Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 613: Breaking into the Abyss of the Meteor Sword

Meteor Sword Abyss.

The notorious and strange place in the northern part of the Kunxu border has historically been the place of several immortal blood, and the Grand Canyon is filled with the blood of countless explorers, most of whom are strong.

The reason for the fall are all human immortals, because the stronger the monk, the easier it is to encounter danger in the meteoric sword abyss, especially the earth immortal. And monks who are less than immortals are more at risk of falling in the abyss of the Meteor Sword.

However, every ten years, the Meteor Sword Abyss will erupt once, and occasionally some outrageous swords will be rushed out, leading to the competition among the strong in the Kunxu industry. At that time, the weirdness of the meteoric sword abyss will drop to a freezing point, which is no longer as dangerous as usual and can accommodate many monks.

Therefore, the major gates will also take this opportunity to send the elites of their respective gates to bring the secret treasures to enter. There are no rules and rules, and in view of the special characteristics of the meteoric sword abyss, the major gates have agreed that each time they enter the meteoric sword abyss, they can only be low-order human immortals.

Over time, it evolved into a regulation. Whenever a monk enters the abyss of the meteoric sword, he must be under the mid-level human immortal, and he is allowed to carry his secret treasure. After entering the meteoric abyss, he is alive and dead, and everything is not related to his forces. Each time the Meteor Sword Abyss is opened, there will be a corresponding omen, and there will be a few spouting swords on the periphery.

It is precisely because the recent meteoric sword abyss sprayed out four peerless swords that were taken by Zhenwu Zong, this has attracted the attention of the world.

At this moment outside the meteoric sword abyss, the monks have lined up a long queue, surrounded by the Tianzong peaks and immortals, to prevent accidents. At this moment outside the meteoric sword abyss is the chief deacon of Zhenwuzong, uncle.

The entire Meteor Sword Abyss has been included in the territory by Zhenwu Sect. The enchantment is surrounded by a master of the formation law. The idle power ca n’t break in at all. Later, it was blessed by the Tianzong giant. It can be said that the power of the enchantment has been To a certain degree of horror, even the immortal Xian dare not dare to get involved easily.

Because of this, the Meteor Sword Abyss has been occupied by Zhen Wu Zong alone, and I don't know how many benefits have been gained over the years.

At the moment on the cliff of the Meteor Sword Abyss, Zhen Liao's Jiuwen person Xian Liao Beidou personally sits on the side, the two Zhen Wu Zong deacons are standing side by side, holding a roster in their hands, the monks entering the Meteor Sword Abyss are recorded one by one.

"How do you pay for it? Zhenwu Zong is too overbearing. The Meteor Sword Abyss is owned by all monks in the Kunxu World. How did it become your private domain of Zhenwu Zong." A monk at the peak of Divine Realm was dissatisfied.

"You're wrong. The Meteor Sword Abyss is the domain of Zhenwu Zong." Liao Beidou, sitting on the Taishi chair, raised his murky old eyes and said lightly, "I want to go in and pay the entrance fee of five hundred spirit stones, otherwise Go aside and don't delay others entering. "

Five hundred spirit stones is by no means a small sum for a monk at the peak of the **** state. Even if it can be obtained, it will be painful for a while.

"Don't want to go in and leave early, don't delay us all in line." Not everyone has the courage to question Tianzong, and more people tend to get used to it through years of slavery.

"Anyway, the Meteor Sword Abyss kills one step at a time. After all, there are only a few that can come out alive. Although there are five hundred spirit stones, it sounds like a lot, but it's nothing. Anyway, there is a great chance of dying in it. If you do n’t bring it, you wo n’t take it with you, and you hand in five hundred spirit stones. ”Some people even advised.

The vocal monk was so angry that he smoked and turned away. Behind him was a burst of coquettish laughter, despising that this person could not take out the spirit stone, and also came to the meteoric sword abyss to explore.

Lin Lang was in this team and shook his head. Some people have been kneeling for a long time, and they really can't stand anymore. The monks in the Kunxu market looked to Tianzong as a habit in their bones. How dare they rebel and pull Tianzong down from the altar.

However, Tianzong should also have strong real power. He said that the present formation method covers all entrances to the abyss of the Meteor Sword. Once launched, I am afraid that even the immortals can be trapped, preventing other monks from breaking in.

He looked around. If he used the night-night method, he might be able to pass through this enchantment and enter from other entrances. Lang dispelled this idea.

Lin Lang stood in the middle of the team, and there were few strong people in the fairy ranks beside him. Most of them were divine monks. Although the meteoric sword abyss was very unfriendly to monks in the fairy realm, it did not hinder the madness of these people. .

They don't care about their own lives, but they are more clear than others. If they struggle to know how many years it takes to break through the immortals, they are better than their ancestors, their skills are better than their talents.

Therefore, they can only spare their lives to make a breakthrough in the Meteor Sword Abyss, even if they get a chance again and again, I am afraid they will be enough for half a life.

Soon, the team gradually became shorter and ranked to Lin Lang. The elder Zhenwuzong holding the roster was expressionless and said lightly: "His name is from him, and five hundred spirit stones are given to him."

"Entering the Meteor Sword Abyss requires five hundred spirit stones. There are also hundreds of people who are not present. Opening the Meteor Sword Abyss Zhenwu Zong can earn tens of thousands of spirits. Really made a good deal." Lin Lang smiled. Road.

"Little nonsense, you can't pay for the spirit stone."

The elder Zhenwuzong snorted.

"I don't want to pay," Lin Lang said.

"Fuck me if you don't pay the spirit stone, don't you want to break through?" The elder Zhenwuzong's face suddenly became gloomy. Liao Beidou frowned, glanced at Lin Lang, only to feel familiar, and said lightly, "You look up."

Lin Lang looked up. When Uncle Tong saw Lin Lang's face, Liao Beidou's face solidified on the spot. How could he not know this guy who was so well-known in the Northern Territory?

But when he responded, Lin Lang had already rushed out in a short stride, kicked off the two Zhenwu Zong elders, and jumped down the cliff. There was still a wanton laughter echoing on the ground: "Meteor sword abyss. How can it be? "

The dark crack swallowed him instantly and disappeared.

The two Zhenwuzong elders got up from the ground with hazy faces, calmly, looked at Liao Beidou, and seemed to be asking if they should chase down. Liao Beidou's face was also very ugly, and Leng hummed: "No need to chase, he jumped down, where did you climb the underground ladder to catch up with him?"

"He did this in search of death. The Meteor Sword Abyss is full of gravity fields. If he did not climb the underground ladder built by Zhenwu Zong, he will be trapped in the void of the Meteor Sword Abyss after climbing down. Until finally trapped inside. "

"But if Lin Youye can die in the abyss of the Meteor Sword, it would be a great thing." Liao Beidou sneered.

"What? He is Lin Youye!"

After hearing Liao Beidou's voice, everyone realized who the intruder was.

"It turned out that Lin Youye, who was so busy in the city recently, is estimated to have the courage to break into the abyss of the meteoric sword under the sky, and it is estimated that this person is the only one."

Everyone laughed bitterly.

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