The sky roared more and more. Lin Lang monopolized the three strong men. For a time, there was no downturn, and they even took the absolute upper hand between them.


Jian Hongfei was once again smashed out by Lin Lang's heavy fist, crashed into a bell and drum tower, and directly crashed it. The building materials poured down drowned him in a ruin.

Of the three, if you say that the one who fought the most was wronged, probably only Jian Hongfei. Lin Lang was beaten and flew out again and again, leaving his face untouched, and he didn't have time to use the secret technique, which made him crazy.

In fact, it is not that he is inferior to the two. On the contrary, among the three, his strength is definitely the strongest. Even Zhong Ruwei is faintly inferior to him, and the threat to Lin Lang is the greatest.

Lin Lang obviously realized this too. From the beginning of the battle, he crushed Jian Hongfei with a strong physical force, and chased him afterwards. Every time he was blown out, he did not wait for God to use his killing moves. Lin Lang had already attacked again. However, he can only use physical flesh to make him move for a long time, and he still has no effect.

"You forced me!"

Jian Hongfei was also completely violent. As the strongest of the younger generation, Lin Lang has been abused and beaten like this, and finally he could not bear it. As soon as he reached out, he lit a yellow rune, and an energy shield floated around his body.

This is a life-saving thing given to him by an elder elder in the state of God, which can stop the immortal from hitting him. The energy hood bumped into Lin Lang's fist, shuddered and then shattered, just offsetting Lin Lang's fist.

"Is this still the trick? You have lost it." Jian Hongfei sneered, but saw that Lin Lang was still as usual, and punched again, it seemed that he still had to quit him as before.

Now that he had a buffer of Fu Xun, he had already started to repair in an instant. His whole body was purple and qi, and he used the Purple Chronicle to record the moon. The bright purple stars around him spun rapidly.

The same trick Xiao Yuan has also been used, but compared to Jian Hongfei, he is a little witch. Every purple star is like a real extraterrestrial flying star, and the green space and ocean above are faintly visible.

"Dead! You have been the first to push me to such an extent since I broke through the Immortals, and died under my hands, and you are proud enough under Jiuquan."

Jian Hongfei yelled, this is Zhenwuzong's extinction, and it is even more brilliant for him to use it, and he has never used this trick since he broke through the immortal.

Now showing the mighty power, purple stars burst out, and they are said to be the first-order immortals. I am afraid that the second-order immortals will die here.

But at this moment, a long sword quietly went around his back, the sword body suddenly skyrocketed, an astonishing sword intention erupted, and straight down toward Jian Hongfei's back heart.


Jian Hongfei naturally felt that there was an attack coming from behind. If the man was on his back, he couldn't care much at this moment. He directly crushed a piece of sapphire on the chest, and immediately exuded a spirit around his body. He quickly turned into a huge giant elephant. At three feet high, wrap him inside.

Jian Hongfei was sitting in the belly of the giant elephant, his eyes closed tightly, and he did not move. This is the Dixian restraint given to him by the Emperor Zhenwuzong himself, and it can block any attack of Dixian within a period of time.

"It's annoying."

Lin Lang landed on top of the giant elephant and gave a dismissive glance at Jian Hongfei. These so-called Tianzong unicorns are also flowers in the greenhouse. Everyone has a magic weapon of this level to protect themselves, for fear that their disciples will die outside.

Although he can manage to break the treasure that can be attacked by the earth fairy, there is no time in the battle at this moment.

"Then don't come out and come back to kill you in a while." Lin Lang snorted coldly, twitching the seals, and the complicated handprints in his hands were successively punched out. Pressing on the top of the giant elephant's head, the golden veins merged into each, forming a solid one. Seal prohibition.

There are seven triple ban seals. I am afraid that even if the time of the immortal ban is over, Jian Hongfei may not be able to get out of the restrictions of the triple ban.

"Do you still want to fight? Now apologize to me, I will kill you." Lin Lang stood on top of the giant elephant, carrying his hands, and calmly spoke.

"I admit that I despised you, but I won't play until I win."

Zhong Ruwei snorted coldly, a bit of cinnabar lighted up for a moment, and then a horrible flame was sprayed out, and the terrible temperature raised layers of air waves. Behind her, a suzaku with a height of 100 meters emerged, and the mouth continued to emit an astonishing flame.

Lin Lang's complexion remained unchanged, but he still used the purple flame god's eyes to devour all the flames before him. At this moment, the purple burst in his eyes, emitting an invisible ripple, radiating in the distance.

Suzaku was swaying in the affected area and seemed to be touched by some force. The next moment, Lin Lang's eyes burst into amazing suction, and it seemed that Suzaku would be sucked into it.

"How can I tolerate you."

Zhong Ruwei snorted coldly, and when she turned her palm, she immediately saw a white sword like snow. The entire sword body had no other colors. Even the sword handle was white, as if it were carved in snow and ice.


Zhong Ruwei made a loud noise, and the Suzaku behind him flew up immediately, and the 100-meter-high virtual shadow merged directly into the snow-white sword. In a short time, the snow-white sword also changed into a red sword. The totem is wrapped in a sword, from light to dark, the handle is almost transparent, and to the point of the sword is a little vermilion, red and red.

Lin Lang also stopped talking nonsense, and directly fought with Zhong Ruwei again. This time with previous experience with Jian Hongfei, Lin Lang also knew that Zhong Ruwei probably had a similar immortal immobilizer, so most of the time the attack only landed on Zheng Lun.

However, the lack of Jian Hongfei ’s important combat power, it is clear that the two are no longer Lin Lang ’s opponents. They only pushed Zheng Lun to the corner with just a few moves, shaking his fists directly, and the stables in Zheng Lun ’s hands were too huge. It was like a chicken rib underneath, and it was difficult to turn back the fist facing Lin Lang.

"Dying together!"

With a roar of Zheng Lun, Ma Ma rose up into the air, bursting into a terrible power, and shot back at Lin Lang. He could not help but, at this moment, can only use these life-fighting moves to force Lin Lang back.

But Lin Lang did not retreat.


Lin Lang's fist directly smashed Zheng Lun's head, the red and white objects overflowed, and the building behind was taken down together. Blood was scattered on the ground, which was very bloody. At the moment Ma Yan also bombarded Lin Lang's back, Lin Lang turned lightly and slammed his fist at Ma Yan.

How horrible his physical power was, crushing the slashing front, numerous fragments broke into the air, and then the hammer was directly blasted into fragments by his fist.

Zheng Lun's death!

This is the first fallen fairy in this battle. Who would have thought that an ordinary Yuanxi party would be a stage for young people to compete, but at this moment they were infected with the blood of immortals.

Renxian is already an absolute high-rise in the Kunxu world, and everyone has a corresponding name under this continent, which is recorded. Once a fairy fell, it would cause a violent shock in the local area.

For example, Zheng Lun has been in control of the Yongjiang City Guard for a hundred years, but now it has fallen, and I am afraid that there will also be a major earthquake in Yongjiang City.

The only fighting force on the field was only Zhong Ruwei, but Lin Lang didn't mean to keep his hand. Each move became more and more fierce, allowing Zhong Ruwei to rush to deal with it, and her hair had been messed up.

"damn it!"

Zhong Ruwei bit her teeth with hate. What she said to Lin Lang before is still vivid. Now she wanted to come back like irony, making her face flush.

Especially when she talked about Lin Lang with that condescending attitude, the result showed that the opponent was even more arrogant than her, and this feeling was terribly embarrassing.

"Why don't you tell me if you have this kind of combat power, and say earlier that I can even introduce you to the Sword Sect. What can I lie to me?" Zhong Ruwei also made an outcry when she shot.

"Do you think I lied to you?" Lin Lang said funnyly: "Why can I tell you my strength, Zhong Ruwei is a treasure in the hand of the sword pie, and there are a lot of lusts outside, but you What is it in my eyes? "

"you shut up!"

Zhong Ruwei screamed sharply, and her voice seemed to shout a little. Lin Lang made her run away in a few words, especially the last four words, which made him hate his teeth.

Erotics are after her, is she a vase? Still, he is a coquettish remnant and often hooks up with men. I can't hear this sentence.

"go to hell."

Zhong Ruwei's mood has been chaotic, and her moves are a bit messy, but they are also fierce. The moves are all about Lin Lang's death. Lin Lang also showed no mercy, and nearly a hundred strokes broke even one of Zhong Ruwei's ribs.

Zhong Ruwei is even more crazy, where is the rib cage? This guy attacked her-there! Although Lin Lang was not intentional.

"Waryman." Zhong Ruwei Hao popped a few words coldly between her teeth, and Suzaku's sword stabbed directly at Lin Lang's chest. Lin Lang hummed, raised his fist, and directly bombarded him.

Now his body is the most powerful weapon. Before repairing it, he ca n’t use his spiritual energy without using it. With the sound of a clash of gold and iron sounded.

As a result, Lin Lang frowned.

"This sword ..."

Lin Lang frowned. He regretted Suzaku's sword with his fist, but did not get any benefit, but stabbed a finger-sized wound on his fist. You know that his fist can even destroy Zheng Lun's stables, not to mention a small sword.

The material that can only be attributed to the sword is extraordinary!

However, after this collision, Zhong Ruwei couldn't withstand the force of the shock, the tiger's mouth broke, and Suzaku's sword flew out.

Lin Lang used a lot of strength. Although he did not break the sword, the force of force was already transmitted to the arm through the sword body, obscuring the flesh and blood of Zhong Ruwei's tiger.

"I quit."

Zhong Ruwei gritted her teeth, and then the whole person drifted out a hundred meters away, keeping a safe distance with Lin Lang. Why couldn't she see that Lin Youye didn't keep her hand at all, and she never cared about the relationship between him and Zhong Xuanzhu.

"Go away then."

Lin Lang glanced at her lightly. Zhong Ruwei looked coldly at you, and coldly hummed: "Then you stay here and wait for me to die, I will find someone to collect your body for you."

It is true that Lin Lang has repelled the three immortals, and she may not be in opposition to Lin Lang, but her ability to let go of Lin Lang does not mean that the Sword Sect and Zhen Wu Zong would easily let him go.

After killing a disciple who is important to Zhenwuzong, it is still a question of whether he can walk out of Zhongzhou City alive. You must know that the two great ancestors in Zhongzhou City are also extremely influential, and even the strong men of Jiuwen Renxian sit here.

If you do n’t say far, say near. Before the arrival of the two great Tianzong forces, He Lanmingde was also here. On this day, Lin Lang directly killed his most important subordinates and sons. If he knew this, What will happen to the news?

Will definitely rush over to revenge.

Lin Lang's fierce move really shocked many people, even if they were willing to help Tianzong, but because of the power of Lin Lang did not dare to come forward. Can the characters who kill the immortals be able to compete with them?

But even so, the power that Lin Lang showed today has made many people amazing. He can fight against three immortals at the same time. What is more frightening is that his age is definitely not more than thirty. Such qualifications are rare even in the history of the Kunxu industry.

If any family can make it into the door wall, I am afraid that it can be exchanged for the family's centuries and even thousands of years of prosperity.

"You can defeat the immortal in less than 30 years. Such a character with a natural talent is a rare event for a thousand years. If the battle on the ultimate ring did not occur, I would consider putting him into the gate."

"Well, it's a pity."

Many people sighed in their hearts. Instead, when they encounter such a genius, they must break their heads and earn money. But now Lin Youye killed two Tianzong disciples at the same time, and several people across the northern region had the courage to risk Tianzong's anger to choose to keep Lin Youye.

After all, Tianzong represents the strongest force in the entire Kunxu community, and any other clan family can only remain silent under the might of Tianzong.

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