Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 522: Junior high school classmate

The next day.

Somewhere in the cave on the top of the mountain, the girl was lying on the bed, holding the quilt with her shoulders bare, wrapped tightly on her chest, and looking at someone who was sleeping by the pillow with a grudge on her face.

"Bad guy ... heh ... wow ..."

Thinking of this, the young girl wouldn't beat her up. She opened her teeth and bit her into the arm of someone severely. She woke up in a deep sleep and screamed again and again.

About ten o'clock at noon, the two finally got up, dressed neatly, and walked out of the room after dressing up. Lin Lang clenched Chen Miaoxuan's small hand, a smile on his face: "Are you ready to get married?"

Chen Miaoxuan was shocked, her breathing was short, she was at a loss, and looked at Lin Lang blankly. In fact, the two of them are already husband and wife in name, and really have a marriage certificate, but what is lacking is a formal wedding.

"Is this a marriage proposal?"

Chen Miaoxuan's small heart was beating like a frightened deer ramming. Looks like ... listening to the sisters' proposal, there are also procedures ...

"I'm with ..."

Before the last word of "meaning" was spoken, her little hand was lifted high, she opened her fingers and put on a fine diamond ring.

"You are robbing the people, I haven't agreed yet!" Chen Miaoxuan said.

I saw Lin Lang opposite her who took out a small red book and waved it in the air. Two folded pages were snapped together and mocked. "It's useless, this is enough as legal evidence. In 2019, Comes into effect for a year, the term ... no term! "

Chen Miaoxuan was even more stunned, even though she could still be shameless, but think about it, she still secretly handled this marriage certificate with Lin Lang carrying her family. Thinking of this, Chen Miaoxuan's face ‘蹭’ flushed half of her cheek.

That time her impulse behavior now wants to come ...

It's a bit fierce indeed!

The two held their hands and went down the mountain during a noisy encounter. They happened to meet Wang Xiaomei, who was going up the mountain.

"Dad, mom!"

The two came forward to say hello, talked for a long time, and Wang Xiaomei looked at Chen Miaoxuan with satisfaction, and smiled: "It looks so good today, it looks better and better."

"Auntie won the prize." Chen Miaoxuan turned red with a stunned expression, spreading to her ears, and did not dare to look up. Wang Xiaomei glanced suspiciously, and then immediately smiled, how could she not see what was going on as she came.

"It's been a long time since I went down the mountain. Walk around with me and buy some clothes." Wang Xiaomei laughed.


Chen Miaoxuan smiled and held Wang Xiaomei's arm down the mountain together. Until the two were watched away, Lin Xiao looked back at Lin Lang, and Lianhang showed a touch of solemnity, saying, "Son, I have something to tell you."

"What is it? Is it spiritual?"

Lin Lang looked up.

"No." Lin Xiao shook his head: "It's about my family."

"Kyoto Lin family?"

Lin Lang's pupils shrank. This family naturally refers to the Kyoto Lin family. He has been busy fighting the West for many years and has not heard this word for many years!


Lin Xiao nodded his head, seeming to recall all the previous ones, his face was a bit stunned, and he hadn't stepped into Kyoto for more than 20 years. Immediately, there was a hint of excitement on his face. It had been so long since he left the Kyoto Lin family, and the original complaints had gradually faded into a kind of thought.

When people are old, they always want to recognize their ancestors.

Lin Lang was silent. If anyone mentioned the Kyoto Lin family in front of him, he would reprimand him, and even if the contemporary Lin family owner came, he could let the other party go without hesitation.

But it's different now.

This was proposed by Lin Xiao on his own initiative. Lin Lang can't bear to disturb Lin Xiao's passion. What he knows best is that his father also experienced lightness and madness in his life, hardships and drifts, hard work, failure, and resurgence. Everything can be used as a rare experience.

However, Lin Lang knew that in addition to practicing in his life, Lin Xiao's biggest wish was probably to return to the Lin family and become a trivial Lin family.

"Have you contacted the Lin family?"

Lin Lang sighed quietly.

"Yes. They came here and wanted to see you rejected by me, and later told me how long it was to leave the house ... to recognize the ancestors!" Lin Xiao took a deep breath, his eyes faintly shed tears.

Recognize your ancestors ...

Why didn't he want to!

But no one knows more about that family than Lin Xiao. He is guilty and greedy and snobbish. If it was not for Lin Lang's rise, I am afraid that family would have forgotten them.

When it's useful, it's just around the corner.

This is the true face of that family.

A few years later, the grievances in his heart had almost dissipated, but Lin Lang. He knew the character of his son, and his evaluation of the Lin family was extremely bad!

"He shouldn't go back." Lin Xiao shook his head in his heart, and no one knew Lin Lang better than him: "Even if he didn't take the initiative to avenge the Lin family as Langer now, we are better off now, and he disdains to return to Kyoto . "

Lin Lang was silent for a long time, and he did not bother to go back, but at this moment how to bear his father's wish could not be settled.

"If you want to go back, the Lin family in Kyoto must go back." Lin Lang's eyes were sharp, and he burst into a cold burst. If the Lin family is doing well, he can be extra-parial and try not to care.

But if the Lin family keeps uplifting from time to time, then let them taste the knock on the altar, step on their feet, and taste the crazy struggle on the soles of the shoes!

"That's good." Lin Xiao smiled with delight and said excitedly: "Then this matter will be put on the agenda as soon as possible, when we all go together!"


Three days later.

Kyoto, as the capital of China, has a prosperous economy. There are no fewer than six airports alone. However, these are all civil airports, and those with limited economic conditions are based on this. Somewhat better are dedicated business channels.

Of course, for those who are distinguished in China, the choice is not a civilian airport, but a private airport.

There is a private airport within the second ring road of Kyoto. As a treasure house within the second ring road of Kyoto, an airport can be built in enclosures, which is not something that ordinary people can do. And those who go in and out are naturally rich or expensive.

At the private airport, a private jet landed slowly. The four people of the Lin Lang family stepped off the four-person plane at the same time. Lin Xiao looked at the high-rise buildings in the surrounding and took a conscious breath.

"It's been a long time since I came back. I thought that when I left Kyoto, the second ring road had not been developed yet, or some old-fashioned courtyard houses and industrial parks." Lin Xiao took a deep breath and a smile appeared on his face.

"Look at all that old thing."

Wang Xiaomei gave a glance.

When the four people walked out of the airport, Wang Xiaomei proposed to go to various places of interest first, climb the Great Wall and the like, and did not go straight to the location of the Kyoto Lin family, but to play around.

Lin Lang's two juniors naturally have no interest. Accompanying the old couple, they will take a tour around the places of interest in Kyoto. It wasn't too early at this moment, so the four stayed nearby and discussed to return to Lin's home tomorrow.

The old couple lived in the same room, and the young couple was just affectionate, also in the same room. After dinner, Chen Miaoxuan hesitated and said, "Since we are here in Beijing, we might as well take the opportunity to visit our old friends."

"Old friend?" Lin Lang wondered.

"It's Sun Xiaohan." Chen Miaoxuan smiled, "She heard that when I came to Kyoto, she enthusiastically called me to sit with her."


Lin Lang was invincible. Anyway, she had nothing to do, so she let her go. The two walked out of the hotel together and drove straight to Beicheng District.

According to Chen Miaoxuan, after the junior year, they did not choose a batch of postgraduate studies to begin their internship in the early years of senior year. Sun Xiaohan was one of these people, relying on some relationships at home, to develop in the capital.

It is said that her family greeted relatives and now works as a manager in a small hotel. This is also to pave the way for her to take care of the family industry in the future to facilitate the smooth takeover of the Sun family industry.

When the two of them actually reached the position described by Sun Xiaohan, the two looked at each other and found that it was not easy. No wonder that Sun Xiaohan's family history went so far as to be a manager only.

The size of this hotel is not small, and the magnificent decoration is comparable to the Peace Hotel of Zhonghai. It is an extraordinary pearl in the international metropolis of Kyoto.

The two walked to the door and were stopped by several security guards. These people looked like they were iron-blooded. They are estimated to be veterans, and they have definitely seen blood, otherwise they will not be able to cultivate such evil spirits. Of course, they are not aimed at guests, they are just unintentional.

Chen Miaoxuan and Sun Xiaohan talked by phone. Security personnel received orders before they were released. When they walked into the hotel, Sun Xiaohan's attractive posture gave way, but the laughter came first.

"Today the hotel was reserved by a group of VIPs, so the access control is a bit strict, so you have been waiting for a long time, I'm so sorry."

"Well, Dr. Lin is there?"

Sun Xiaohan blinked.


Lin Lang looked at Sun Xiaohan for two years, but she did not see it in two or three years. Sun Xiaohan did change a lot when she went to school. The first thing is that her makeup is more dressy. She has a good foundation and now she is one of the beautiful women. , A smile and a wave of infinite charm.

Secondly, she also became quite talkative. In the past, she felt that the princess' illness was still a bit rigid, but now she has lost her childishness and has become exquisite.

As soon as the two girls met, they immediately became enthusiastic and talked about everything that happened recently. When they heard that the two were about to get married, Sun Xiaohan's eyes glowed and she envy: "I can't think of the simplest of our sisters The beauty turned out to be the first to marry. I envy your luck. Doctor Lin is a man worthy of trust. "

Immediately, Sun Xiaohan turned his head and looked at Lin Lang as a fierce man, "I can warn you, if I am not good with Miao Xuan in the future, I will ..."

Sun Xiaohan thought for a while that he couldn't beat the other side, and he couldn't match his status. It was hard to warn the other side. Immediately before her eyes brightened, she waved her fist and said, "If you dare to make Miao Xuan unhappy, I will clean up William!"

"Haha, it's too late for me to spoil Miaoxuan, how can she make her suffer." Lin Lang laughed with a hint of surprise in her eyes. When he left Chuanshu at first, it seemed that he heard the news that William and Sun Xiaohan broke up. Now two years have passed. It seems that the relationship between the two is not so stiff now.

I don't know if it was recombined or how.

However, this is not something he needs to worry about. Sun Xiaohan, who has gone through the trials in the workplace, is indeed very open and talkative, and it is very interesting.

"Xiao Han, you are not bad now. Managing such a large hotel, most people can't do it." Chen Miaoxuan laughed.

"Hey, it's usually busy with trivial matters. Miao Xuan is better at you. Now I'm not only starting a postgraduate study, I'm not only registering my own makeup brand, but also managing the affairs of the Yueyue company. How can I have such a strong woman like you? . "Sun Xiaohan smiled.

The two women looked at each other and soon became talkless.

It is true that during the period of Mo Bingzhu's disappearance, Chen Miaoxuan was almost alone, supporting the entire company by relying on her wrist. It was only after Mo Bingzhu returned to relieve some pressure.

It is undeniable that Chen Miaoxuan is really outstanding, distracted and used for three purposes, but everything can be done well.

The second girl seemed to become the two friends who had never talked in school again. They talked vigorously at the same time, Lin Lang couldn't get in, and could only stay bored.

At this time, a young man full of alcohol came in, shaking his body, and seemed to drink a lot of alcohol. When he passed by Lin Lang, he shook his body and hit Lin Lang. Although it was also an unintentional move, he didn't walk slowly and hurt quite a bit.

Lin Lang frowned, and didn't say much. He was already a congenital monk. His status was ridiculous, and he naturally disdain to embarrass these mortals.

"I'm sorry, the wine is a bit too drunk." The young man quickly apologized and raised his head. When he saw Lin Lang's face frowned suddenly and looked for a moment, he tentatively said, "Are you ... Xiao Linzi? "

Lin Lang also carefully looked at the latter for a while. Although he was familiar, he had seen too many people in his life, and he couldn't remember who the young man was opposite.

"Lin Lang, it's you! I'm Zhang Dapeng!" The young man suddenly became excited, seemingly worried that Lin Lang couldn't remember, and quickly added: "I, Liu Dapeng, your junior high school classmate!"

"You are ... Liu Peng."

Lin Lang got a little bit of an impression. When he was in junior high school, he followed Liu Peng and played with him. He cut the wires of the surveillance cameras of the school, and he lit the school garbage dump. , And the two of them coughed ...

These are old memories, and they are already so pale that they are too difficult to remember. After graduation, everyone will go their separate ways and have very little friendship. The junior high school students are probably the weakest group among all the students, and the reason for this weakness is time.

I didn't expect to meet here again.

"Leave, Xiaolinzi, brother will take you to a place." Liu Peng held his tongue wide and pulled Lin Lang indistinctly and walked away. Chen Miaoxuan glanced at him, then Xiaobuzi chased after him, holding Lin Lang's arm.

"You also received a call from Qi Shiliang to come to the party?" Liu Peng laughed. Lin Lang shook his head and informed the other that it was just a coincidence.

"That's a coincidence. You didn't even receive Qi Shiliang's phone call, and everyone was still able to meet, and it was just catching up with a few of our junior middle school friends. This must be a big fate." Liu Peng sighed.

"This time led by Qi Shiliang, not all the junior high school classmates, just a few people. These are the classmates who left Nanliao and wandered in Kyoto. Qi Shiliang built a group a few days ago and will be the big guy. Bring it together. In Kyoto, basically everything that can come is here. "

"Speaking of Qi Shiliang, this guy is really good, and we are counted among him. It is said that he is now a sales manager at a Fortune 500 company, and has a great friendship with a big boy in Beijing." With a trace of awe in his eyes: "Let's know the Shenghai Hotel where we live, at least we can get in and out here is worth over a hundred million."

Liu Peng drunk a lot of wine, and almost instantly became a chatter, patting Lin Lang's shoulders, spitting flying. Suddenly, his gaze fell on Chen Miaoxuan next to Lin Lang.

"Well, this is a younger sibling? Real special lady!"

A touch of shame appeared on Chen Miaoxuan's face, and she bowed her head and said nothing. The two walked through a row of corridors, and finally stopped near a private room. Liu Peng raised his breath and arranged a few coats. This was the only way to say: "Let ’s go in and we will be junior high school students. Qi Shiliang is the best here. Try to get as close to him as possible. "

"I remember that the relationship between the two of you was not good when I was in school. I'll help you with it later. It's okay if you respect a few glasses of wine and wrap it around me."

Liu Peng's chest snorted.

Then he reached out and pushed open the door.

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