At this moment, he finally regretted his actions, why he thought to open the star gate and come to the will in the universe.

He thought he could bear the power of cause and effect, and he even thought that Yu Pei would exert its due effect. After all, he forgot a little, the cause and effect that crosses the two realms, but that is the power that even the Emperor can't avoid!

Why did he provoke a fairy king?

"It's over."

King Chou Kouxian's face was as dead as death. Hastily run through the two realms, not only did not kill that junior junior, he also had to be erased by the force of cause and effect.

Nothing in his life was more humiliating than this.

Just then.

A white, jade palm rested on the shoulder of King Qiu Kouxian, and pure power permeated the palm of King Qiu Kouxian.

It is very amazing that this seemingly weak power has the ability to turn decay into magic after invading King Qiu Kouxian.

Began to improve his physical body, helping to repair his broken repairs as the foundation.


Qiu Kou first murmured. He naturally knew who the owner of the palm was behind. The entire Yansheng Palace seemed to have only such an ability as Yansheng himself.

Yan Sheng did not speak, gently raised his hand, a wave of mysterious power wafted between the sleeves, and directly dispelled all the forces of cause and effect, but the power of cause and effect did not dissipate as a result, but directly penetrated into the body.

The two kept this posture.

"Master ..."

A long while.

Yan Sheng finally opened his eyes, showing a trace of fatigue in his eyes. He took a deep breath and resumed his spirited state again.

"Master, it is you that absorbed the power of cause and effect, are you ... okay?" King Qiu Kouxian asked carefully.

Yan Sheng shook his head and looked coldly at Qiu Kouxian: "Okay? What is the power of cause and effect, do you think it can be absorbed by spiritual power?"

"If it wasn't for today that I felt the parent star was about to collapse, I don't know what a good thing you have done with this waste."

"The child knows wrong."

King Qiu Kouxian knelt down on the ground and yelled, "It's just that you absorbed the power of cause and effect for me, and the student is very worried about the state of the Master."

Yan Sheng Ningshen stared at King Qiu Kouxian for a moment, and then slowly took up his hand and said, "Under the heavens, any avenue can be cultivated, including chaos. the power of."

"It's not good to be a teacher, it's just because of cultivation to reluctantly accept it. It just absorbs the causal power of the body, and it will erupt completely when it is eternally robbed."

Yan Sheng looked at the sky outside the hall and said softly: "How much power of cause and effect is contaminated by a person, how terrible is eternal disaster, and no one can be aloof."

"This time you cross the two realms, the cause and effect you are carrying are too large. For today, there are only two ways to completely erase the cause and effect."

King Qiu Kouxian nodded understandably. In his realm, it was too reluctant for him to understand cause and effect, and he could only subconsciously ask, "Which two methods?"

"One is to kill the evil head, that is, to kill the human monk who lets you cross two realms to kill, so that he will marry all the cause and effect to him."

"The second way is to completely destroy everything that God has made, so that the rules of the two realms cannot trace the source of cause and effect of Tao." Yan Shengyu was astonishing.

"Destroy the gods!"

The King of Chou Kouxian was taken aback. The oracle star is the ancestor of all the Yan clan. Can Yan Sheng agree to fall next? If he puts it into action, he will not be surprised how many old monsters of the Yan clan will come by then.

Although Yan Sheng is strong, he is called the first monk of the Yan tribe, but this does not mean that the Yan tribe is his Yan Sheng.

There are also many ancient immortal emperors of the Yan tribe. If anyone hits the ancestors of the Yan tribe, those old monsters will be born, even if Yan Sheng has to concede three points.

"No, no, how dare I hit the attention of the ancestor." King Qiu Kouxian shook his head like a rattle: "Compared to this, it would be better to find a way to kill Lin Youye. Anyway, he wants to ascend to the fairy world, but it is It's just a matter of time. "

"Do you know the reason why you started with Qiu Kou the earliest, your four siblings all stepped into the realm of immortals, and why are you stuck in the realm of immortals?"

Yan Sheng suddenly turned his head.

"The disciples are stupid, and their talents are not as good as those of other brothers." Wang Qiuxian replied.


Yan Sheng shook his head: "On talent, you are the top one in Yan Sheng Palace, even the boss is far less than you. But your understanding is too poor, why is it so troublesome to kill a nether monk?"

Yan Sheng shook his head, and then took a step forward. With a wave of his robe, he immediately built a gorgeous star gate in front of him, tall and magnificent.

Far more gorgeous and stronger than the star gate constructed by King Qiu Kouxian's secret method. Every pure force emerged from the interior of the star gate, straddling the two realms, and rushed to the oracle star at a very rapid speed.

"Master is planning to kill people across the border in the same way as I do?" King Qiu Kouxian thought silently, but there were many doubts.

For example, Yan Sheng said earlier that killing people across two realms requires too much cause and effect. Is n’t his Master worried about this?


His doubts were quickly answered.

I saw the gorgeous energy beams handed out by Yan Sheng. After crossing the two realms, they turned on the direction of Lin Lang directly as if the automatic tracking function was turned on.

At that speed, even a perfectly successful fairy king did not have any reaction time.


Lin Lang's face on the oracle star changed greatly, and he looked distantly at the four splendid beams from the sky, and realized that the power contained in it was absolutely capable of killing him!


Lin Lang's face was abnormally ugly, and he could not help yelling and tried his best to solve the problem. He was urged to the extreme by trying to avoid the four energy beams.

After repulsing King Chou Kouxian, he thought that the other party would be killed by cause and effect and would no longer be able to fight back. But what he never expected was that after King Qiu Kouxian, there was another Yan clan who could shoot at him.

And the means is thousands of times higher than that of Qiu Kouxian, even the ordinary Emperor can never achieve such a severe blow.

By the time Lin Lang returned to God, those rays of light had hit him heavily.

"Yan Sheng, it must be Yan Sheng!"

Lin Lang smiled bitterly, an infinitely close to the master, and even stepped into the presence of the master to shoot him in person, which is something he never expected.

He did underestimate the level of madness of the Yan clan's power. A power who is so famous in the immortal world did not hesitate to shoot against a lower heaven god.

Isn't Yan Sheng afraid of bearing cause and effect?

Being stared at such existence, Mo said that now, even in the heyday, he did not have a half chance against Shang Yansheng. This time, I am afraid that even the opportunity for reincarnation is lost.

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