Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 516: Devour the light

Both sides kept ridiculing that the other side's vision was too bad, thinking that they had obtained the largest piece of cake and maximized the benefits. But it is because of this that they can live in harmony.

"Let's go, search for yourself, and hand over Lin Youye to us." Oons smiled. Today the Dark Castle suffered heavy losses, but the results are undoubtedly also huge.

The bishops of the arbitration office nodded with smiles, and they were very satisfied with the bloodline's attitude. Immediately after taking a step, they had to search for Lin Lang, who did not know life or death.

However, at this moment, a slight tremor of the light chain caused their pupils to contract suddenly. The light chain buzzed softly, then tightened quickly.

"Oops. Don't let him break the seal." The Marquis of Ornes changed his face slightly, looking at the two bishops of the arbitration.


But the bi-wing angel just chuckled, and Tai Ran smiled sharply: "Unbreakable, as long as the warrior being exploited by the light order, at this moment is like a futile, and even spiritual power is sealed. What can he break free from."

However, as his voice fell, Lin Lang's bright light chain trembled violently, shrinking indefinitely, as if he could no longer be sealed, and would be half free from him.

The bi-wing angels are very confident in the light of the tribe, and are waiting to say something to explain this is a normal phenomenon, but glimpsed the expression of distrust of the blood duke, and then said: "Then I will add an extra spell to lock him completely live."

After all, the bi-winged angel flicked his fingers, a beam of light fell into Lin Lang's body, the chain suddenly thickened, and the holy light was strong, binding Lin Lang into a zongzi.

The struggling Lin Lang calmed down.

"So you can sit back and relax."

The biplane angel smiled confidently.



Lin Lang was lying on the ground, only to feel that he was in a completely closed dark space and could not reach his fingers. He wanted to reach out, but found his arms empty, his hands disappeared.

He wanted to speak, but found himself dumb.

Eyes cannot see things, ears cannot listen, hands cannot move, as if everything in this body does not belong to him, everything that he has is completely exploited.

Only thought can move freely!

"The Great Seal of the Bright is forbidden."

Lin Lang sank in his heart. The Guangming tribe is also one of the top ten royal families among all realms. Even in the fairy realm, it is also a super tribe, but the base is not as big as humans.

The Guangming's ethics can be traced back to a superpower in the highest realm, especially the Great Seal Prohibition Law, which is juxtaposed with the Ninth Nine Prohibition Law, and it can be fully displayed to seal the immortal mystery of the Emperor. Therefore, the magical power of the Guang people is extremely difficult to break, especially this big seal forbidden law. As long as it is locked, there is almost no possibility of breaking away.

As long as this mystery is hit, in the end there is only the fate of being suppressed. Lin Lang knows the hegemony of this secret technique, so when he feels this secret technique, his heart sinks.

If it is really the complete big seal ban, it will be troublesome!

Unexpectedly, there are people who are proficient in the Great Seal forbidden law of the Guang people even on this small earth!

"No, this big seal ban is not complete."

Lin Lang suddenly made a faint whisper. In his perception, the Great Seal Prohibition Law did not have the overbearing power he had seen. The Great Seal Prohibition Law was truly terrible in exploitation. However, the arbitration institute only exhibited the seal, not Direct exploitation.

"Yes, there are two possibilities. One is that the Great Seal Prohibition Law on the Earth is incomplete, and the other is that the angel of the Holy Light is too low to implement the subtlety of the Great Seal Prohibition Law."

Thinking of this, Lin Lang's heart once again felt a little bit of luck. There was once a fairy king of the Guang people who exploited 99% of the perfect kings at a glance. Even though he had defeated the Holy Son of the Guang people in the fairy world, it was based on a defeat that was destroyed in the beginning instead of nothing. Sealed without a fight.

Fortunately, the Daguangming Forbidden Law was not exhibited in the hands of such a strong man. With the cultivation of everyone in the arbitration institute, even the most subtle mysteries can only be counted as magical powers, not even Taoism.

Therefore, it is not difficult to break the big seal ban.

In a dark space, Lin Lang lit a soul lamp, using his soul as a guide, constantly groping forward. I don't know how far and how long this lonely journey has been.

One hundred meters, kilometers, ten thousand meters ...

Ten years, hundreds, millennia ...

The soul body transformed by Lin Lang's consciousness walks on foot in this dark space, and advances all the way with indomitable confidence. I don't know how long, perhaps thousands of years, thousands of years, Lin Lang finally got tired.

Thousands of years of travel, the lonely dark world, can't feel the despair of the body, making people's hearts go crazy. However, Lin Lang still did not waver, the blooming soul lamp continued to guide the way in the forward direction. He is like an ascetic monk, measuring the vastness of the world with his feet.

This dark world is not endless. One day, Lin Lang sees the light, and this may be millions of years, perhaps millions of years, or even longer.

Every time I was desperate, Lin Lang insisted. He knew that the dark world was not endless, and one day he would come out of it, and then everything would return to its origin.

On this day, Lin Lang, who was walking in the dark, finally saw a faint light. He was overjoyed and ran back. And the light grew bigger as he ran, and two circular spots fluttered in front of the eyes like the sun.

Lin Lang approached quickly, then leapt forward.


A dazzling light shot into the eye, Lin Lang opened his eyes sharply, and it was no longer a darkness or a dazzling light before him, but a group of stupid guys who were in the sky and discussing how to distribute him!

They had to search for it in the future. Suddenly, the chain trembled again ...


The angel's face changed. The seal Lin Youye was led by him, so he felt it the first time the seal was broken. There was only one breathing time since the last time the seal was applied, and Lin Youye broke his eyes without taking care of it. Seal.

"Stop him!" The Cardinal exclaimed, taking the lead, holding the Holy Light, shooting Tao Lotus, everyone chanting in unison, quickly turned into a thick chain, and applied the seal again.

However, the light chain has not been able to calm down, but it has become more and more serious. An indomitable will seemed to break the chain.

"I am the night, so He Dehe can block me, I am not willing!"

An unhappy voice came out.

The chain was shaking more and more fiercely, Lin Lang opened his eyes abruptly and shot a Shenhua in his mouth, and then the chain that broke into his throat suddenly broke!


Everyone at the arbitration firm sank, and the last thing that happened was that it happened! Each of them tried their best, and the strong power of the Holy Light blessed the chains, and they were fighting against a force of will.

The blood people looked anxiously, but he didn't master the technique of banning, and just waited to sit aside, secretly cheering the strong of the arbitration institute.

"I am determined to achieve the highest achievement, and it will never be destroyed. After all, you are just a group of ants on my road, blocking me. Why do you ?!"

A scream erupted in Lin Lang's mouth, his eyes flushed, and a ghost image of a purple emperor emperor holding a scepter slowly emerged behind him. The figure was as tall as a mountain, full of majesty and indifference, and the gods around him were dazzling.

"Since light can't dominate the world, let the night devour the light." A mighty and indifferent voice came out. Throughout his body, the sound of faint crackling sounds sounded, becoming clearer with the passage of time.

The Emperor Zijin and Lin Lang opened their mouths in unison, and the sound quickly gathered into a torrent of torrents. The Emperor Zijin reached out with one finger, the radiance on the surface of the scepter burst into a thousand rays, and was placed on the light chain, quickly turning into one. Just a worm crawling on the light chain.

It didn't take a moment for the bright chain to be sore and devastated by the worms. The Emperor Zijin drank a word of "broken", and then the bright chain collapsed.

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