Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 519: Daomen old fairy

Lin Lang's scalp nearly exploded, and such a presence even appeared in the small castle. It's no wonder that he didn't notice it after searching for half a circle here.

The miracle is perfect!

This is the most peak existence in the divine realm. It is not weaker than the existence of the blood beast. In the heyday, he had to spend a lot of time to kill a blood beast, let alone the current state of weakness.

Lin Lang's face changed, and he looked at the man squatting in the corner with a vigilant voice, and said, "Who are you?"

The man ignored him, and landed on his limbs, flying over like a primitive beast. Lin Lang raised his hand to answer the enemy, regretted the weird, only felt the numbness of the tiger's mouth, and flew out.


The weird continued to pounce, opened his **** mouth and rushed madly, Lin Lang kept dodging, but the weird was so fast that he couldn't shake him at all. Lin Lang unfolded at a speed, circling with the weirdo in the old castle, bypassing a pillar and dodging left and right.

The weirdo was very fierce, smashing a stone pillar directly and violently, and countless bricks fell, but these were hard to cause any injuries to him.


Lin Lang gave a low sigh, and the momentum rose steadily. He held the sword of the Qing Dynasty and waved it out. The sword body carried a daunting spirit, like a thorny thorn. Above the sharp blade, a piece of red was dyed and turned into a sword of killing. A sword was waved to form a brilliant sword arc, which was stunning to the extreme.


The Demon Slayer is the fifth magical power recorded in the Nine Xiaoxian Code. Only one sword is the ultimate of kendo magical power. One sword evokes incredible power. However, this requires the swordsman's energy and concentration to be united, so that he can devote his life to cultivation.

This is a slaying sword, and it is also a suicide sword, because after the sword is cast, the swordsman will fall into a complete state of weakness, which is extremely powerful.

This is Xeon sword!

Just before, Lin Lang used this trick to kill the blood beast. Now that his spiritual power is exhausted, he must use this trick as a last resort, otherwise it will be difficult to escape birth.

However, the sharp sword edge chopped on the freak, only setting off Mars, and then the sword entered half a foot and was directly rebounded back.

The weird quickly grabbed the Qingqing sword and threw it fiercely, flinging Lin Lang far away and smashing several stone pillars. Lin Lang spit out blood, and reluctantly stood up again, watching the weird man with a scarlet tongue thrown at him.

"What the **** is this!"

Lin Lang took a breath of air. This monster's speed is amazing, and the toughness of the flesh is still above the blood beast. In any way, he can't beat the opponent.

Lin Lang stepped back a few steps, performing the night-night method, like a ghost, and constantly struggling, thinking about the weakness of the strange person. It is common sense to be able to have such a solid body, but I am already a human immortal, but the weirdo is not.

This means that at the same time that he gets this kind of power, he is likely to have great flaws. This is the breakthrough. However, he hasn't waited for him to realize the weakness of the opponent. The speed of the weird surged, breaking through several times the speed of sound, and digging into Lin Lang's heart.

It's stabbing!

Lin Lang avoided the danger and was caught with a bloodstain on the back, which made him a little irritable. Before he could, he could fight this strange man, but now there is this opportunity.

The weird chased him, and on several occasions he nearly put Lin Lang into danger, and after a long time of dealing, he simply took his heart and looked at the stone pillar that bound the old man.

Just then, an old voice came into his mind.

"His weakness is spirit. As long as he destroys his sage, he can resolve the crisis." The old man still closed his eyes and used the voice of God's thought to punch a message into Lin Lang's mind.

In this regard, Lin Lang could only laugh bitterly, and he naturally saw this, but he was not at the end of the crossbow, where he had the strength to attack the strange people. "My little friend helped me get out of trouble. I will help you resolve the crisis." The old man's voice came again.

Lin Lang hesitated for a moment. In the end, it is the same result. It is better to bet on the last time. If the old man is really capable, he will have enough strategies to deal with it.

Obviously, a sensible old man is better at dealing with a monster who only knows how to kill. No matter how bad it is, he can use that kind of mystery with the other party.

That kind of mystery is Lin Lang's hole card, which can make him become a Golden Dan instantly, but the consequence is to form the lowest level of Golden Tao, and it will be difficult to practice in the future. Even he can sublime to the level of the earth fairy as much as possible, but as long as that time is left for the secret method, the only thing left to him is death.

This is why Lin Lang has been reluctant to use this secret method, which is too costly. However, there are so many in front of him now that it is better to release Renxian than to face this monster. Renxian can also threaten with secret methods, but there is no reason to communicate with this monster.

Lin Lang no longer hesitated, rushing to the position of the old man, and the upper sword in his hand split a hundred times in an instant, the chain trembled, and a string of dazzling Mars flew out. With the sharpness of Yuanying Zhibao, he would finally cut off this extraordinary chain.

"I help you recover."

Lin Lang sighed suddenly, his face flushed, gathered up the remaining power, and directly injected a mass of creamy essence into the body of the old man. At this time, the strange man had killed Lin Lang behind him, and his sharp claws caught Lin Lang's head.

"Sin Beast!"

Suddenly, an incomparable horror of coercion came. A large hand covering the sky was in front of Lin Lang, and that sharp claw could hardly pierce the palm of the hand.

A three-striped golden dandelion suspended above the head of the old man's fairy, turned from an old man into a god-man who propped up the heavens and the earth, with the palm turning, the majestic majesty erupted again, the palm fell, and the weird growled wildly. Like Wuzhishan, it is so difficult to break through.

The palm fell down again, the weird burst into a mist of blood, and was directly wiped out by the power of the fairy!

The old man released his palm. The weird man has been photographed as a pool of meat and bones, and the bones have been photographed in sections. At this time, the old man turned back and looked at Lin Lang with a smile: "Did you see this is the human fairy? force."

Lin Langzhi laughed and didn't speak.

After a pause, the old man sat cross-legged, let Lin Lang stay beside him, and said to himself, "Why can a human fairy be called a human fairy? It is because the human fairy can raise the thunder with his hand raised, and the negative hand can change the situation. Naturally, in one thought. "

"Human immortal was also called Jindan Realm in ancient times. It condenses the spirits and spirits in the body to replace Linghai and turns it into Jindan. A Jindan represents the fighting power of human immortal, and together with the heaven and earth, communicates nature. So powerful that it can use magical powers, and few rivals. "

"Jindan is divided into three forms: Fandao Jindan, authentic Jindan, and the legendary rare Jindao, both of which are Jindan realms, but the power of the three is different in the past. During the early, middle, and late stages, there were only nine measures, and they were followed by nine golden dans, from one golden dan to nine golden dan. "

"Every additional pattern on Jin Dan will increase the combat power to a higher level. This is also a detailed division of Jin Dan's realm."

The old man's voice came, not malicious, and it looked more like he was pointing his juniors. After a long time, he said quietly, "You are optimistic."

The voice fell, and a storm broke out at the place where the old man was. He himself turned into the center of the storm vortex. The wind roared, and numerous auras were surging wildly. He used the spiritual power of dozens of miles for his use. Like devour.

The old man sat cross-legged, and a dark hole appeared behind him. The whole person stood like a black hole, as if opening a huge mouth and trying to swallow it. On top of his head, a magnificent Jin Dan slowly spins, and the pure black spirit at the corresponding black hole transforms towards Jin Dan.

Qidan Jindan!

Jin Dan Realm is equivalent to the late strong!

It is no wonder that the old man fairy is still weak, and he can shoot the monster as soon as he comes out. It turned out to be a super strong in the realm of Jin Dan. Just a few steps away, the earth fairy is hopeful!

Lin Lang watched this scene calmly. Although the old man immortal had a deep state, he seemed to be missing something, which caused his Jin Dan to take a hint of decay. Lin Lang carefully studied for a while, and finally saw the problem.

It's Shouyuan!

Don't look at the immortal look of the old man, but the incarceration of countless years has already dried up his life and decayed the flesh. Even if he is released now, it will be exhausted and dried up. .

It is a pity that such a peerless powerhouse.

Lin Lang shook his head uncontrollably and could not think of the end of the first strongest person in his life. At this time, the old man suddenly turned back.

"Why do you shake your head?" The old man said frowningly.

"The time is running out and the bustling curtain ends."

Lin Lang said lightly.

"Can you see through my physical state?" The old man's pupils shrank, and even smiled at himself: "You are a wonderful person afterwards, but you can rest assured that I am already a dying person and will not lose my house. Your future road needs you to finish it for us old people. "

The old man was very optimistic. He smiled and said, "So you don't have to guard against my old bone. The devil crooked me and I didn't even bother to do it. Where is the need to move in my body?"

Speaking, the old man sang aloud, his spirits swelled, and the whole person doubled. He opened his mouth and spit out a red mouth, mixed with blood, like blood and sputum. The blood sputum was spit on the ground, but the corrosive force was amazing, and a large bowl hole was eroded directly on the ground.

It can be imagined that if such a thing broke out in the body, it would be fatal enough for the strong person.

Lin Lang stood aside indifferently, without any embarrassment or panic about trying to be broken. This magical power is a time bomb that he transports into the old man's fairy with his spiritual power. After all, his defense is indispensable. Before he releases the old man, he must make sound preparations.

That is to say, it is not expected that the old man immortal is actually the strength of the Jinwen Jindan, otherwise any one of the immortals will become a puppet in front of him.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you by hand?" The old man Xian looked to Lin Lang with interest: "You are the first to dare to do something on my body, and you are not afraid to kill you in my fury."

"If you dare, we will all die."

Lin Lang said seriously.

"Ha ha ha ha ha." The old man laughed loudly, but was not angry, and Ren Jun could not help but said: "The junior now is quite interesting, a junior who has not yet reached Jin Dan came to threaten a seven-striped Jin Dan."

"Relax, I won't do anything to you. I'm saved for you this time, and there are two unfulfilled wishes, I won't waste time on you."

"Which two wishes?" Lin Lang curiously said.

"One of them attacked the temple in order to compensate for the insults of the prisoners. This group of villains actually bought disciples in the door when I was closed, and they dispelled me, and then sold them to the Prince of the Blood Race. This hatred must be reported! "

"The second is to follow the footprints of my old brothers. I don't know what is going on with them or whether they succeeded." The old man sighed, full of sighs.

"Are you from the era of the Northern Han Sword Fairy?" Lin Lang's words immediately caught the eye of the old man, and she said suddenly, "Did you know such secrets?"

"Did the Northern Han Sword Fairy return? What happened to the Northern Han Sword Sect? Has it become the first gate in the world?" The old man Xianlian asked.

Lin Lang shook his head: "Now only Kunlun and Daomen are left. Daomen is now full of incense, but it has never walked the world. The rest of the ancient sects are probably ..."

Lin Lang shook his head and did not go on, but the old man fairy understood, Xiao Se said: "Are they all wiped out? Yes, the North Han Sword School without the support of the North Han Sword Fairy is not comparable to Daomen, which is a force inherited from ancient times. The temple did not dare to move, but the Beihan Sword School was different. "

Lin Lang was frightened. Originally, he thought that Ye Xuanzong's strength was now similar to that of the unborn Daomen. Now listening to the words of the old man, even the temple did not dare to open the Daomen easily. The water of the Daomen was deep!

"Perhaps they did not move into Kunxu."

"Do you still know the Kunxu?" The old man once again had a strong curiosity about this junior junior. He seemed to have touched a lot of historical footprints and said sadly: "Do you know the origin of the Kunxu?"

Lin Lang shook his head, and the old man immortal said: "Kunxu can't accept them. At that time, a group of people led by the Northern Han Sword Fairy and chose to battle the road. There were also other people who wanted to stay at the status quo and open up Kunming alone. The mystery of the market brings prosperity to future generations. "

"Huaxia Kunxu, Western Bliss, Penglai in the South China Sea, Yuliang in the North, these are the four realms. These are the secret realms of those who are unwilling to seek the strength of the heavenly road. They are not in harmony with the Northern Han Sword Fairy. May accept the descendants of the Northern Han Sword Fairy. In addition, there may be a lot of powerful people in the world who are still breathing like me.

"It is time to end our grievances with the temple for thousands of years." The old man shook his head and got up and walked away. Lin Lang also stood up and stopped talking. He knew that the old man was going to make a big noise in the temple.

Traveling to a distance, the old man's body paused, turned around his cuffs and flew a stream of light, and fell into Lin Lang's hands. This is a quaint token with the word Daomen imprinted on it, and the mysterious runes carry countless mysterious moods.

This is definitely a spiritual treasure, most powerful, and most of it is a level of inheritance!

The voice suddenly came: "This is the order from my ancestors, who has the power to kill and kill. If you meet someone in the future, you can pass it on. If the contemporary head is called Chi Qiu, you can also use the token. Inherit the position of contemporary leader. You are at your disposal. "

"Chi Qiu is my apprentice. This person is extremely talented. Maybe he is no longer under me, but he is extremely harsh and ruthless. I can't rest assured."

Door, token!

The imprisoned old man was a Taoist teacher hundreds of years ago! The heart of Daomen entrusts the future of the whole Daomen to Lin Lang.

"Do not move the coffin in the blood pool. There is a big horror secret hidden in it. I am far from his enemy." The old man impressed with a solemn warning, and after explaining these things, he was ready to leave when he turned around. .

"Wait a minute, I have a loan for you."

After all, a stream of light penetrated the air, and a blue sword fell into the hands of the old fairy. The sword body was blue, exuding pleats of cold light, and the sword was aggressive. The old man Xian couldn't help but play with it, and praised a good sword secretly.

"The sword is a hero. May you return home with victory."

Lin Lang's voice came from afar. "You and I should be friends for the year-end, my Li Mujun inherits your kindness!" The old man immortal was crying with joy, and the gate token would be passed on. Naturally, he could not follow him to the temple, but the Shangqing sword was like a god's help, and he put it in his hands to fight. The force is more than doubled.

This is a precious baby!

"The cloud-side geese broke Hu Tianyue, and the sheep on Longlong returned to grass smoke. When they returned to the non-armed account of the tower, the crown sword was Ding Nian ......" The old man was singing and singing, and his voice was like a smoke.

It wasn't until Li Mujun's body went away that Lin Lang converged and showed a stunned expression. If he had the chance, he really wanted to go to the temple to help out, but think again that the weak practice now annihilates the idea.

Even Li Mubai, who had seven patterns of golden dandelions, had no assurance of prosperity, and it was useless to go with his current strength. He shook his head. The dark castle was gone and Mo Bingzhu was rescued. There is no need to stay here again.

As for what was hidden in the coffin, although he was interested and to no avail, he would not provoke the other party until he had absolute strength.

Just as he was about to leave and picked up Mo Bingzhu, the blood pool behind him suddenly rolled up violently, the harsh chain friction sounded, and the **** coffin flew into the bleeding pool and came straight!

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