With the intervention of Sun Qian, the result of this battle is naturally doomed. Even with a large number of people, the Qing Army is a complex organization formed by thieves, like a piece of sand, and it will collapse in front of the absolute strong.

Moreover, Sun Qian is also far from an extraordinary monk. He is a true immortal who is a powerful man who is close to the limit of immortality.

A strength, even in the realm of true immortality, is invincible. What's more, there are Lin Lang, which is deeper and deeper than the realm, as well as the real mansion and Nizupeng.

This once protracted protracted war is bound to be overturned as a result.

Soon, a large part of the Tianxian strongman of the Su Qing Army was strangled by Sun Qian, and the rest also fled under the counterattack of the royal army and flew away from the hundreds of stars in the star battleship.

Absolutely strong individual combat power can completely determine the direction of a war.

Such as Sun Qian.

Following this, after the recovery of Prince Edward ’s injuries, the royal family blew the counter-offensive horn completely and wiped out the remnants of the Su Qing Army on the battlefield stars.

The hundred battle stars returned to the hands of the human race again. When the prince bravely declared the independence of the hundred battle stars on the pinnacle of the imperial city, all the people celebrated, and not only many people fell into tears.

At the same time, Prince Edward set up a heroic monument towering above the sky, exceeding the tens of millions of soldiers and heroes and hundreds of millions of war stars who have died as a result of the wars of these centuries.

This is the star who has experienced Star Wars! Countless people died, enough to make a prosperous star go back hundreds of years of development.

Fortunately, however, the battles were won, the people's enthusiasm soared, and all post-war issues can still be carried out in an orderly manner.

On the same day, the fighters of the Warring Stars co-designated Prince Yong as the new generation of Warring Star Kings, worshiping the world, and establishing a chapel.

After all, although this battle was indispensable in the end and even subverted the direction of a war, he had too many stains and people's opinions on him were mixed.

But Prince Ziyong is different. He is a leader who has led the Terran Army for hundreds of years against the Yan and the Qing Army, never willing to compromise half a inch of territory.

Perhaps this is also the dignity of a nation that has been inherited from the hundred kings of immortals!

As for Sun Qian at this moment, he has already left the home star with Lin Lang. Yes, he has no face to go back, even if he contributed to this battle.

But he thinks that living too much on the battlestars is greater than merit. Instead, he might as well give up everything and let a truly qualified leader inherit the unification.

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