Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 614: Gravity space

In the dark cracks.

Lin Lang fell alone, and the wind whispered continuously in his ears. The whole person's body also began to fall quickly. Lin Lang wanted to mobilize himself, but he suddenly found that there was a horrible gravitational force below it. , Even if the transfer is repaired as an upward rush, it is completely overwhelming.

Maybe kilometers, ten thousand meters.

I don't know how long, finally at a certain moment.

Lin Lang broke into an unfamiliar space and stopped falling. His body seemed to hit a soft sponge pad. The whole person bounced up a few times before stopping.

At this moment, his state is reclining in this space, the endless abyss is below, and there is no light above, and I don't know how far from the ground. Neither rising nor falling, the whole person presented this weird posture and was locked in the air.

In this peculiar state, Lin Lang had a hard time moving his fingers, but he was still able to perceive the surroundings. The crack space in the ground was not very wide, and the distance between the two sides was less than 30 meters.

On his right hand side is a rock, and on the left hand side is a rope ladder. The material is extraordinary. I don't know if I can go down to the ground all the way down. In this strange space, any object remains suspended, broken stones, iron chains, and so on. There are several old dry corpses in the distance, eyes bursting, full of despair and unwillingness.

Probably the monk who strayed into this place has not been able to get out of trouble, and lives here and there.

"It turned out to be gravity space. It's no wonder that the spiritual power in my body would be out of control." Lin Lang secretly said that he had accidentally entered gravity space. Gravity space is one of the avenues of gravity. It can manipulate one space and add ten times, one hundred, or even a thousand times the gravity. It has a great advantage in combat.

The monks who are good at gravitational doctrine are powerful, and some can summon the gravity field or release the gravity field. In the gravity field, their own speed will be infinitely increased, but the opponent's speed will be doubled.

Under such circumstances, the monks who practice the method of gravity naturally win very well, and can be described as invincible in the same realm. There are ways to break the field of gravity. One is to crush with great strength so that opponents can't show the field of gravity. The other is to use other methods that are equal to gravity or have a level far above that of gravity. Dao Road to crack, such as the Road of Repulsion.

Of course, there are very few monks who practice repulsion. Lin Lang is not good at repulsion. But apart from the way of repulsion, there are still other ways to restrain the avenue of gravity.

The Way of Gravity is one of the 36 types of avenues, which is quite extraordinary. Only nine kinds of ancient roads can press the end of the avenue of gravity.

These nine ancient avenues are time avenue, space avenue, silence avenue, life avenue, light avenue, darkness avenue, nature avenue, destiny avenue, and emptiness avenue. These nine kinds of avenues are under the Heavenly Path, and are the most powerful.

The avenue of time and the avenue of space are constant rules that no one can control. Therefore, these two avenues can be excluded. The remaining seven avenues are avenues that can be controlled by manpower. If anyone cultivates one, it is enough to be in the same The kingdom of kings, even if you practice to the last fairy king, the kingdom of fairy emperors is the same.

At first, Lin Lang was a dark avenue that was one of the nine ancient avenues of enlightenment, so he hit invincible opponents in the same realm. Although the Way of Darkness has a way to crack the Way of Gravity, Lin Lang is not prepared to do so.

Lin Lang was very ambitious. In the previous life, he mastered several avenues, but he never learned the way of gravity. In this life, he has many insights from the previous life. Naturally, he can not waste time on the avenues. Avenue.

Once successful, waiting for the immortal realm is not simply invincible in the same realm. I am afraid that as long as it does not meet the immortal emperor too old, there is also a battle.

Lin Lang let himself be settled by this space of gravity, and in his mind flipped through the various books in his mind. No one can easily perceive a kind of avenue, even in the realm of this avenue, at most it is only convenient for understanding.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you can get started, it will be easier to understand the way of gravity in the future. Therefore, Lin Lang pulled out from his memory a Bapin magical power that describes the way of gravity. This was written by an immortal king who is proficient in the way of gravity that he beheaded and killed. Getting started is definitely more than enough.

"Everything has its own lead, it has its own lead. The way of gravity ..." Lin Lang kept his original posture, motionless, the whole person was completely silent, his breathing became weak, and it was easy to make people mistakenly think he was dead. Already.

Soon after, the first person climbed down the ropes of the ladder, and naturally felt Lin Lang trapped beside him, a little surprised: "There is still a living person here?"

This man is a pinnacle, and was the first monk to enter the abyss of the Meteor Sword, naturally he did not know Lin Lang. However, he did not take Lin Lang to heart. The gravity space under the meteoric sword abyss is too weird, and it is not absolutely safe to climb along the ladder. If the monks behind you have ulterior motives, you can beat the person in front with a little secret. Fall into gravity space.

This kind of thing has been seen strangely, so this person did not take it seriously. Time passed a while, and there was a monk's whereabouts beside Lin Lang, and some people gradually recognized him.

"Isn't this the famous Lin Youye, why are you trapped here, and the taste of gravity space is refreshing, right?" This is an elder Zhenwuzong. The strength is not high, but he just touched the middle-ranking fairy. It's just the threshold, it's at the peak of the junior human fairy.

Seeing that Lin Lang had n’t answered for a long time, the elder Zhenwuzong laughed for a while: "I do n’t think you can move, it is difficult to even speak under the limitation of gravity space. Unfortunately, you have just died in the northern area and you will die. The old man's hands. "

In other words, the elder Xianzhen of the true Wuzong no longer talks nonsense, and directly uses what he has learned in his life to play a magnificent magical power, trying to kill Lin Lang. An entangled character who made the entire Northern Territory turbulent and let the peak people immortal return to death, he will be killed here by him, it is exciting to think about it.

However, his magical powers bombarded in the gravity space, but they fell into a muddy swamp. The magical powers, which were close to the speed of light, fell very slowly in the gravity space. When they fell on Lin Lang, the power was already negligible.

A splendid supernatural power is permanently frozen in the space, and no power can erupt. The difficulty of gravitational space can be seen in general. The elder Xianzhen of Zongwuzong was stunned, but he did not expect that the space of gravity could even imprison supernatural powers.

"Also, you will eventually be trapped in gravity space anyway, let you live a bit longer." Elder Renxian hummed, knowing that he could not penetrate the gravity space to kill Lin Youye, and he was not here. Keep tangling.

The strong men in the rear saw this scene naturally, and took a deep breath, not to be shocked by the gravity space, but to be deterred by the magical power of the elder elder.

At present, the strength of the elder immortal of Zhenwu Sect has reached the peak of the first-level human immortal, and there are absolutely few rivals in this group who entered the abyss of the meteoric sword. A three-stripe human fairy can erupt such a powerful attack. To what extent should the rumor that Lin Youye be able to defeat the six-stripe human fairy be strong?

"Fortunately, Lin Youye was trapped by gravity space. Otherwise, once he was released from the trap, I am afraid that no one among the monks who have descended into the abyss of the Meteor Sword can stop him." Thinking of this, everyone could not help but reveal a hint of luck .

If Lin Youye gets out of trouble, he will dominate the whole abyss unless he finds himself into several dangerous places under the abyss.

Zhong Ruwei was also among them, wearing black gloves with one hand, holding the ladder tightly, and the straight jade legs stepped on the two layers of ropes. There are also many male monks looking up along the two long legs, but unfortunately today Zhong Ruwei is wearing a pair of leather pants and can only see a vague outline.

"I thought I could see some benefits. It would be great if Zhongxian wore a skirt." I don't know how many monks are sorry.

"After all, wasn't he able to turn against the sky?" Zhong Ruwei looked at Lin Lang trapped by the gravity space, showing a touch of complexity on her delicate face.

Chu Li was also in the crowd, sighing secretly, thinking that a genius like Lin Youye should not end like this. It's just that this space of gravity can't help the pinnacle man, even if he wants help.

"Dead in his own hands, he was very happy." Pei Jia and Jian Hongfei showed a sneer when they passed by.

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