Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 669: Changwangfu

The spirit soul contract is used to restrain the monk. The creator of the contract can control the other party through the spirit soul contract, which can basically decide the life and death of the other party in one thought.

However, the spirit and soul contract also has a priority. Lin Lang's spirit strength is the top fairy king. With the spirit strength of the deities, it is difficult to control the fairy king spirit. Lin Lang can completely reverse the priority.

Reach the possibility of countermeasures.

Just doing this is likely to stun Mozun, and Lin Lang is not ready to do so for the time being.

With the movement of the heavenly body, the magical energy of Lin Lang's body was driven to the corner of the Linghai by the breath of the heavenly body, and the characteristics of the demonized body also disappeared.

It can be said that the arrival of Mozun this time, the two means of controlling Lin Lang did not play their due effect.


The next six months.

Lin Lang devoted all his thoughts to the Shadowless Borders, and soon he realized the mystery of the Shadowless Borders. He was so impressed that the shadow behind him stretched long and narrowly, followed by the shadow being two.

In front of him, another shadow gradually solidified, transformed into the appearance of Lin Lang, and his whole body was repaired as ordinary.

This is the magical power contained in the shadowless borderless map, which is the talented magical power of the shadow magic tribe. Lin Lang divided the demon body, thus forming a demon avatar in front of him.

The demon avatar raised his hand, exuding a mighty magic gas, and blasted a mountain directly. Numerous broken stones were swayed by magic gas, and instantly turned into powder.

This is the most powerful of the Shadow Demon supernatural powers. In the final analysis, the immortal mastery of the monk masters contains the monk's will and part of the supernatural thoughts, which will eventually dissipate.

But the shadow magic clone is not the same. The clone can be substantiated and can use magical powers, which is like the advent of the true deity. Even the shadow demon avatar from Lin Lang's eyes has a combat power close to Jiuwen Renxian.

But Lin Lang shook his head.

"After all, the shadowless map contains the magical powers of the Shadow Fiends. Even if I can penetrate the magical powers, there is a big flaw in the absence of the Shadow Fiends' body." Lin Lang shook his head.

The shortcomings are mainly reflected in the duration of the shadow demon avatar. After all, he is a human body and cannot perfectly control the shadowless magic power. Even if the shadow demon avatar is condensed into an entity, it will eventually dissipate over time.

He must make a pair of independent avatars, in order to perfectly solve the problem of the complex system of cultivation in the body. Both the heavenly body and the magical way are out of his calculation range.

Of course, if two bodies can practice at the same time, his ultimate combat power will also be greatly improved, which is more reflected in the enlightenment of Taoism.

Only when the magic Tao avatar and the demon bone meal are fused together, when the body is used as a sustenance, the avatar can truly survive.

"What you really want."

There was a smile on Lin Lang's mouth. He has just received the news from the Skeleton Human Immortal, and the Demon Sovereign has collected all the Demon Bone Meal from the entire Sky Demon Cliff, and has now sent it to the Blood Demon Palace.


Soon after.

Lin Lang returned to the palace, and Zai carefully inspected the demon bone meal sent by the demon.

In this space spiritual ring, there are nearly a hundred pounds of demon bone meal, and the quantity is quite large. You should know that the price of the demon bone meal is quite expensive, and you can buy about one thousand spirit stones in one or two.

The demon bone meal is the fall of the two ancient gods of ancient gods and demons. The bones were ground into dregs. As long as one or two refining weapons are added, the power of the gods will be greatly improved.

In the fairy realm, the price of the demon bone meal is higher, and each biped can sell tens of thousands of spirit stones.

"A bit worse."

Lin Lang frowned. Although there was a lot of demon bone meal in front of him, he needed more. He wanted to make a body, not a weapon.

Only the demon bone meal can withstand the physical force, and can grow up with the monk, which is rare.

"By the way, there should still be some bone meal in my space spirit ring, but it's not necessarily whether I can find the demon bone meal."

Lin Lang also suddenly remembered that when he was outside of the Kunxu boundary, he once landed on a broken continent. On that ancient battlefield, a large number of strong men fell, and he also collected many strong bones.

Later, Lin Lang sank his mind into the space spiritual ring, and searched for the bones of each fallen strong. Don't say, he really found some.

But compared to the number of condensed clones is also a part of it.

"It seems very necessary to go to Changwang Mansion."

Lin Lang said to himself.

Changwang's mansion is surrounded by immortals, and it is not easy to mess with it. Therefore, Lin Lang must raise the repair to the peak and be prepared for foolproofness.

After about half a month.

Lin Lang promoted Xiu to Immortal Immortal, and then the blood demon brought the strong men together. A group of nearly ten immortals left Tian Mo Ling and went straight to Changwang Mansion.


Chang Wang's Mansion is under the jurisdiction of the Yunlang Palace in the Western Region. It has a vast territory, and it controls four or five third-rate schools.

Although Chang Wangfu is an official government system, it is actually equivalent to a family gate. Its power is comparable to the second-class gates, and even among all second-class gates in the Saiyunlang Palace, Changwang Palace is also the top one.

Such status naturally comes from their governors.

Chang Wang!

Generally speaking, the strongest of the second-rate sects will not exceed Dixian, most of them are led by Lindaojingrenxian. But Chang Wang is different. He is not an ordinary immortal immortal.

It is said that at the time Chang Wang had extremely high talents, and his strength was not weaker than the seven sons of Kunxu of his generation. Later, after hundreds of years of precipitation, Chang Wang actually took the last step.

It's a pity.

At that time, at the critical moment of the advanced Dixian, Wang Wang was sneakily attacked by another nearby immortal Jingxian from the second-class ancestral gate.

Although the angered King Wang directly used the infinitely close magic power of Dixian to keep the chickens and dogs that attacked his second-rate ancestors, he also fell ill.

Can't go further in life.

It can be said that Chang Wang is a sad person. He has worked hard for decades and finally managed to become an upper-level figure in the Kunxu industry. However, he was attacked on the way to the retreat, resulting in a final loss.

In commemoration of this king, Yunlang Palace hereby encloses a hereditary title, king Chang.

This generation of Chang Wang is also very extraordinary and has a great strategy. After a hundred years of governing his life, he has made Chang Wang's mansion into what it is today, and its strength is far more powerful than that of several second-class schools in the vicinity.

There are only three immortals in Lindaojing!

This is already an incredible thing among all the second-class sects in Kunxu. Even if it is a first-class sect, the number of strong people in the Provincial Realm is not too much.

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