Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 628: Want to die?

Until then, the explosions inside the flames did not stop.

In order to completely kill Lin Youye, the seven sons of Kunxu almost used every means, and many precious runes were shot one after another. The seven sons of Kunxu are indeed the heroes of this era. Although the cultivation is still weak, even the Jiuwen Renxian can be sieged here under the combined force.

"This time, he should have died completely." Zheng Wushuang stared at the position where the blast of the storm stopped, in order to completely kill Lin Youye, she even used a precious rune.

"I didn't expect us to use such a large battle and provoke a lot of means of extinction, but the opponent is a person in the same realm. Is this really our time?" Even if Lin Youye was killed, the spirit of Bailian Shengzi still had the same flavor. Miscellaneous Chen, without the slightest joy.

A person in the same realm needs four of their seven sons in Kunxu to join forces to use the power that should not exist in this realm to kill the opponent.

Such a gap makes it difficult for them to accept the sons of Tianjiao who have been born for a century.

"Fortunately, Lin Youye died in the Meteor Sword Abyss, otherwise this era will belong to him, and our seven sons in Kunxu will become a joke and become the foil of Lin Youye." Zhong Ruwei's pair of Phoenix eyes is full of complex colors, Saw it.

"Is he really just a casual repair?"

Zhong Ruwei clenched her fist tightly, her nails were deeply embedded in the flesh. Although she is a woman, she has the determination to compete for the world, but the appearance of Lin Lang has greatly affected her, a proud phoenix.

Even if Lin Youye falls now, her shoulders still feel like pressing down on a mountain, and she can no longer relax.

Just then, a skull flew out of thin air.

The tumbling heads fell in front of the four.

That's Pei Jia's head!

"who is it!"

The four great Tianjiao only felt a cool air pouring in from above his head, all the way to the foot of the cold road. In addition to Lin Youye, there were other people in the fiery fire, and God killed Pei Jia without knowing it.

The four quickly turned their heads, and a familiar figure stood behind them, still bleeding on the sword's tip. The four looked at the figure with horrified steps backwards.

In particular, Jian Hongfei had a look of a ghost.

"How are you still alive!"

Zheng Wushuang took a big step backwards, only to feel the coolness behind him. Even if they wanted to break their heads, they absolutely could not imagine that Lin Youye could escape from their besieged alive,

And Lin Youye can kill Pei Jia without knowing it, does that not mean that they can easily kill them.

"You guys, do your last fight." Bai Lian Shengzi took a deep breath, knowing that the form in front of him had turned sharply, and went to the situation that was most detrimental to them.

The other three Tianjiao nodded hard.

At present, I'm afraid I won't fight for a dead net. Don't you, any of you, want to survive.

Zheng Wu took a step forward in both directions, looking up at the sky, and chanting: "Seniors in the North Court, please help."

To this day, the attack methods on their bodies have been used seven or eighty-eighth, relying on their own cultivation for the fight to fight Lin Youye teeth festival is not enough. All hope can only be pinned on the flames.

After all, this is a mysterious top-notch formation, and it is controlled by the Eight-Stripe Immortals like Bei Tingyuan.

This is their only chance of a comeback.

Just waiting for a long time, the fiery flames still showed no signs of functioning. This undoubtedly made the four Tianjiao confused, almost at the same time, Zhong Ruwei also sang aloud: "Beijing Tingyuan, why not wait until you hit it?"

The silence was shrouded in large bursts.

There was a smile on Lin Lang's mouth, and his smile was like the wind: "Beting is far away from the North Court, they can't escape it."

There was a cold hum outside the matrix, and the aura twisted between heaven and earth. Thirty-four array stones flew out, revealing Beitingyuan. At this moment there was a hint of dissatisfaction on his face. He was not going to participate in the battle, but was still involved in Lin Lang.

"Bei Tingyuan, you betrayed us." Zheng Wushuang's face was cold and he knew the cause and effect instantly. It's just too late, Lin Lang cut off with a sword, a gorgeous arc was drawn between the heavens and the earth, and a round head rolled down.

One of the Seven Sons in Kunxu fell!


The remaining three Jian Hongfei saw the situation was not good, and quickly fled. But how fast can he keep up with Lin Lang, Lin Lang stepped in front of Jian Hongfei, cut off with a sword.

"Very martial arts!"

Jian Hongfei gave a low drink, his muscles skyrocketed at this moment, his thigh muscles were as thick as a waist, and the whole person was like the same ancient barbaric animal, breaking through the enveloping area of ​​the sword.

"Want to run?"

Lin Lang gave a cold hum, and the golden elephant fist raised his hand. One punch knocked Jian Hongfei from the sky, hit the ground, and fell out of a pit of more than ten meters. However, Jian Hongfei was also extraordinary. He was not killed under the attack of Lin Lang.

Bei Ting, who had been preparing to stand by, also took a step forward, and stopped the Bai Lian Shengzi. Ling Xuan also joined the battlefield at the moment, blocking Zhong Ruwei's pace.

Even if Bei Tingyuan was not good at fighting, after all, he was trained to a very high level, and a few punches blasted the Bailian Shengzi to Lin Lang, who was seriously injured by Lin Lang's three or two moves and fell into the air.

However, Zhong Ruwei was extraordinary. Under the potential of burning life, she successively launched several terrorist attacks, which broke through the obstacle of the fairy Ling Xuan. A flame wing emerged from behind, turning into a crimson streamer, quickly shooing away.

Lin Lang stood on his arms, watching Zhong Ruwei's direction of escape, but did not follow.

Beiting stared at Lin Lang coldly, and hummed coldly, "I still have something. I will come to you after you walk out of the abyss of the meteoric sword.

The words fell, and Bei Ting chased away in the direction of Zhong Ruwei's escape. He naturally knew that Lin Lang had done it on purpose, but had to chase after him.

After all, if Zhong Ruwei escapes the abyss of the Meteor Sword, she will definitely hate him for being far away from the North Court and leak the news. Even the master of the front was unable to bear the matter of helping Lin Youye to kill the seven sons of Kunxu.


Lin Lang descended to the ground, and there were two Tianjiao on the ground waiting for him to set off. Bai Lian Sheng Zi and Jian Hongfei were both seriously injured by him, but they were able to survive with tyrannical vitality.

You can see something extraordinary.

"You two want to die?"

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