He Lanming arrived with the wrath of the sky, and the entire area around the ultimate ring was shrouded in a sudden overwhelming presence. He Lanming's consciousness locked Lin Lang firmly.

The suffocating coercion even lowered the head of most people present. Only a few people can remain calm, stand calmly in the crowd, and emit an invisible force to offset He Lanming's power.

One of them was a middle-aged man standing next to Chu Li. From beginning to end, he looked calmly, showing pride in his brows. It seems that even the cultivation shown by He Lanmingde is still not regarded by him. The Jiuwen Renxian mentioned by Chu Li earlier is probably him.

Chu Li was also safe under his protection, with a smile on his face: "It seems that there are many immortals hiding in the crowd."

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine that in addition to Tianzong, the other sects who participate in the Yuanxi Festival will surely have strong men to guard their younger generations. Even if these forces are far inferior to Tianzong, at least one or two people can still get it.

However, it is still unaffected today, and it is definitely the heavyweight existence of elders and deacons of various major gates.

"Dead to me!"

He Lanmingde has nothing to say. His son was killed and his most powerful subordinates were slaughtered. His emotions have completely erupted. Only by killing the murderer can he calm his anger.

"Lord Helan City Lord, listen to me." Chu Li flashed forward and stepped in front of He Lan City Lord, saying: "I understand the heart of He Lan City Lord, but the battle of Huantai will inevitably lead to accidents."

"Don't my son die?"

He Lanmingde glanced at Chuli a little, and his pupils shot a chilly mang, his cold eyes filled with bone chill, like a wounded lone wolf, sad and indifferent. Let Chu Li feel a little hairy.

"I didn't mean that." Chu Li shook his head.

"Since it doesn't mean that, don't stop me, otherwise I'll blame me for not caring about your identity." He Lanmingde said coldly, and then directly passed Chu Li, and a terror broke out between his arms. Boom.

Lin Lang naturally won't sit still, taking a deep breath in the face of the rushing He Lanming, changing his body to another day, shaking his arms and blasting out in the direction of He Lanming.


The dust was flying around, and the sound of the huge collision was deafening. The ground beneath the feet had cracked, spreading rapidly like a dense cobweb.

This is the wrathful blow of the Lord of the Yongjiang City, and it is said that it is a strong person who has just entered the immortal. Even the second-order immortal may be difficult to stop. When the smoke and dust dispersed, Lin Lang's lower body had already been buried in the ground, his legs were inserted into the ground, and he still maintained a posture of bombarding his fists.

But he didn't get in the way. Although the whole person seemed to be smashed into the ground, he was safe and sound, and was not injured. After all, at this moment, his spiritual power is only controlled by the divine realm. It is not enough to regret the strength of a series such as the physical body and the Yongjiang City Lord.

"Huh?" He Lanming frowned. He thought he would crush any immortal under such a blow, but he never thought he would be blocked by the opponent.

"Refining the flesh is comparable to the second-order human immortal, but this is not your capital to compete with me. After all, you still have to die in my hands." He Lanming screamed angrily: "I want you to be buried with my son, I want Cut your head down to my child's grave, and make atonement for everything you have done! "

"Do you still want to kill me?" Lin Lang's eyes flashed a bit of cold, too. The reason why he didn't escape before He Lanmingde arrived was because of this opportunity to kill the other party.

"Well, I'll send you to see your **** son today." Lin Lang grunted coldly. The purple flickering in the eyes was brewing, and a flame stored in the eyes of God was brewing, and was about to be sacrificed. Although it is a pity to waste the magical fire on a person who is a fairy, he also knows that if it is not frightened by thunder, it will be difficult to get out of Zhongzhou City.

"Unfortunately, if there is a dixian on the opposite side, there is a deterrent." Lin Lang shook his head, but Shenhuo had the absolute ability to burn the thought that the dixian was wasted on He Lanmingde.

"go to hell!"

He Lanming growled.

At the same time that his voice fell, his body began to vibrate a few times regularly, and it was gradually rising. The immense fluctuations were far more terrifying than before, and it had already exceeded the bottleneck of the Three-Striped Immortals. Chu Lixi hoped to take a look at the guardians around him, and only he was able to rescue Lin Lang in the hands of He Lanmingde.

He didn't want to miss the chance to win such a gifted monk, but the guardian just shook his head gently: "What are we doing? Besides, the real good show is about to begin."

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