Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 561: Refining Tinder


I don't know how long.

The tinder burst into flames and flew into Lin Lang's eyes. After a moment, a fiery red flower cluster appeared at the position of Lin Lang's eyebrow, just like a burning flame.

"It's done!"

Lin Lang was finally relieved.

"Who, move my flame."

Suddenly, a mighty coercion came from heaven and earth, directly acting on Lin Lang's body. Even though Lin Lang has grown into an immortal now, he still can't bear it, and he is crushed by a few mouthfuls of blood.

No way, the gap between the two is too big.

Fortunately, this coercion came quickly and disappeared quickly. After attacking Lin Lang once, it dissipated by itself and did not continue to come.


Lin Lang gasped for relief, secretly rejoicing. This kind of fire is probably a strong man who stays in the temple far beyond him, and wants to use this to evolve into a real child fire. Because ordinary people cannot bear the horrible temperature of the tinder and cannot take it away at all, the strong man is confident that no one can take it away, so only a thought is left to guard it.

However, that person should not have expected that Lin Lang would appear here, and possess super powerful fire control methods, water spirits, etc. This string of coincidences only happened today.

"However, if you can get a tinder, you can offend a strong one." Lin Lang is not afraid of rejoicing. If he comes back again, he will still repeat this choice, because he gets a precious tinder.

"Is the fire of silence."

Lin Lang said something silently. The source of all fires is divided into thousands, and each seed fire contains a rule, there is a fire of life, a fire of destruction, a fire of forging, and each name has its own magic. What he got was a fire extinguisher, the master was dead, and the destruction was very strong.

However, the silent fire extinguishing species has not yet taken shape, and it will take countless flames to nourish it before it can completely evolve. However, if the silent fire extinguishing species is to grow up completely, it may not be enough to add together the flames on the earth. This is bound to be a difficult task.

"However, I can use the silent fire extinguishing species to feed back the Ziyan God's Eye, which is better than absorbing the daily glow. In this way, the time for the seven-color sky fire to evolve to the magic fire will be greatly shortened, and it must be completed within three years." Lin Lang was secretly excited.

Thinking of the terrible power of Shenhuo, as long as it is released to burn Yuanyuan strong, it is definitely a strong amulet, and Dixian is not afraid to provoke it easily.

"As for these flames--"

Lin Lang's eyes swept away. At this moment, the Golden Temple had completely melted. He was standing on the top of the bare mountain, and the whole peak had been completely ignited, burning with the fire of silence.

"Nature cannot be wasted."

Lin Lang licked his lips. Although this flame is not as good as the magic fire, its power is not ordinary, and its victory is extremely large. Once it is sacrificed, it is definitely a great weapon.

He then took out the Quartet Seal, his palms flickered, and the flames on the mountain peaks swayed quickly and was absorbed into the Quartet Seal's space.



Near Peters, California.

A cannon was aimed at the shoreline, countless soldiers stood by, and there were a dozen other people in silver armor standing on the shore, carrying a rifle in each hand, but the muzzle was closed, and the whole was in the hands of Lin Lang. The pistol looks similar.

And the direction they aimed at was the direction of the island where the Golden Temple was built. At this moment, the blue-haired young man is standing by the shore, surrounded by Griffin and others. In addition, he is looking forward to the distance with a big-headed old man holding a telescope. The whole is very consistent with the blue-haired young man. Shoulder, with a huge head.

However, the identity of this person is not very different from that of blue-haired youth. Everyone here must obey his orders, including General Hevel, the American army standing ahead.

"Master Sith, we really want to have an armed conflict with Lin Youye? This is probably not right." General Heville said in a deep voice. In all fairness, I am afraid that no one in the world would be willing to face Lin Youye as an opponent, including General Shivell, who is known as Yum.

He felt that this battle was likely to be a big stain on his life, and he was lost wisely ever since. Because he is not facing the army of any country, but a superman with a superhuman ability.

"You don't have to fight this battle," said the old man, Lord Sith, in the mouth of General Heville.

There was a touch of joy on General Heville's face, but before the smile completely bloomed, Lord Sith's voice came over again: "But the premise is that Lin Youye needs to surrender particle energy and brain, which is indispensable."

"Of course, you can also choose not to execute my order. Because this is not the meaning of the president, but the meaning of the prophet."

Seaville's smile froze instantly. When it comes to the name of the prophet, even he has to be afraid of it. It is important to know that the identity of the prophet is extremely special, and even today's president has to listen to him for three points.

Not because of how the prophet was beloved by the president, but strength and that terrible computing power.

"After all, the barbaric on the earth is barbaric. Even if you are an ancient martial arts practitioner, how can you know the charm of technology. Rest assured, I have already had another brain calculation and I have a lot of control to kill a grain of gold."

"he came."

Master Sith held a tablet-like electronic device in his hand, but it was a little different. However, Lin Lang's figure appeared on the screen. Even if Lin Lang's volley was empty, he could clearly capture the figure beyond several times the speed of sound.

"Are you going to fire?" General Seavel asked.

"Not yet." Lord Sith shook his head and suddenly opened his throat and shouted into the distance. His voice was strangely loud and comparable to a loudspeaker: "Lin Youye, hand over my brain and particle energy. What are we going to do today It hasn't happened, otherwise we don't want to see the next scene. "

"You want to stop me?"

A figure walked up the clouds and said lightly. Obviously, the other party already knew his identity, and naturally he didn't have to cover it up.

What surprised him was that the other party even knew that he had broken through the immortal, and would choose to stop him.

"Yes. As long as you ..."

Over there, Lord Sith's voice sounded again, but Lin Lang didn't want to hear it, and said straightforwardly: "Then let me ask you, is this what the U.S. military means or your personal meaning?"

There was silence, and he didn't speak again.

"Then I know." Lin Lang smiled slightly, the meaning of iron blood was pervasive: "I can't think of any obstructing flies everywhere, so fight!"

At the same time as his words fell, Lord Sith also directed the troops to open fire. Missiles, grenades, and even high-tech electronic artillery burst out.

Especially the dozens of people wearing silver armor, the high-tech weapons in their hands are even more terrible, each of the muzzle burst out a dazzling light, emitting a heartbreaking beam.

Their weapons are very similar to those in Lin Lang Space Spirit Ring, but their power has more than doubled, which is terrible. Even if the immortal is here, I am afraid it may fall on the spot.

"It's not like technology on earth."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered. Even in this sky-heavy missile, he even felt a terrible sense of crisis. If he was hit by so many shells in the front, he might be seriously injured on the spot.

Anyone other than Lin Lang who has a pattern of Jindan here will have a 90% chance of losing his life, just as the other party already knows his strength, and he will be completely dead. It's a pity that Lin Lang is not an unusual pattern of Jindan. Even Erwen Jindan has the fate of being beheaded by him here.

Countless roars exploded, and Lin Lang's figure quickly disappeared between heaven and earth. A large number of missiles crashed into the sea, causing even more waves.

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