Return to the muddy, get muddy

Yuan Ying combines with the spirit to form a body outside the body. This body is the purest.

A leaf of clover represents supplication,

A leaf represents hope,

A leaf represents love,

The last leaf represents happiness. Pick a clover, and touch the clover pendant on your heart. This is destiny. A leaf of a clover that is more than a clover represents happiness.

Lin Lang listened carefully. At this point, there is a flash of color in my eyes that can reflect

He just wanted to give Su Shilan a better life, perhaps in order to repay the debts of previous lives, but after all, it was the debts of previous lives.

The debts of previous lives have been paid off, but what about this life? No matter how he repaid this life, he would still have another debt that would never increase.

Lin Lang sneered, and the fairy picture flashed behind him. There was an immortal driving a crane. A horrifying figure that was so powerful and suffocating emerged behind him, making his whole temperament empty.

Jinjiang is nearly a hundred smokes and greens, and the lychee of Xinyu Mountain is ripe.

August osmanthus blooms everywhere, ten miles into the city.

The founding of the Mei school was much earlier than the two schools. According to the existing historical data, it is believed that the birth time of the Emei martial arts can be traced back to the ancient period. It was formed in the Spring and Autumn Period of the Warring States Period. "Army Boxing" is the historical basis.

Lin Lang frowned, but still looked the same, raised his hands, the index fingers of the left and right hands crossed into a cross shape, and at the node where the **** crossed, a bright spot appeared, and then the light spread quickly, and Lin Lang blinked in a blink of an eye. The whole body shrouded in it, and under the dazzling light, he felt like a round of sun.

At this moment, if there is a master of the temple here, it will be overwhelmed, because Lin Lang's magical powers are the Holy Law of the Light tribe, the Holy Power of the same name as the Great Holy Light, the cross of God light!

Lin Lang's previous life also killed several Guangming fairy kings, and His Majesty also had a Guangming slave. Of course, he had several kinds of holy art.

However, it is clear that the Holy Art of the Light can play an excellent effect under the circumstances. Dark energy struck, and it came into contact with the dazzling light of the cross god, as if it encountered natural enemies, and issued a sound of 呲 呲 呲 呲.

The cross of God's light goes up against the current, directly destroying the dark energy and purifying the dark energy, and Lin Lang's break into the side of the wild dragon is not hindered.

After all, even if he is proficient in various previous magical powers, some want to re-show them, and they need to be re-cultivated. For example, the purple flame god's eye, even if Lin Lang once exhibited the peak of the god's eye, today still needs continuous absorption Asaka.

Chen Miaoxuan suddenly thought of it again and said, "Xiao Lang, do you know my brother Chen Fangyin?"


The Chen family found an ancient mirror in the underground palace, and the master Chen family also successfully engraved an exercise method suitable for Chen Jiawu's repair from the ancient mirror. After practicing this method, many martial arts soldiers in the Chen family have returned to their ancestors. This is not a good thing. On the contrary, most of the martial arts soldiers in the Chen family died on their way back to their ancestors.

This is probably what happened to the Chen family in these days, and it was also Chen Fangyin's request to find Lin Lang. At that time, Lin Lang did not agree, because apart from Chen Miaoxuan, the rest of the Chen family's life and death were not in his eyes.

Besides, he doesn't have much affection for this family. Because of this, Chen Fangyin vaguely guessed that his relationship with Chen Miaoxuan was not strong, so he asked Chen Miaoxuan to bring the matter up.

"Nothing." Lin Lang finally sighed, and said, "Let Chen Fangyin come to see me with the exercises tomorrow morning."

Early the next morning.

Chen Fangyin found Lin Lang with the exercises, and made some adjustments to the details. He returned the exercises after half an hour.

"The golden tribe's method is not weak, but it can pass through the realm of God, but the blood of awakening is too powerful and prone to breakdowns. Now I have modified it to ease a lot, but the advanced speed will slow down, but at least it must be safe hundred times."

Lin Lang took a compromise to reduce the practice speed of the first half of the exercises in order to accumulate thick hair. This can also minimize the accidents in blood awakening to the greatest extent.

"Great. Thank you, Master Lin."

Chen Fangyin was grateful, but when she saw Lin Lang's indifferent face, her joy was immediately lost and dispersed. Originally, he could still have a little friendship with each other, but since these two things happened, the distance between the two has been getting farther and farther, and there is no difference with strangers.

He knew that if it wasn't for Chen Miaoxuan, he would be useless, even if he knelt in front of the other person and begged. If you ask Chen Miaoxuan to come forward now, it will only further arouse the opposition.

"These two things are indeed my consideration ..."

Chen Fangyin made an apology, but looked up again, and there was no shadow of Lin Lang in front of him.

"I hope Miao Xuan can set him flat, and be the aunt of the Chen family."

Chen Fangyin walked back to the Chen family with a sigh of sigh and turned to Chen Jianwu to learn the exercises, but he heard an explosive news

"Well. I had the opportunity to tie him to a chariot with the Chen family, but now ..."

You are ridiculous like a clown, who is a clown

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