Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 629: War slave Jane Hongfei

Lin Lang smiled slightly, not seeing the slightest murderous look on his face. But it fell on the two of them, but like a smile of death, step by step hidden murder.

"Have you considered it clearly, after all, this is the son of two Tianzong's Tianjiao, killing them may cause a lot of trouble." Shen Ling took a step and stood in front of Lin Lang.

"Master Lin, I'm afraid you killed them ..."

Wang Laoqi hesitated, and wanted to talk to dissuade him. After all, Tianzong's disciples are not trivial. Behind them represents a huge amount of energy, which can even influence the division of forces in the Kunxu market.

Offending these people at the same time, I'm afraid there is no difference if it is not the enemy.

"Is there too few Tianzongs to offend? It's not too bad to kill them." Lin Lang murmured, dragging the Qingqing sword forward.

Shen Lingxuan was one of them. Since the name Lin Youye appeared, the Kunxu community did not know how many immortals fell because of him, and countless people offended him.

The seven sons of the Kunxu market are in an unattainable position in the Kunxu world, but what is it for Lin Youye? Moreover, Shen Lingxuan originally discouraged one out of morality. There was no need to offend Lin Lang for them.

She shook her head and stepped back.

"Don't kill me, I want to live, I can surrender to you." Bai Lian Shengzi knows Lin Youye's fierceness, others jealous of their identity as the seventh son of Kunxu, and dare not kill them.

But Lin Youye is definitely not in this rank!

He quickly took a few steps and crawled to the feet of Lin Lang to complain. Lin Lang nodded, and raised his hand to shoot a gray-black air stream, which poured into the mind of Bailian Shengzi.

"This is the soul forbidden, and it rests on your human soul. As your cultivation continues to grow, as long as I order, you can let your soul fly." Lin Lang said lightly.

People have three souls and seven souls. The three souls are fetal light, refreshing spirit, and quiet spirit. They are also commonly known as the three souls of the heavens and the earth. Earth soul, the change of yin qi, belongs to the five elements, the earth soul is gone, and the human soul can still exist for a period of time.

The death of the soul is the extinction of life and death on the spot.

Controlling the human soul is equivalent to holding the opponent's net worth firmly in his hands.

At the moment, Jian Hongfei also changed his face and quickly said, "I can also surrender to you, and I can do a lot for you with my identity. In the future, I will control Zhenwu Zong. You are the emperor of Zhenwu Zong."

It is better to recognize a counselor than to be banned by the soul, and to fight on the spot.

"Do you really want to help me?"

Lin Lang said expressionlessly.

Jian Hongfei nodded his head, and quickly nodded: "I am willing, I can swear, and be loyal to you from now on. I have a way to get you out of the meteoric sword abyss."

Even Pei Jia was abolished and repaired, and Shen Lingxuan's heart inevitably gave birth to some sad feelings of rabbits and foxes. Her cultivation is less clever than Pei Jia, and she wants to come to Lin Lang with the same result.

"That's right." Lin Lang smiled suddenly: "Since you insist on asking, I just want to make a war slave, then you will help."


Jian Hongfei's eyelids jumped.

War slaves, as the name suggests, are only used for fighting, a kind of monster that kills monsters only by obeying the command of the master. And to make war slaves, the spiritual will of the monk must first be destroyed, and it was forged back and forth in the fire like an iron.

It can be said that being made into a war slave is more uncomfortable than death. Jian Hongfei struggled and struck out with a final spiritual force to fight back.

It's just that his meager strength can stop Lin Lang.


"Lin Youye, you must die!"

The heavens and the earth were filled with unpleasant swearing. Jian Hongfei was not killed by Lin Lang, but was refined into a war slave, and his spiritual will was the first thing to destroy.

And what Lin Lang wants to make is not the war slaves in the conventional sense. Ordinary war slaves only need to destroy the spiritual will and make it into a puppet.

However, Lin Lang has always let Jian Hongfei's spiritual will dissociate and collapse, and repeatedly cultivated, eventually giving birth to a war slave with a sense of wisdom.

This kind of war slave has the same intelligence as before his life, and can continue to cultivate his advanced skills. For example, a person who has been planted by the soul can save his life and choose to rebel, but the existence of such a war slave allows an enemy with deep roots to obey orders wholeheartedly.

How terrible?

Looking at Jian Hongfei, who is constantly screaming and mourning, the Son of Bai Lian couldn't help hitting a spirit. If he didn't make a choice first, I am afraid that Jian Hongfei would be his end, the heartbreaking torture, even if he had not experienced I can feel it too.

"I have something to say, I will leave first." Shen Lingxuan did the same. She couldn't get used to this scene and quickly ran away.

Of course, her main fear was that Lin Youye was unhappy and turned her into a war slave, otherwise she would be killed, which is really terrible.

In Ling Xuan's mind, Lin Lang is definitely a peerless demon image, just like a nightmare, lingering. Even though Lin Youye saved her life, she didn't want to spend more time with Lin Lang for a moment.

Kun Ruqi's seventh son, Zhong Ruwei, was injured and ran away.

Yunlang Palace Pei Jia was abolished by him and beheaded on the spot.

Luoxia Valley Zheng Wushuang was killed by a sword.

Bai Lian Sheng Zi was planted by the soul, and was collected by His Majesty ever since.

Zhen Wuzong Jian Hongfei was tortured to the point where he was refined into a war slave, and wherever his sword was pointed, he must be charged.

Five of the seven sons in Kunxu suffered a big loss in Lin Youye's hands. The seven people who were most likely to be promoted to Dixian in this era were damaged in Lin Youye's hands.

Sometimes Ling Xuan's heart was still secretly fortunate. If she had not been captured by Dagan Menjiao, and she hadn't received news that the seven sons of Kunxu had joined hands, now she would definitely be bad.

I do not know how long it has been.

Jian Hongfei stopped screaming.

"the host!"

Jian Hongfei knelt down on one knee. At first, Junxiu's face looked extremely cold and his voice sounded a little deep. He was like a close guard, kneeling respectfully behind Lin Lang. Lin Lang glanced lightly, showing satisfaction.

It was a puppet completely loyal to him.

The main thing is that he can cultivate alone to promote cultivation. With his talent, it is not impossible to break through the immortals in the future.

"Protection for me."

Lin Lang gave a faint command, then sat down with his knees crossed, took out the spirit stone and launched an impact on the four-lined immortal.

Although he defeated Bei Tingyuan in this battle, after all, the latter was just a master of martial arts, and he was not strong enough.

Only reached the four-grained Golden Dan!

He has the ability to defeat the Eight-Headed Peak Immortal!

Even with the real Jiuwen Renxian, there is a certain counterattack ability, at least not as weak as before. Dagan Menjiao is still in the abyss of the Meteor Sword, which is definitely a disaster.

And received the news of the fall of several Tianjiao, the major Tianzong will not remain indifferent, will inevitably send a tyrannical immortal to kill him completely in the meteoric sword abyss.

Only when you reach the Four-Striped Human Immortal can you protect yourself.

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