Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 515: Seal Forest You Ye

"He's ... can't stand it ?!"

The spirit of everyone was shocked, with great joy and sorrow, but also with some incredible. The intractable Lin Youye was defeated by them. The fierce battle just left them still like another generation. I thought it would be a fierce fight.

Who knew that Lin Youye was the first to be unable to support it!

For them now, this is undoubtedly the joy of falling from the sky, and I still can't believe it.

"I said how Lin Youye could get rid of the ninety-nine-percent blood beast. It turned out that he also paid an unimaginable price. Under the eyes of destruction, he can kill anyone in God's realm. The death of the blood beast. "

Looking at Lin Lang's body exploding in the dense forest, how could the injury be terrible. The Duke of Ornes couldn't help but secretly rejoice, otherwise they would be the ones who continued to die.

"I'll go and see if he's dead or alive now, I can't rest assured that Lin You isn't dead at night," said a duke.

"Wait." The bi-wing angel stopped suddenly, then said, "The Chinese people are the number one in terms of cunning. Maybe they are cheating me at this moment to wait for the sneak attack. We shall abolish him first and seal him for repair. To plan. "

"That makes sense."

Everyone nodded at the same time, Lin Youye was cunning, and this really had to be prevented. Western arbitration institutes are good at the power of banning. It will be more convenient to abolish Lin Youye's repair first, and there will no longer be a threat to them.

The two dukes took a few steps back with the people of the Dark Castle, surrendering several people from the Western Arbitration Court. Some people in the Western Arbitration Institute meditated on the mantra. The whole person exudes a soft shimmer, holy and pure, as if they were gods, performing a sacred ceremony.

"The holy light will eventually shroud and destroy the evil and illusory. When the judgment is made, the wicked will not stand, and the sinner will be in the meeting of the righteous. From then on ..."

"There is no more evil in this world."

"There is no longer any disorder in the world."

"There is no blasphemy in the world!"

Several people at the Western Arbitration Station stood still, holding a scepter, and holding the Book of Holy Light in the other hand, reading out the written rules. They spoke in unison, chained in order, entwined by Lin Lang. .

His arms, legs, and even his chest climbed up this intangible and tangible chain of order, which was tied tightly. The chain formed by the light was not physical but better than the entity. The real chain can be broken with strong power, and the light chain It is impossible to crack.

"Deprive your eyes and destroy your sinful eyes."

Speaking, two sections of the invisible chain floated towards Lin Lang's eyes, pierced through the eye sockets, and stretched out from the back of his head. There was no blood or pain in the whole process.

The invisible power covered his eyes, preventing him from seeing things, and the darkness was in front of him, and the whole person became a blind man with eyes.

"Deprive your ears, and firmly believe that the words and words will no longer interfere with your actions. Fools will apostate and kill themselves. Fools will be at ease and harm their lives."

"Capturing your voice, destroying your blasphemy, preventing you from being full of your own schemes, willing to be with the light, aware of your sins, and repenting for what you have done."

The two sections of the chain were infused from Lin Lang's mouth, with both ears protruding, and then slowly spread to all parts of the body. Inside and outside, were wrapped by pure light chains, completely imprisoned.

A number of bishops from the Western Arbitration Department, Lang Lang, voiced their voices with peace and doctrine. The reading of the Code of the Holy Light is God's will and cannot be resisted!

Their faces turned into a mist of mist, and they closed the code of light in their hands, and the same voice echoed and shook each other: "In the end, take your body, dust and earth, just like chaff, blown away by the wind. Everything you have God gave it, and it will be returned when it is exploited! "

Eventually all the voices came together, and countless dense chains were wrapped around Lin Lang, binding him firmly, without any space around him. His surging practice was completely sealed at the moment and he couldn't resist.

Lin Lang at this moment, like a prisoner who was guilty, was completely imprisoned under the judgment of the Angel of Light. Only in the end can the dust settle.

In the distance, Mrs. Sait watched this scene quietly, wondering what it was like in her heart. Lin Youye brought her with her. She had thought that she could turn the world upside down, but she did not expect it to be the result.

"After all, he can't stand the day."

Mrs. Sait sighed. There is no regret, nor is it regretful, but just because I have witnessed the fall of a superpower.

Of course, only Mrs. Sait had such an idea in the entire dark castle boundary. More people are still fortunate or hate. How many of them have died in the hands of Lin Youye. Among them are their loved ones, flesh, and even admired elders. As for those who have survived, they can't wait to kill them in person Then fast.

This battle is too fierce!

Whether it's blood or Lin Youye. Fortunately, the final result can make them accept, because they are the last group to laugh!

Glory of the Blood Race!

"I have to thank all of you in this arbitration. If you don't have it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win Lin Youye." The Duke of Ornes expressed his gratitude, and said, "Leave Lin Youye to us next, we He is to keep his head in the main hall of the castle, and make a vessel containing blood to warn the later insurgents. "

"This time the arbitration firm has also lost a lot of masters, and we will compensate you, and you will be satisfied." Another Duke marched.

"Don't have to thank it." Cardinal Hard Bang's voice came again, with a hint of coldness: "Lin You Ye, we have to settle."

"As for compensation, it's waived, and handing over Lin Youye to us is the biggest compensation."

The dukes were dumbfounded and looked at each other. Lin Youye had countless secrets on her body, especially the mysterious magical powers on the other hand, even more terrifying than the mystery imprinted in the blood by their blood.

Not only that, but Lin Youye cultivated to a level of perfection in nine or nine years. Several people throughout the history have achieved this level, even if it is called a one-hundred-year-old one. The genius Zhao Zilong can't do this to back Huaxia and Kunlun.

Lin Youye's practice speed is horrible!

In addition, the strong men who followed Lin Youye also broke into the realm. It can be said that Ye Xuanzong's six or seven god-level strong men were created by himself. All these evidences point to Lin Youye. Body.

There is definitely a big secret in him!

Western arbitration offices and dark castles really wanted to kill Lin Youye and then quickly, but now there are more opportunities to capture and catch other ideas. In their eyes, Lin Youye is like a Baoshan, with countless shocking secrets waiting to be discovered.

Neither side can make concessions in this matter.

"You have to be clear. It is your dark castle that requested the support of the arbitration office, otherwise, with the strength demonstrated by Lin Youye today, your entire dark castle will be destroyed. It is we who saved you, and the loot should be distributed by us. The cardinal's eyes flashed cold, full of coldness.

Hearing that the Duke of Oons suddenly burst into laughter, and said for a while: "It is for this reason that you are guests, we are the Lord, and is the owner obedient to the guests?"

"We give you enough compensation and can even give you an aura above God's realm, but Lin Youye must do it!" The Duke of Ornes had a tough attitude, and the other Duke stood behind him, the surviving blood They also burst into bloom with clear attitudes.

The two strongest forces in the world confronted each other. It involves serious distribution of benefits, and it is difficult for anyone to convince them.

Only to come up with real crushing strength!

The angel's face was even colder, and the sacred glory was no longer warm, but a bit colder. The Cardinal's face was as cold as ice that would not change for years, sneer: "Dark Castle wants to swallow all the benefits alone, it is too overbearing."

"In this way, we will have only one battle!"

The Duke of the Blood Race is reluctant to go to war. After all, if the two really go to war, it will no longer be the Dark Castle and the Western Arbitration Office. It will cause the backing behind the two to participate in the war. Large Transcendent War. The blood ancestral land and the temple cannot be left alone.

However, at this time, he would not be frightened, and still looked at each other coldly. At this time a light cough came out.

"Well, everyone takes a step back. We want someone, as long as Lin Youye is the person, and everything you carry is yours, including that sword."

"How?" Said Duke Ornes.

As soon as the biplane angel's eyes brightened, he still remained unmoved, and said in a deep voice: "You and I both know the value of Lin Youye, and his magical powers alone can be worth a hundred times those debris. The two blood races are passed down The mysterious fairy treasure plus all the items of Lin Youye belongs to us, otherwise we will wait for the war. "

In fact, they only want Lin Youye's life. In addition, what is more important is Lin Youye's various treasures, especially the sharp sword, which gives him a faint illusion, as if the level of this sword can catch up. Archangel's staff is average.

In addition, the seemingly ordinary ring worn by Lin Youye also has extraordinary origins, calling for a space spiritual ring, with independent storage space and high value. Even in the temple, it is considered a treasure, and only those with special status are eligible to wear it.

It is impossible to say that the temple, even in the world today, the space spiritual ring is extremely scarce. Any **** state is not qualified to wear it, only people are immortals! As for their interest in Lin Youye himself, they just felt threatened and simply wanted his life.

"There are too many two, and the Dark Castle needs to look at the ancestor even if it wants to exchange." The Duke of Ornes shook his head, and then gritted his teeth, and said, "At most one!"

"it is good!"

The angel immediately smiled and promised, but secretly ridiculed that the Duke of the Blood Race had thin eyes and did not know the baby. Although Lin Youye has great research value, the temple has a long tradition, and there is no shortage of this type of mystery. Besides, even if they can obtain the light family ’s holy law that they practice, it is difficult to concurrently learn the mystery of other ethnic groups, at most it is only a reference value. .

But at this moment, the Marquis of Ouns and others are not cheating, Lin Youye's research is of great value, as long as a secret method can be put out of his mouth, it will be enough for a long time. What's more, the blood syllabus that gathered half of the dark castle blood tribe was enough for him to make rapid progress.

The immortals are not false!

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