Not to mention how depressing Lin Lang's heart is, but now he is only in the realm of heaven, and finally provokes the super-immortal-level powerhouse.

How can there be such aggrieved things!

Even if Yan Sheng was separated from two realms and made an attack, it was by no means what he could resist now. After all, it is not a spiritual beam, but a rule of all kinds.

The power of the avenue.

Enough to crush him thousands of times!


After a long while.

Lin Lang suddenly opened his eyes, but was shocked to find that he had not been destroyed by Wandao rules. Instead, the cultivation in his body was unprecedentedly magnificent.

Compared to the 50 avenue rules in his body, he now has more than 80 avenue rules in his body. However, the rate of increase is still soaring at a rocket-like rate.

Ninety species!

Ninety-five species!

One hundred kinds!

In an instant, the number of avenues in Lin Lang's body had reached 105, the limit of the heavenly realm. However, it has not stopped and is climbing at an alarming rate.

in a blink.

Two hundred kinds of avenues in the body!

Three hundred kinds!

Four hundred species!

However, in the course of several breaths, the number of avenues in Lin Lang's body has exceeded one thousand. There is still no tendency to stop, and it is hitting the 2,000 mark.

"This **** bitch!"

Lin Lang cursed, he suddenly realized, and finally understood Yan Sheng's plan.

The power to cross the two realms to kill people needs to bear the great cause and effect. The stronger the power, the higher the realm, the more terrible the cause and effect.

Yan Sheng did not intend to kill him in the universe, but injected various avenues into him, forcing him to pass the critical point of the universe to accommodate monks.

It was forced to soar.

The immortal killing does not need to bear the cause and effect of the two realms.

At that time, I am afraid that Yan Shenghui will instantly calculate his soaring pick-up position, or even more terrible, to move him directly from the pick-up station to Yan Sheng Palace with power.

At that time, what he needed to face was the Emperor Xiandi of Yansheng Palace, even Yansheng himself.


The sky is shaking slowly. In the sky, countless avenues condense. Seven-colored gods glow from the depths of the sky, covering the whole star.

The avenue is peaceful, and the dragon and phoenix are peaceful.

The northern thunder made up, the lion's head antlers, tiger's eye moose body, dragon scale oxtail are all in one body, the Swiss beast unicorn dangled in purple lightning, the south is agitated into a bird, and the sky is full of air. .

Under the rays of light, the mind of any living creature is a peaceful one. The original damaged **** earth, at this moment, was illuminated by the colorful gods, and began to slowly repair itself.

Each of the gods and beasts is divided into six sides, and the center of the light is diffused, and a secret ladder is built that is 100 meters wide and goes up the sky.

Your eyesight is overwhelming.

At the height of the step, a huge eye pupil was opened at this moment, and the heavenly atmosphere was permeated, exuding ancient majesty and indifference.

Eye of the sky!

Sure enough, the rules of the two realms have noticed the existence of Lin Lang, which is beyond the capacity of the universe. So it appeared that he would extradite Lin Lang, a powerful monk, into the more immortal world.

Lin Lang's body was also shrouded in a layer of pure milky halo, and her body was out of control, as if she wanted to fly high.

"Someone soared!"

In fact, many people have not understood what happened, but they can see the gorgeous ascension vision in the distance.

This is a scene recorded only in the classics.

Although ascensors have appeared in all past gods, there are very few people who can be fortunate to see them.

"It's that demon! It's that demon that has risen. Oh my god, he has blamed God for so long and finally has to leave." Many monks near the imperial city recognized Lin Lang.

Although they don't want to see Lin Lang soar, at this moment, after Lin Lang almost splits the oracle star in half, as long as he can get Lin Lang away from the oracle star, they can't wait.

"He's finally leaving, Cangtian opens his eyes."

Many people wept with joy.

But the next moment, their faces suddenly changed. I saw Lin Lang sitting in the void, waving his palm gently, drawing a perfect arc in the air.

Eventually fell on his lower abdomen.


He wobbled, as if he had suffered a very serious injury, and a little blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. At the same time, the diffuse glow in the sky suddenly faded.

The power of ascension suddenly dissipated.

That sky eye also tends to close.

He was not led away by the force of ascension.

"I almost destroyed the villain star, and indeed he was not blessed by the heavens and prevented him from ascending." Someone was thankful and some worried.



The vision rose again, the glow of the sun shrouded again, and the power of ascension gathered again. Lin Lang waved and patted himself again.

The sky is dim.

This reciprocating for several cycles, even the eyes of the sky brought a hint of doubt when looking at Lin Lang.

"It's not because the heavens are intolerable, it's because he's cutting the road!" On the **** star, an old real monster of the imperial dynasty was also shocked, looking at Lin Lang with clear eyes.

He belongs to Tianxian who has not passed through the ascension and thus missed the opportunity for ascension. Even if he has cultivated to the real immortal realm, he cannot ascend again.

But after experiencing the ascension, he was far more knowledgeable than others. But he couldn't figure it out, why would anyone refuse to soar.

Why would there be so many avenues in the human body, and even cut off the avenues in the ascension and refuse to soar. That's an opportunity pursued by countless monks!

I am afraid that only two parties, Yan Sheng and Lin Lang, can understand such a thing.

Knowing Yan Sheng's intentions, Lin Lang took the initiative and took the Bright Avenue as a guide, turning it into a sharp blade, and cutting away his excess.

Nearly a hundred species were chopped in one breath.


Lin Lang waved his knife several times.

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