"I won't hand over the star map."

The young man suddenly interrupted him, and said lightly, "Although Yi Lanxing can't stop your Yan march, it is a national shame, and I can't refute it."

"The lion king is greedy for fear of death, or his name is for profit, and his Majesty marches into a mutiny because he is not a human. However, the royal family of Yi Lanxing cannot do this. Use the treasures left by your ancestors to enemies. "

Yi Lanxing once appeared a fascinating and amazing power. The starry sky has been around for thousands of years. At that time, even the top ten royal families did not dare to belittle them.

Later, when the Yilan star was soaring, he buried his life's wealth in a star, and left a star map where he could find the treasure.

The endless years have passed, and Yi Lanxing has been fighting for a long time. The treasure map has also been split into two halves in the struggle between the various forces, half of which is in the hands of the royal family, and the other half has been lost for hundreds of thousands of years.

And then it is now.

March Yan didn't know where to get the other half of the star map, intimidating the royal family to hand over the other half of the star map. The royal family refused, and the war broke out.

Yi Lanxing died and the prince was captured.

"Ancestors will never allow this star map to fall into the hands of outsiders, so you don't need to think about the star map. After I die, let this secret be buried forever in time."

The youth smiled.

"Are you sure?"

The glory of the Legion of Honor surged in the eyes. Obviously, after a vain attempt, it was the result that had completely exhausted his patience.

"In fact, Yi Lanxing died. What I hate most is not the mad lion king who betrayed Yi Lanxing's defense fortresses, but ourselves."

The youth sighed: "I hate that Yi Lan's stars have been weak for hundreds of thousands of years, which is enough to weaken the original Yi Lan Tieqi, which was the starry sky.

"If it was Yilan Tieqi, who was under the ancestors of that year, the Yan march would have been blown away." The youth clenched his fists. "I hate my powerlessness, but also hate your Yan people, destroy my homeland, and kill my people. Do not wear together. "

"Don't wear it together?"

General Yan Teng sneered: "A Captive of the Yan march deserves nothing to share with us. Do you have that ability? Even if I give you 100,000 Yilan Xingtieqi, what can you do?"

"At that time, the 30 million monk army of Yi Lanxing was not destroyed by the 800,000 march of Yan, and the weak star should accept the fate of being conquered."

"Should the weak star perish."

The youth's momentum suddenly wilted.

Yi Lan is full of stars for thousands of years, even if it can claim to dominate the starry sky, in fact, it is still not much in front of the starry royal family like Yan.

The reason why the Yan clan is strong is not only because of their strong bloodlines, but also the main reason is the countless array of arches and gods. Once launched, it can block the attack of any external forces.

Therefore, they are not afraid of war at all, because even if they provoke any force in the universe, even if the march of Yan Yan is defeated and killed, once all the formation methods are launched, any force will not want to break the defense for thousands of years.

For thousands of years, they are enough to train a new batch of Yan marching strong. Not to mention the details of those immortal dynasties, once unveiled, there is no fear of forces on either side of the universe.

The base camp is stable and fearless of foreign invasion. Because of this, the ancestral ancestry of the Yan tribe can be traced back to the past. The strong emerged, unlike Yi Lanxing. Once the army outside was destroyed, it would not be far from the collapse of the stars.

"Yes, there are nearly ten true immortal ancestors in the Yan march. Looking at the universe, how many forces dare to openly oppose the Yan clan?"

The youth looked out of the window with some ending. What kind of resistance does Yi Lanxing take to resist such an overbearing force? With that fruit, the only true ancestor of the last immortal?


The light passed through the transparent hatch, and a huge fiery red star was distant in sight. Numerous planetary arch guards revolved around the body of the oracle. The appearance of the stars is overflowing with red light, and the halo is flowing, exuding strange waves.

This is the God Star.

Even in the universe, the oracle star is enough to be called a large star, and its volume is enough to split more than ten Yilan stars.

It is such a star that has given birth to tens of millions of years of glory for the Yan tribe. Called the strongest force in the universe.

That sense of powerlessness, but any strength that has fought against the Yan clan will exist.

Just then.

The young man suddenly froze and stared out the window. For some reason, the entire oracle star is now trembling up and down,

Like a stone thrown into a pool, the void is constantly wavy with ripples, and countless planets around it tremble with the frequency of the vibration of the oracle.

It seemed that he saw the sluggish action of the youth, and the three leaders of the glory legion also looked in the direction he was looking. The scene before him can be described as unforgettable throughout his life.

I saw a huge **** star, a burst of stormy weather erupted, a large number of devastating beams of light rushed directly to the universe, impacting the starry battleships.

And at this time.

There is also an invisible barrier on the surface of the oracle star. It seems that there are two opposite forces pulling on each other, one side is full of destruction, and the other is close to the defense.

The two forces are constantly colliding and impacting the body of the oracle star. The scene is like a blast of nuclear bombs constantly exploding on the surface of the star, and there are dazzling explosion sparks everywhere.

It is clearly visible even in the space hundreds of millions of miles apart.

"It is said that when the Enlightenment became enlightenment, not only did the gallant era of the fighting dynasty be wiped out, but also an ancient defensive formation on the oracle star with great magical power. The existence of the wear and tear. "

"It seems the legend is true."

The leader of the glory murmured. At the same time, there was a deep doubt in his heart. The power in front of him had definitely exceeded the limit of the power that the universe could hold. How could it suddenly burst on the surface of the oracle.

Exactly what kind of existence has come to oracle star, is this intended to directly destroy his mother star? The true immortal in the universe is already the strongest combat force, and the fluctuations in front of it are obviously far beyond this level.

At least it has reached the standard of true fairy peak.

How could such existence exist in the universe?

Just when countless question marks shrouded everyone's mind. With a loud noise, the ancient array method that Yansheng once built finally couldn't support it.

Immediately, the oracle star was divided in half.

"What exactly is going on?"

The youth stared blankly at this scene.

He had never imagined that someone would take the initiative to attack the home star of the Yan clan, and even imagine that such an existence would exist in the sky and the earth.

One sword, chop the star of God in half!

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