The door of the private room was pushed open, and soft lights shone towards the corridor, with a hint of warmth in the urn. It is not the noisy party in the impression, but it is very peaceful and peaceful.

There are about eight or nine people sitting in the room, with men and women, different looks, and different styles. Lin Lang's eyes glanced at one after another. Some of these people were his classmates, and they still had some impressions. As for some faces, they were completely strange.

"Dapeng, move a car for so long, come back and sit down, but you missed several rounds of wine." A young man said with a smile.

"Of course it won't fall."

Liu Peng patted his chest, and then there was a hint of excitement on his face: "It's a coincidence. Next, I want to introduce someone to you, I believe you must have thought of it."

"Lin Lang, come and meet your classmates."

With Liu Peng's opening, he stepped forward, giving way to Lin Lang.

"long time no see."

Lin Langhan swept across the crowd with a smile, and saw the young man in the suit, who was shiny and slippery. This was one of the few people he had an impression of, and he was Qi Shiliang.

Glancing at Lin Lang's eyes, Qi Shiliang frowned. It seemed to remember the very unpleasant experience of junior high school, but the city government was extremely deep, and naturally this trivial matter would not be written on his face.

"Lin Lang ... who is it? Is there such a number in junior high school?"

Two of them looked at each other, in a daze, and found no information about Lin Lang. It seems that this person is not their classmate.

This is indeed the case. Lin Lang was not outstanding in junior high school. He was as unknown, and even the one who fought with Qi Shiliang was his only sense of existence in most people's hearts.

Despite this, most people still show a smile like a wind, full of warm greetings: "It turned out to be Lin Lang, it's been a long time since I've been gone, and it's been seven or eight years since I saw it. It's a fate. "

"It's a coincidence that I had moved the car a bit, and I unexpectedly saw Lin Lang in the lobby by accident. This is not what the fate is, but God is reluctant to break up our fate." Liu Pengha laughed. .

Qi Shiliang, who was sitting in the top spot, flashed his eyes. How could he not know the background of the Shenghai Hotel? The rich and expensive that can come and go here, the chance encounter that happened here is worth thinking about.

"Come, Lin Lang, sit here."

Qi Shiliang flickered with his gaze, and the smile was like a spring breeze, unable to pick out any flaws. Then Qi Shiliang's eyes fell on Chen Miaoxuan who was behind Lin Lang, and suddenly his eyes brightened. The only feeling in my heart was that the girl was too stunning.

"Are you a girlfriend? It's so pretty. I think you were the most honest among our buddies. You talked with the girl and blushed for a long time. I never thought it was your kid who finally held the beauty." Qi Shiliang stood up and laughed, Calling brother and brother, seems to let go of all the mustard.

I have to say that Chen Miaoxuan is born with beauty, and it is unforgettable to be amazed by the glance. And her arrival directly compared the girls who were present. The original makeup can even be called a rouge powder, which was overshadowed.

Even if Qi Shiliang has been following the development of the Grand Prince of Kyoto in recent years, he has been singing every night, but in contrast, he has never seen a few exquisite women like Chen Miaoxuan, and the elegant and calm temperament that was revealed in his hands , Can not be cultivated by ordinary small doors and small households.

Coupled with this encounter, Qi Shiliang's heart faintly felt Lin Lang's extraordinaryness, how can he capture such a beautiful heart without any capital.

Countless thoughts passed by in Qi Shiliang's heart, and in a moment he changed into a smile full of affinity: "Lin Lang, brother and sister, sit here."

"It's disrespectful."

Lin Lang smiled slightly and took Chen Miaoxuan to sit down. Liu Peng gave a surprised look, did not speak, found his place to sit down.

With Lin Lang's attendance, the venue was lively again, and there were still a lot of topics to be discussed with Lin Lang. Lin Lang responded with a smile, but the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

It is indeed difficult to have a classmate gathering under such a fate, and it is hard to come by, so Lin Lang did not put up a shelf of Ye Xuanzhi's master. Instead, he was more like an ordinary person full of joy of reunion. He didn't want to bring too much utilitarianism among his classmates.

Everyone toasted, telling each other that the childhood was really good, and a series of original funerals were turned out, which made everyone laugh. After a while, under the noise of the crowd, Qi Shiliang had no choice but to stand up and say a few words according to everyone's will.

However, this little thing couldn't stop him at all. He didn't know how much he had experienced in such entertainment, and his generous submissions seemed to make everyone return to the junior high school era. One after another sighed that time was too fast and ruthless.

"After all, we still couldn't go back, and missed too much. It is better to have this goodness in our hearts, and it is a pleasure."

Talking about it, the eyes of the two girls below are a little red, and the cost of growing up has also lost too much. Think about the time when they were crazy about Qi Shiliang.

But now, they are still seniors interns and waiters, and Qi Shiliang is already a beautiful wife and a beautiful family, showing great ambitions, standing high in a large company, and there is a world of difference.

At the same time, he was sitting in a classroom. Now Qi Shiliang can only look up.

In the end, Qi Shiliang suddenly turned his head.

"This class meeting was initiated by me. It was also called by some of our classmates who were developing in Kyoto. These are the only ones. The rest are basically disconnected and I don't know where they are." Qi Shiliang sighed, and then I looked at Lin Lang apologetically, and said, "I haven't had any contact before, and I don't want to see the fool brother."

"Where can I see strange."

Lin Lang smiled slightly and put down the cup. Qi Shiliang frowned frantically, secretly speaking that Lin Lang was unreasonable. This attitude is more like blame, for others should stand up and have a drink with him at this moment.

Only in this way can we express a non-surprising attitude.

"I thought that the two of us had fought because of a little thing. Now it's really naive to think about it. I should apologize for thinking about your brother." Qi Shiliang's conscious face was damaged, and he simply retreated to make up for it. Some face.

"Why would I care about those little things at the beginning, it might be too underestimated." Lin Lang shook his head.

"I don't know why."

Qi Shiliang's eyes flashed cold, forbearing a bit of discomfort, drank the drink in the glass, and sat back again. He didn't want to offend prematurely before he was sure of the specific origin of Lin Lang.

Although the students noticed that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, the atmosphere was still hot, and the topic continued. As the dialogue gradually deepened, Lin Lang also gradually realized that this party was not all old classmates, only a few, the others were men and women.

Among these people, some people are doing well, and of course, some people are more depressed, and most of them are the latter. After all, in the international metropolis of Kyoto, thousands of horses and horses take the wooden bridge without background or sky When it comes to encounters, only a few can develop well.

In addition to Qi Shiliang's relatively nourishing life, one of them, Liu Dong, was quite good. Although not as good as Qi Shiliang, the status of a civil servant is also quite capable. Liu Dapeng reluctantly counted one. As for the other people, either an intern or a clerk, it was a frustration.

Slowly, some people are thinking about their aggrieved life. Compared with this magnificent Shenghai Hotel, they are drinking by themselves, as if they want to intoxicate themselves.

Qi Shiliang repeatedly talked about mobilizing the atmosphere, Liu Dong was happy and sought after Qi Shiliang. Although one business and one official could not help each other, Qi Shiliang lived better than him, which is worthy of his pursuit.

Wine is not intoxicating, just drunk.

"This Shenghai Hotel is one of the few super-large hotels in Kyoto. The top ten are in the foot row. I don't think there are basically any guests outside. Is it impossible for Qige to pack him down?" Liu Dong's eyes shone.

"How could it be." Qi Shiliang smiled dumbly, quite helplessly: "The Holy Sea Hotel is a Peugeot building in Kyoto. The price of a meal is at least 100,000 or more. If you want to reserve a room, you can't afford it without tens of millions of."

"Of course, in addition to contacts, if you do n’t have contacts, Shenghai Hotel will not hold your field."

The crowd was not shocked, and some were silent, unable to refute. Just looking at the food and wine in front of you, all of them are treasures, and they are worth the price. For them, a meal eats a few months or even a year's salary.

And it is still in the case of higher wages in Kyoto.

This had to make them sigh, and sure enough, people are still incomparable.

"But to talk about the charter, our current situation is almost a charter." Qi Shiliang smiled suddenly. Liu Dong and others looked puzzled, and then he explained: "The current state of Shenghai Hotel is indeed reserved, but the person who reserved it is not me, but upstairs."

Qi Shiliang pointed up and sighed: "Upstairs is my young director. He swept the Shenghai Hotel at a stretch, banqueted guests, and evened me a room. People are really rich."

Despite this kind of talk, Qi Shiliang's pride can't be masked. Even if his young director's charter is reserved, Shenghai Hotel does not represent his amazing background.

"Do you know who the young director is banqueting for? They are all the big boys in Kyoto. Each background is enough to crush the richest man in Nanliao. Not to mention the others, it is my company, Shao The directors grabbed it, and their influence in the country is far greater than that of our Yueyue company in Nanliao. "

Qi Shiliang smiled. Admiration was revealed in admiration by all, Qi Shiliang was in such a company, and he won the trust at a young age, or it would definitely skyrocket in a few years.

"As far as I know, Yueyue is not as unbearable as you said. Although it mainly deals with the pharmaceutical industry, its pharmaceutical companies have spawned four. The pharmaceutical industry factories are all over the country except for a few provinces. All have set up branch factories, and their business is spreading at home and abroad. "Chen Miaoxuan snorted, naturally, he could not hear Qi Shiliang's discrediting the company.

She has taken over the post of General Manager since this half of the year, and Yueyue has been thriving under her leadership. The financial and sales of the head office and branch companies are well known. How could Qi Shiliang disparage the Yueyue company to elevate herself?

However, Chen Miaoxuan's rebuttal made Qi Shiliang's face froze and reluctantly laughed: "My brother and sister also made some sense, but the Internet has developed rapidly in recent years. Most of the top ten domestic companies belong to the Internet industry, and the pharmaceutical industry can do it. Big, but hard to be strong. "

"In other words, brother and sister, you don't know much about the current economic situation in China. You only know the fur of the company and not the root." Qi Shiliang shook his head. Perhaps if she knew the identity of the two in front of her, she probably wouldn't say that.

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