of blood, human, and demons is one, and it is also the master of the ancient avenue.

That kind of people.

Even if it is just the realm of heaven, that's enough to kill the true immortal across the border.

"Even if the blood devil is in trouble, do you think I will let you go like this?" The green devil smiled sternly.

"I knew it."

The blood gaunt looked dim, and he knew that even now he would have guessed someone in the dark, the Green Devil agreed. But the latter will never let him go.

Can put a strong competitor to death, how could the young demons miss this opportunity.

"However, the blood demon dared to secretly account for me, and even if I die today, I will spit you out!" The blood maggot bite his teeth and immediately launched the blood veins.

The green demon did not stop, in fact, he also wanted to know where the blood demon was hiding. Otherwise stared at by such a terrible guy, always feels behind the spooky.

In front of his eyes, the heavens and the earth were covered with a dim grayish white, and everything in his eyes lost its original bright color.

What's left in sight.

There are only blood corps of different sizes. Each blood corpus represents the blood in the monk's body. The higher the blood, the higher the blood pressure, and vice versa.

A monk who is good at manipulating blood has a body blood that is ten times more ambitious than ordinary people.

The **** gaze swept across the heavens and earth, and finally, when he stared at somewhere in the void, he finally saw a flurry of blood that rushed into the sky.

"Just there!"

The blood spit suddenly spit out a large mouthful of blood, and his fingers were empty somewhere. The blue demon looked in the direction of his fingers, and sure enough, there was a black robe monk standing in the dark there.

He seems to be fused with the starry sky as a whole. He is surrounded by thick dark energy. If he didn't deliberately use the spirit to perceive, he would not find any abnormality.

"Is he a blood demon."

The blue devil's eyes flashed, and then his eyelids moved, because in his perception, the blood rushed and was about to take advantage of his chance to escape.

"Do you think you can escape?"

The green devil sneered.

He turned back suddenly, brewing a mighty power, and was about to kill the blood demon who escaped behind.


When he had just turned back.

Suddenly, the blood maggot was holding, but the supernatural power in his hand was ready to stand still. Because in his field of vision, the gloomy black robe man behind him did not know when he had held the blood-stained neck.

"The essence of the blood race is much richer than the ordinary condensed realm." The hoarse voice of the man in black robes sounded, letting people hear the murmur behind him.


The black robe man's hand was pinched fiercely on the blood chest, and with a loud bang, the blood chest was directly smashed into a mist of blood.

The man in the black robe opened his mouth and sucked, and immediately formed a terrible blood vortex around him, and instantly he was swallowed like a whale.

That's it.

The man in black robe turned back suddenly and sneered: "Are you a half-devil? The blood is barely passing, and I don't know if I can swallow you to go further."

The blue demon was uncomfortable staring at him, and it felt like looking at a piece of delicious fat, greedily trying to eat it.


The green demon stared at the black robe man in front of him, and on the latter, he felt the pressure of terror, no less than Lin Youye.

Next to him, the true fairy immortalized the Ning Tao, staring at the man in black robes with dread, frowning: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to take him down."

"A few helpers, the blood demon is no less threatening than Lin Youye, first kill these two, and then we will die one after another." The name Zhenxian shouted distantly to the other battlefield.

Wait for his voice to fall.

In the other battlefield, several people were indeed separated to help. For them, this brief alliance was extremely strong at this time.

They must join forces to solve the weakest first, then the strongest. In the end, they are decisive battles for people of similar realm.


Just then.

There was a sudden bang in the sky. The fairy palace that originally stood on the top of the cloud was continuously vibrating for several times at this moment, and it took a long time to stabilize.

The part of the fairy gate that was wide open at this moment is already closed.

"Xianmen is about to close, and everyone should hurry up!" Many strong men are calm and know that if the battle cannot be ended in a short time, I am afraid that no one will get any benefit in the end.

Think of it here.

The majors no longer kept their hands, and mobilized the strongest attack methods, and numerous fierce energy fluctuations poured out to the opponent.


at this time.

The starry sky outside Dilin has turned into three battlefields. The outermost is the battlefield between Tianxian and ordinary true immortals, and the second battlefield is the five siege of the true immortal siege. Gorefiend.

The last battlefield.

Then five other true immortals condensed Lin Lang together. The battlefield is full of terrible energy fluctuations, leaking a little, that is enough to crush a large area of ​​heaven.

This is the power of Ning Tao Realm!

They have almost controlled some of the powers that the Emperor can use, even if an immortal king comes, at this time, even so many strong men will be killed.


Each of them has the ability to blast the starry sky. If you carry the holy weapon with all your strength, you may be able to break the stars with a few consecutive blows.


Emperor Linxing.

Today, Emperor Star has completely recovered. Whether it is the richness of aura or the land area of ​​the stars, it is far more than ten times as many as in the past.

Even the sun looked like a tiny basketball in front of the Emperor Linxing. At this time, countless people looked up at the starry sky.

In the sky.

The countless rays of light, like a continuous stream of fireworks, continue to bloom and converge.

In the starry sky, all kinds of strange colors are constantly lit up, and they are slightly higher, so you can see countless figures in the sky.

The sound of assassination is sky-high!

"Is this the universe's top powerhouse?"

Countless people look at the stars, and disputes of this level are no longer something that these mortals can participate in.


"Of course, Di Linxing has fully recovered, but for us local monks, the time is still too short."

"The battlefield outside the starry sky, I wait, I am not qualified to participate ..." Similarly, there are many people immortal, Di Xian smiled bitterly, full of regret.

It is Tianxian who has the lowest repair outside the starry sky. Any attack can crush the earth to death thousands of times, let alone fight for opportunity.

It is difficult to get close to the battlefield.

Of course, there are still some people who want to move. Those are the perfect immortals. At this moment, they are desperately impacting the realm, just to be able to join the final battle.


Soon, they understood a fact.

More than just being unable to participate?

I'm afraid I have to be shot even when lying down!

Because the battlefield is not far from Dilinx, a large amount of energy beams often pass through the atmosphere and sweep towards Dilinx ground.

They casually attacked and landed on the surface of Dilinxing, just like a nuclear bomb exploding, with full lethality.



On a grass field in the suburbs, a beautiful woman hugs her baby and just looks at the sky.

"Mom, mom, it's so beautiful tonight, are there so many twinkling stars, are they blinking at me?"

The child snorted.

"That's not a star. That's a great man. They pick the stars in the sky, and Dad is there, and he will pick you a star."

Yu Xiaoxiao explained with a smile.

"Well, Dad." The child shook his fist vigorously, excited: "Sooner or later, one day, I will also become a man like Daddy."

Yu Xiaoxiao is still smiling.

"When Dad comes back, he will pick up the stars for you. You have to wish Dad to come back soon."

"Will do……"

Yu Xiaoxiao murmured softly. She was weak and didn't understand the gap between the top monks. She just learned some simple things from her husband's mouth.

More than ten years later, Yu Xiaoxiao has also been married as a woman. Compared to other people, she is a group of luck.

In the era of great changes in the world and the emergence of monks, I accidentally met an alien monk.

He loved her very much. In addition to cultivation and becoming immortal, he almost obeyed Yu Xiaoxiao's orders in all matters at home.

Only this time.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't stop, because she knew that for a monk, Chengxian was a dream of a lifetime, making him give up the belief that he worked hard all his life.

It's also unfair.

"As soon as I enter the starry sky, I will try to come back alive as soon as I die." She could never forget his husband's apologetic voice and back.

"Why are you two staying in the wild, aren't you afraid of death?" Behind her mother and daughter, Yu Xiaoxiao suddenly heard a clear female voice.

This is a woman wearing a tulle. Mei Yujian reveals an aggressive British spirit. She is a congenial realm.

"Come back to me. Now that the starry battlefield has reached Dilinxing, the terrible energy may fall at any time," said the woman.

"No, I made an appointment with him. When he returns, he will meet in this grassland." Yu Xiaoxiao shook his head and whispered softly.

"Why is it?"

The woman sighed.

She couldn't bear to break Yu Yuxiao's mother and daughter's illusions. How dangerous was Star Wars, and even though Zhenxian didn't dare to say that she would retreat from the whole body, it was still unknown whether her husband could return safely.

"After the war, it would be good for one of the 100 people to come back alive." The woman thought silently.

"Come with me. Daomen still has a little weight in the world. You go back to Zongmen first with me. We will help you find him when the war is over."

The woman advised.

"Even if you have to wait for your husband, make sure you can survive. And even if you don't think about yourself, think about your child."


Yu Xiaoxiao figured it out and promised to come down.

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