Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 560: Source of Fire

It wasn't until the scientific research team left the place completely that Griffin let them go. The big-headed youths were gloomy. They had deciphered the secret of the Golden Temple, but they were disturbed by the sudden appearance of Lin Lang.

You must know that the brain itself is very precious, and there are absolutely no more than ten such devices in the entire United States. The main thing is that it contains all the secrets about the Golden Temple. Now they can't get their brains out of the camp, and falling into the hands of others is ultimately a scourge.

"Damn, how could you kill a guy halfway." The big-headed young man squeezed his fist fiercely: "No matter who he is, this time I will make him pay!"

"But that's a fairy."

Griffin sighed. The strong man of the human fairy series has stood at the absolute peak of the current era, and his behavior is no longer restricted in any way. What kind of means can such a strong man master.

"Human immortal. Human immortal is not necessarily able to do whatever he wants." The big-headed young man looked fiercely: "Don't forget the experimental equipment that our headquarters is already studying, it is not impossible to kill human immortal.

"Let's go back to headquarters."


Inside the camp at the moment.

Lin Lang stood in the center of the room and studied the meeting's "brain" and found nothing. This is the product of modern high technology. As a monk, where can he understand these, he throws it directly into the space spiritual ring.

As for the pistol, he also tried to trigger it, but the power of the blow surprised him, razing the entire camp directly to a ten-meter pit.

Such a powerful weapon really has the ability to kill immortals. Although it is difficult to put immortals directly to death, it can kill them.

"Unexpectedly, science and technology have multiplied to this extent, and the rise of science and technology has only reached this level in just two hundred years. Still, the United States has reached such a degree." Lin Lang meditated. The rate of technological development has been comparable to changes in hundreds of years.

"Again, these are the products left by foreigners."

"Also left to the Special Operations Office for research, maybe it will be of some value to them." Lin Lang shook his head. Such a weapon is like a chicken rib to him. It is useless to keep it by himself, but it is better to give it to a more professional agency.

The camp has been almost destroyed, and the island's scientific researchers have been driven out. The only task of this trip is to explore the secrets of the Golden Temple.

Lin Lang turned into a gust of wind, and several flashes appeared in front of the Golden Temple.

The gold temple is made of gold stones, but it is not gold, and the folds are shining in gold. The gate of the Golden Temple has been opened by force by the previous research team, and it is very convenient to enter and exit.

Lin Lang stepped into the temple, surrounded by all kinds of golden statues, and not human figures, all monsters with horns and horns, one by one with dignity and abhorrence.

"Is it the idol of the golden saint?"

Lin Lang's eyes flickered. This statue is not an evil image, but is built according to the appearance of the golden saint.

The Golden Saint is one of the top ten royal families in the heavens and the world. It is a super influential group in both the universe and immortal realms. It ranks side by side with the bright family. The golden saint is also known as the uncrowned emperor. Although no detached person has appeared, there have been half-step detached strong men for several consecutive generations, so that the golden saint can always be among the top ten royal families. No one dares to challenge .

"It is the golden sacred tribe, as well as the temple's bright tribe, the dark tribe in the blood tribe's ancestors, and the strangers who meet aliens today. There are so many races lurking on the earth."

Lin Lang's thoughts passed away, and then his eyes fell on a flame of worship dedicated to the incense case. The flames were burning, and the magnificent colors showed golden colors. And its temperature is even more disturbing, there are faint signs that distort the surrounding space.

"I thought it was the true source of all fires. It turned out to be just a seed." Lin Lang shook his head secretly. The source of all fires is the first cluster of flames formed at the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth. The world calls it the sun, which divides thousands of fires, and then there is a flame between heaven and earth.

However, even the sub-fire has unpredictable power, wherever it appears, the entire planet must be ignited and burned into coke. Fortunately, there is only a kind of fire in front of the child, the temperature is not high, otherwise the entire earth will be killed for it.

Even so, it is more than enough to cultivate the fire spirit.


Lin Lang's pupils had a shocking suction. He had cultivated the Ziyan God's eyes, and was able to see through the imagination. He was also a very powerful means of controlling fire.

He sat cross-legged, spurring the flame-controlling chapter of Ziyan God's Eye. The fire kept swaying under the attraction, but he refused to move.


Lin Lang gave a low sigh, and the chapter on fire control continued to explode, attracting more attention than attention. The fire swayed and the roar kept ringing. Between the two saws, the temperature of the entire house rose rapidly, and even the material of the Golden Temple showed signs of melting.

Before outsiders invaded, Tinder was calm and actively restrained and would not radiate heat, but with the emergence of Lin Lang now, Tinder became more and more violent. Although the Tinder did not have a birth intelligence, it was not willing to be used by others. Inside it, a terrible flame broke out and swept towards the Quartet.

In a blink of an eye, the entire Golden Temple was covered with layers of fire waves, the terrible temperature melted the ground, and the precious materials on the roof also turned into drops of liquid, which kept dropping down.

The surging flames completely surrounded Lin Lang, based on his current Jindan-level cultivation, but his body was still red with the flames in a flash. Between several breaths, Lin Lang's body surface began to burn.

After a dozen breaths, Lin Lang was sweating, his clothes were burned, and his fleshy body appeared with red spots. It was because the blood in the body could not withstand the pressures inside and outside, and it was about to burst out.


As a last resort, Lin Lang had to urge the water spirit body in time, and the pain in his body was dissipated.

Half an hour later, the flames of the tinder exploded, and the temperature was more terrible than before. Even the space began to distort under the baking of this flame.

Lin Langhun's body also began to swim around, and the bones in his body began to burn, which was comparable to the pain of boning. But even then, Lin Lang knew that he couldn't give up, he could only bear his teeth and bear it. As he continued to insist, the tinder began to shake, and he couldn't stand alone as before.

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