Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 668: Demon Sinner

The four magistrates left.

Lin Lang stayed in place. He had once seen the demon's imagination, and he could probably judge the practice of that demon, only if he had reached the level of supreme giant.

Although Lin Lang had previously set fire to death, but most of the reasons were that the leader of the Fenglei Church did not take precautions. If the other party tried his best to guard him, he could only rely on the fire to burn him seriously.

But Mozun is different.

Mozun himself is a supreme giant, and he is trained to be much more horrible than the leader of Fenglei Church. He is also familiar with the roots of Lin Lang. It is difficult for Shenhuo to effectively kill him.

Moreover, the last time the fire has been consumed, it is still being cultivated.

It is simply unrealistic to want to burn the demon with fire.

Such a strong man is far from being able to confront Lin Lang now.

As for escape, it is even more impossible.

Such a strong person can cover the entire Tian Mo Ling in one thought, and no one can hide his perception. It is impossible for the two magic wars to go unnoticed by him.

But now the deities do not appear.

It also means that things will change.

"Perhaps Mozun is watching me in secret at this moment. If he doesn't take a direct shot, it means that he doesn't want to touch me yet." Lin Lang thought for a moment.

However, there is not much fear. The supreme giants in the Kunxu industry speak nicely, but they are actually just the peak of the earth fairy.

If Lin Lang is really anxious, use taboo methods. Fighting for life still has the confidence to escape from the hands of Mozun. It's a big deal to rebuild and revenge a few years later.

His soul has always been his hole card. Even if someone can defeat or even kill him, it is far from possible to destroy his soul.

This is his dependence!

How can the earth fairy destroy the spirit of the top fairy king?

Soon after, Lin Lang brought everyone from the Bloody Blood Hall back to the Blood Demon Palace, and instead of continuing to care for them, he went directly to cultivation.

As for sin, hell!

One of his top fairy kings has dignity and can be defeated, but his proud heart will never allow him to bow to others.

In particular, the other side was a termite that could easily be killed by a finger in his eyes.

Even after reincarnation and rebuilding, never bow your head.

Lin Lang didn't go out for a month and a half, but it surprised those who were going to watch the lively event.

Just a few days after taking office, the blood demon made a killing ring, and killed the wind demon such a qualified demon.

And killing a demon, and making such a big moth, this guy didn't run away, but stayed at Tian Mo Cliff like a okay person.

Doesn't he know that Mozun has always been moody. Once he is angered, he will only have one end, even the descendants of the demons who live in Tianmo Cliff.

"Isn't Lord Mozun even aware of this?" The demons were puzzled, and they didn't understand why Mozun had not lowered the punishment till now.

Until one day after half a month.

A visitor came from the Gorefiend Palace.

Mozun appeared silently in Lin Lang's retreat cave house. Lin Lang noticed it immediately, and looked at Mozun calmly.

Mozun didn't speak, but there was an astonishing coercion all over his body, like the overwhelming tide, rushing to Lin Lang.

Lin Langtian said that Jin Dan rose and suspended, and the depressive feeling on his body immediately subsided.

"You are so brave, killing the Wind Demon has not even taken the initiative to the Magic Palace to plead guilty. Do you really think this seat dare not kill you?" Mozun raised his eyelids, and the indifferent magic pupil swept toward Lin Lang.

"Not really."

Lin Lang shook his head and laughed: "The demon is not here to ask for sin. The reason why I stay to this day is because I still have value to you, and although the wind demon has value to you, it is far less than that. I can bring it for you. "

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be something for me to do."

Lin Lang was very sure that the reason why the demon did not kill him, and did not use the means of the emperor to intimidate, there was definitely a hidden affair, saying that there was no need for him to help.

Because he knew very well that the means of a superior to take control, such as the deities treating the immortal immortal, and the ants-like mentality, would be destroyed as long as they were angry.

It is impossible to keep him till now.

They also appeared in Lin Lang's Dongfu in person.

Mozun stared deeply at Lin Lang, and after a short while, he said lightly: "You are right, in my eyes, there are only two kinds of people, one is valuable, the talent is worth training, and the other is Valuable, but not worth training. "

"You still have value to me, so now you can still stand in front of me."

"What does Mozun want me to do?" Lin Lang was too lazy to be indifferent and went straight to the topic.

Mozun glanced at Lin Lang lightly and said, "You can see it clearly. Listen well. I need a lot of Lingzhi Xianzhi, preferably thousands of years old."

"Ling Ling Xian Zhi?"

Lin Lang frowned. Lingzhi Xianzhi is a heaven and earth elixir specially used to restore spirits. It has no other function than that.

Generally speaking, only people with damaged souls will urgently need Lingzhi Xianzhi. What does Mozun want so many Lingzhi Xianzhi? And even if the soul is repaired, one Lingzhi Xianzhi is enough.

Lin Lang was puzzled.

"Lingzhi Xianzhi has some reserves in the magical fantasy, in addition, I also need you to help me kill a person, he is also in the magical fantasy." Mozun continued.

"Is there anyone else in Kunxun who can't help it? Besides, it shouldn't be difficult for them to enter the magical realm of magic to obtain Lingzhi Xianzhi with their ability," Lin Lang laughed.

Mozun did not answer.

It was just coldly: "I will inform you of the position of the person when you enter the fantasy world, and I will give you three years. If you can't do these two things, you know the consequences."

As the master of Tian Mo Ling, Mo Zun is definitely a character who can do it. If he is remembered by him, he will not be safe even if he is always cramped in Tianzong.

The voice fell.

Mozun's figure flashed, and he was about to leave. Lin Lang took a step ahead and said loudly: "I still have something to do while the demon is staying."

The statue of Mozun paused, listening only to the voice of Lin Lang on the other side: "I need devil bone meal, a lot of devil bone meal. I don't know if there is any?"

After hearing that, Mozun turned around and stared indifferently at Lin Lang: "Do you think you have any capital to talk to me about the conditions?"

"Yes, it's just heaven and earth."

Lin Lang smiled slightly. Tiandao Jindan and all the evil spirits in the world have natural restraint, especially the demon of the heart, which is why the demon chooses him.

Otherwise, in the previous two terms, it is nothing in Tianmo Cliff based on his cultivation realm. Mozun can send a descendant of the Demons to go there, and the chance of completion is greater.

Therefore, only the things that the demon commanded him could do. Now that this is established, Lin Lang will have no fear. Anyway, as long as he does not touch the bottom line of the deities, there should be no danger.


Mozun nodded: "There is some demon bone powder stored in Tianmo Cliff, which can be given to you. But now you make me very uneasy."

Lin Lang has a big appetite and has a very independent will. Mozun thinks that it is difficult for him to hold the latter firmly in his hands.


Mozun stretched out his hand a little, and suddenly an extremely pure magic anger rushed to Lin Lang's body, instilled. Lin Lang's body encountered magic, and suddenly changed.

Many characteristics of the Demon appeared on the body.

Behind him, a shadow kept swaying, new shadows broke free, tearing the original shadow appeared, and behind him, he was completely caught in a shadow.

At this moment, Lin Lang's head was double-horned, and his back was dark, exuding a mighty power.

"This way I can look better." Mozun whispered to himself, and he naturally saw that Lin Lang had not transformed himself into a demon body before, and he simply shot and ganged up to help Lang Lang.

Let him completely degenerate into a magic repair.

Once transformed into a magic repair, it is bound to be firmly tied to the chariot of the sky magic cliff. Even after doing this, Mozun still felt uneasy, raised his hand again to point out a beam of light, and shot into Lin Lang's knowledge of the sea.

Gradually, a piece of transparent paper emerged in Lin Lang's mind, without any power, but Lin Lang faintly felt a connection between his soul and the demon.

Soul contract.

The best way to control monks.

Lin Lang's mouth evoked an imperceptible smile and simply let the demon create a contract. If you want to use the spirit contract to restrain Lin Lang, maybe soon, this will be the stupidest decision in your life.

Soon, the creation of the spirit contract was completed. Between the two, the spirits of the two seemed to be connected by an invisible line.

After doing this, Mozun finally withdrew the divine thoughts.

"That's a lot of relief."

Mozun laughed, and then walked away.

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