Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 518: Secrets of the Dark Castle

The inheritance of the Dark Castle is almost cut off, and countless dead strong ones. This is Lin Youye's revenge, but the only pity is that Xue Dan has not yet formed.

Even so many blood burial bodies were unable to feed the blood pill, and in the future, it may be difficult to completely transform it into a blood pill.

How is the blood of ordinary people the blood that refined blood from an early age? It is estimated that killing hundreds of powerful people in the future will allow this blood dandelion to be thoroughly enlightened.


Lin Lang stood up and frowned. He used his strength to search the whole dark castle group and found no trace of Mo Bingzhu, as if it had evaporated inexplicably.

Rescue Mo Bingzhu was the main purpose of his trip. Can't find anyone now, doesn't it mean that this trip is running away?

"No, I felt her breath here before. She should have been hidden somewhere, and I haven't seen any human martial arts imprisoned in prison." Lin Lang frowned and raised his hand. A young **** man hiding in the corner shivered.

This is probably the only living thing he left.

Lin Lang stepped forward and asked about it. The **** kid was scared with his legs embarrassed, and the noble **** prestige didn't know where to throw it. He calmed down for a long time, and then he trembled and said, "He was detained in ancient times. The humans in the fort are here, there are no other prisons for humans. But I know that in a place, only the three dukes are eligible to enter, will they ... "

"take me to."

Lin Lang's tone was unquestionable. Soon after, the two passed through the dense forest and appeared near a cliff behind a dark castle. Because the dark castle was built on a lone mountain, there was nothing else but the castle and dense forest.

"That's it. The normal cliffs are listed as restricted areas, and the dukes forbid us to approach." The **** teenager trembled.

Lin Lang walked a few steps forward, and looked down, his eyes bloomed with a smile, his face paled with a smile: "It was here."

I saw looking down the cliff. Except for the misty clouds, a castle was built along the horizontal direction of the cliff. The fortress was aligned horizontally with the ground and was built in a shape of "one", like a huge tree under the cliff. Branches in general. However, the scale is not as large as the dark castle group, which is at best equivalent to the size of a divided castle.

Who would have thought that a castle was also built on the cliff, and the tricky architectural angle is indeed easy to be ignored.

"Master Lin, can I go?" The blood race teenager barely squeezed a smile, but it was uglier than crying.

"Do you know where the blood tribe's ancestral land is?"

Lin Lang glanced lightly. The blood clan shook his head. The blood clan ancestral land is the birthplace of the entire earth blood clan. They are just a spokesperson pushed in front of the stage. With his identity, there is no place in the dark castle. How can he know the blood's biggest secret.

It is estimated that only the three dukes knew about it.

However, with the death of the three dukes, the blood tribe's ancestral land became a mystery again, and where would it be known where the ancestral land was. However, when he shook his head, blood was suddenly spilled from all over his body, Qiqiao bleed, and a vast coercion was directly suppressed on him, which was directly shocked to death.

"How could I keep you alive."

Lin Lang shook his head, jumped down the cliff, and walked along the cliff into the cliff castle.

Lin Lang pushed in, and there were countless miserable calls. I saw only a spacious hall inside the castle, and hundreds of stone pillars stood in the hall.

Shi Zhusen is red, as if it has been soaked in blood for countless years, and the smell is stinking. On each of these stone pillars, a human martial arts band is firmly bound. The thin veins of the veins look like infusion tubes, criss-crossing, making the entire hall look cluttered and entangled by the veins.

At the end of these blood vessels, there are dark red blood tanks connected. In that blood tank, the full blood is like a rushing river. It is pulled upwards by the inexplicable array method, and eventually flows to the center of the hall. High above the altar.

"this is……"

Lin Lang took a deep breath and calmed down his mind. He was originally for Mo Bingzhu, who knew that he accidentally hit the cliff castle by accident. Judging from the blood channel here, it is estimated that he accidentally broke it. The big secret of a blood race!

And in the center where countless blood rushed, what was there on the altar?

Lin Lang abstained from curiosity and did not go directly to the altar. Instead, she walked around hundreds of stone pillars, some of them are Western-looking superhumans and some Asian-faced ones. It is estimated that some of China ’s strong are imprisoned.

Most of the warriors tied to the stone pillars have fainted, few are awakened, and many have even completely died.

However, those who are still alive also have more air intake and less air output, and it is estimated that they will not be far from death in a few months.

"Save me ... save me ..."

"Save me out, I'll send you a fortune."

Lin Lang's ears were heard in a weak moan, no matter begging for forgiveness, temptation, threat, Lin Lang ignored them all, still searching for Mo Bingzhu's whereabouts.

As far as his condition is concerned, he is already so weak that he rashly releases these guys who don't know good and evil, which may cause trouble. Lin Lang doesn't want to release these people for the time being.

Finally, Lin Lang found Mo Bingzhu on an inconspicuous stone pillar. At this moment, she was tied to the stone pillar, and she was irritated with hair, and she was undressed.

A gentle touch appeared on Lin Lang's face. He raised his hand and shot two lotus flowers, cut the rope, held Mo Bingzhu in his arms, fed a few elixir supplements for blood, and then took a large set from the space spirit ring. Clothes are covered on Mo Bingzhu.

Mo Bingzhu just passed out with too much blood and was unconscious. He cut off the blood vessels and started the blood flow again. It is estimated that it won't be long before he can wake up again.

After doing this, Lin Lang moved on.

Those who are eligible to be tied to the cliff pillars of the cliffs are all warriors above the realm. Lin Lang swept in order, and the more forward the mood, the more waves.

Realm, Demigod, Divine Realm ...

Even the **** state is complete!

The warrior **** on this stone pillar, Lin Lang found two powerful men with great consummation, but one who had been dead for a long time, was drawn out of the blood vessel to become a human body, and there was no blood left on his body, which became a dead body. .

As for the other one, at this moment, he was almost at the end of his life. Only the surging qi and blood was still being output. Otherwise, it will probably die in a few days.

"Even the powerful men who have completed their gods have been arrested for bleeding. I don't know which country they are. Amazing.

"Is imprisoned here even if the gods are fulfilled, won't ..." Lin Lang's eyes looked at the stone pillar closest to the altar, and his heart jumped unconsciously. But thinking about the strength of the Dark Castle, he still shook his head.

The dark castle can't even stop him, let alone the mighty man immortal, how can it imprison such a strong existence, unless the ancestors are born to interfere. Bypassing the two pillars that bound the perfection of the divine realm, Lin Lang walked towards the only stone pillar in front.

This stone pillar looks different, stronger than other stone pillars, with Sanskrit printed on it, which is probably a forbidden curse. At first glance, it feels that the repair is not working smoothly.

When Lin Lang walked over completely, it was found that an old man with an Asian face was tied to the stone pillar, and more appropriately, it should be a Chinese man. He wore this traditional robe with extraordinary materials and was outside the hole in his wound , Basically intact.

"this is……"

Lin Lang poked his hand to the old man's abdomen, and suddenly felt as if he touched a bottomless black hole. Lin Lang quickly let go of his hand and repaired it.

"This is ... Renxian!"

Lin Lang took a deep breath, and even if he had prepared in his heart, when this fact was proved, he couldn't help being shocked. A small fairy castle imprisoned a fairy, and ...

Lin Lang looked weird, and the old man was still alive. For a moment, Lin Lang looked up at the old man's fairy, and his hollow eyes seemed to open for a moment, then closed quickly.

"I don't know whether you are good or evil, wait for me to enter the realm of Jindan and come to save you." Lin Lang shook his head, although the release of a fairy may bring Ye Xuanzong the power to deter the world, but according to his now Situation, don't take risks as well.

Suppressing the impulse in her heart, Lin Lang walked up the steps and reached the top of the altar. The altar was in the shape of five-colored petals and looked down. In a pool of blood, four thick chains hung a long dark red coffin.

The coffin was quaint and desolate, revealing a sense of killing, confusion of mind, and definitely some years. The bottom is painted with a layer of black paint, and the colors are weakened from bottom to top. To the top, it is a reddish red eye. From a distance, the entire coffin looks like a burning flame.

"What kind of ghost is hidden in the coffin actually needs the blood of immortals to go through innumerable years of support." Lin Lang took a deep breath and deliberately went forward to find out, but he had to think about the current weak body.

Monsters fed with human immortal blood, such existence, I am afraid that the triple prohibition cannot be sealed. At this moment Lin Lang shook his head, intending to check it out later.

But just as he turned around, his hair exploded in vain, a dangerous breath emerged from the bottom of his heart, and a cold air blew through his ears, as if an electric shock, a thick goosebump appeared on his body.

I saw it in that corner, the dark corner.

I don't know when.

Squatting alone!

The man's eyes showed bloodthirsty red mansions. He looked at Lin Lang quietly. The scarlet long tongue licked his cheeks, and the disgusting drool kept dripping, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

What's more inescapable is his cultivation.

Divine Realm ... 90% complete!

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