Three captives, three high-level march leaders, sitting one-on-one at this moment, it is rare to see this picture.

I didn't know what the six people in the head cabin had communicated with at the moment. At this moment, I saw a general of the Yan clan with wide eyes and slap the table fiercely.

"The captive should have the captive's consciousness and pretend to be silent and calm. Does he think he is a nobleman with more than 10,000 people? In the Yan cabin, even an ordinary soldier is more expensive than you." The general sneered. Soon.

"Stop it!"

An old man among the captives roared suddenly, his voice was a little louder than that general: "The prince's body is a defeat in World War I, and his royal identity is by no means comparable to your young Yan general."

"This is pretty much the same for the Prince of your Central Dynasty. What kind of thing are you?"

The general was stunned, followed by a furious anger: "Dog slave, Yi Lanxing has been flattened by the iron hooves of Yan March, a group of prisoners, Lao Tzu killed you at any time."

"And you Prince of Peace, today I will ask again last time, where is the star chart? I can still survive by handing over the star chart, otherwise I will kill you."

"No one wants to live."

He pointed at the aristocratic youth.

"As a captive, killing is arbitrary."

The young man laughed calmly.

"Come, you kill me if you have one."

The old man's temper was not ordinary and tense, and his voice was very yelled. "Yan Teng, I know you. When you cringed and hid in the decadent city, Lao Tzu sieged you for 18 years and did not dare to fight."

"The incompetent rat generation is still qualified to bark. Even if this battle is won by Yan Yan, there is absolutely nothing to do with you Yan Teng. There is a way that you loosen the rope on Lao Tzu and see that Lao Tzu stabbed you with a knife."

The general clenched his fists, anxious to shoot him directly. However, it is impossible to refute that when the Yan march attacked Yi Lanxing, he was indeed besieged by the opposing party for 18 years and was afraid to fight.

This is probably his greatest shame.

"You really think I dare not kill you." Yan Teng was so angry that he pulled out the sword at his waist, and a cold light shone on the old man's face, and he was about to chop forward.

The old man was always stubbing his neck, not seeing weakness at all.


The leader of the glory army suddenly made a noise.

"You retreat first." The head of the Legion of Honor waved his hand, this time saying: "Prince Yi Lan, there is no sword on the battlefield, it is the war that is going to die. Yi Lanxing has killed many people, and the march Yan has also suffered heavy losses. . "

"You should understand this truth."

"So you are no less cruel than blaming the march of Yan. As long as it is a war, death is inevitable. Even me, you are ready to die one day."

"So, after this battle, I chose to quit my official position and return to the oracle star to quietly be an honorary elder of the overlord gate."

The young man was silent for a moment and nodded his head in agreement.

There was a smile on the face of the leader of the glory group, and then he slowly smiled: "So people are animals looking forward. Since the situation has evolved to this extent, it is better to face it with a smile."

"It ’s better to spend your old age than to tie your head to your belt every day. In fact, you are the same, and even your future is brighter than mine. As the Prince of Yi Lanxing, you definitely have the identity and status to call on Yi The monk forces of Lan Xing. "

"The Lion King is one of the best examples. When the war broke out, he relied on the account of Yan March. Now he has been sent down by the emperor to report to Beijing. He should be able to get a title of more than five grades."

"This time I will take you back to the **** of the stars, if in your capacity, if you can surrender to the emperor, you will be a feudal official in the future. Will Yilan Xing be your royal family if you go back?"

The head of the Legion of Honor tempted.

"As for the resentment between Yi Lanxing and the march of Yan, in fact, isn't that the thing, as long as you ..."

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