The entire aisle is only two people wide and narrow, the air is cold and humid, and there are sometimes winds blowing through the other end of the aisle. Skulls and bones are leaning against the wall. Bar, exuding a disgusting musty smell.

Hee hee ... ha ha ha ha ...

A series of girls' pleasant laughter fluctuated in the passage, and as Lin Lang walked forward, it became clearer and clearer.

"Brother, brother ... come and play with me ... hee hee, there are so many dolls." But the joyful voice in the next moment became horrible in horror: "You pay me back, I want you to die, right me Good brother. "

"Complete me, kill me, please don't let him torture me anymore, I want to die, I don't want to stay in this purgatory of corrupting souls."

"What's the point of living, killing yourself, you will have eternal life, immortal in another form, do it."

All kinds of sounds rang in Lin Lang's ears continuously, praying, tempting, and ordering all kinds of weird tones constantly sounding, making the eardrums seem to burst, and countless ghosts wandering around.


哐 Dang!

The iron door behind Lin Lang closed by himself, tightly stitched, and no light could penetrate through. This is the retreat that sealed him, and he wants to be imprisoned here like the corpses trapped in the underground passage.


Lin Lang frowned, the flames of Ziyan's eyes opened, the piercing imagination abruptly stopped, and the ghostly weird voice stopped abruptly, the ghost turned into a group of human-shaped firelights, screaming screaming, burning into ashes in the blink of an eye, leaving only a silent darkness aisle.

At the end of the passage is a thick wall, rigorously built with masonry, this is a dead end. Those weird wraiths are probably the birth of this group of dying corpses, and there is nothing special about them.


Suddenly, a woman's scream came from outside the passage, the voice of Philippe. Lin Lang looked expressionless, stepped out one step, and the closed iron gate lightened for a while, becoming instantly thicker, but it was still difficult to hinder his pace in the slightest, and the iron gate exploded in the process of his advance.

It didn't take long for Lin Lang to appear in the palace of the ancient castle, but the hall was empty, and Philippe was long gone.

"get out."

Lin Lang roared the mountains and rivers, screamed with the thunderous radiation to the distance, the big earthquake trembled, the ancient temple began to tremble violently, and the glittering tiles also twitched like convulsions, and became twitched and twisted. The human-shaped lights on the platform suddenly flickered. Dark, crumbling!


The sky was splashing with dust, and it was gray, blocking all vision. With a wave of Lin Lang's hand, the fog disappeared, and the magnificent hall completely changed, and there was blood in his eyes.

The golden tiles, now turned into the cheapest red bricks, and the human-shaped lamps covered with gold paint were restored to their original appearance. They were living people. Two hemp ropes passed through the ribs on both sides and were suspended from the ceiling. Let's see where that light comes from?

It is clear that it starts to burn from the hair, the human body is the candle body, and the hair is the candle wick. It burns slowly from head to toe. The so-called aroma diffused in the air is the smell of burning human fat.

In ancient China, a kind of punishment was very similar to the scene in front of him, that is, a lantern. It is conceivable that when all these concealments are revealed, the so-called angel Saiyte is the real devil.


There is a sound of water sliding in front of it, and a bathtub is placed not far away. The water in the bathtub is red, red, and smells bloody. On the water, a woman's head was exposed, her shoulders were half-naked, her back was facing the portal, and a long hair floated above the blood, rippling with the water.

There is a strange smell in the air, which is mixed with the **** smell, but it can give birth to a primitive impulse. Of course, it ’s still for others, it ’s still for Lin Lang

"The thing I hate most is the Huaxia people. There are always some truths about the righteousness in their mouths. In fact, they are nothing but lascivious people who are hypocritical. They are even more shameless than the Demon Hunter family."

The woman in the water whispered softly, her voice was sharp, like 10,000 bats biting in the eardrums: "The last one who came here was a boy from Huaxia Road, who was greedy for my body and wanted to do that with me , Guess what happened in the end? "

Lin Lang obviously didn't want to listen, but the woman in the water opened her mouth by herself: "I peeled his skin, and his blood was drained by me and became one of the nutrients in the bathtub."

"And you will be the second one." The woman in the water smiled vulgarly, her voice was numb, making people listen to the unconscious impulse in the heart, and burned.

"Really?" Lin Lang looked expressionless: "I'm afraid I'm going to let you down, but you can't help me with your accomplishments." Saying, Lin Lang's footsteps moved forward, and countless red lines lit up around him. , Spreading the entire gloomy castle space, the end of countless red lines, is where the bathtub is.


Lin Lang stepped on the ankle of the array method to exert force, twisted left and right, the red line was broken one by one, and the life-defying array method instantly collapsed.

"How do you know the formation node." The woman in the bathtub changed slightly, suddenly thinking of some kind of guess, her face became extremely beautiful: "Are you leading me?"

"I'm afraid you didn't set it up."

Lin Lang was unconcerned, and his eyes remained as usual. At this time, the sound of the flowing water rang, and the woman in the bathtub rose up calmly, with blood droplets hanging from her beautiful carcass, flowing down the ribs to her white ankles.

Her looks are very beautiful, the angel's face and the devil's figure are extremely hot, but it is such a maddening body that is exposed to Lin Lang in such a clear way.

"In order to lead me out, so hesitant to send the girl in front of me, wouldn't you be afraid that I would kill her?" Mrs. Sait's face was cold.

"You're not qualified to kill in front of me." Lin Lang's face was full of mockery. He stretched out his hand, and there was a dazzling light rising to the sky in a dark corner, and then a pretty figure flew to Lin Lang.

Philippe was still in shock, and she did not know when she had a pair of wings behind her. It was the pair of light wings that wrapped her around and flew from a distance.

"You put a trace of trace on her?" At this moment, Mrs. Sait's face became extremely wonderful. No wonder the other party could destroy the hall to find her. It turned out that she had already planned to deal with her from the beginning.

And who can plant a mark and stand in front of her with a big swing, I am afraid that Xiu Wei is definitely above her. Mrs. Sait was embarrassed and chilly, "Who the **** are you?"

"Lin Youye."

When these faint three words fluttered down, Mrs. Sait's face changed suddenly. No one knows what these three words mean more than her. It is not enough for her to deliver food to others.

Lin Youye!

Huaxia, and even the top wonderland in Asia as a whole, was a few months ago to defeat three intermediate-level wonderland, and the circle of extraordinary people in Europe and America caused a stir.

If someone else is okay, Mrs. Sait may be able to give a bit of face to the backing behind her, but this Lin Youye, decisive and decisive in doing things, do n’t blink!

"When you come to the castle, there must be something important. You must not hesitate to talk about the little girl who can help." Mrs. Sait was perspiring coldly, and Lin Lang's indifferent gaze hit her. , As if seeing everything through her, of course, this does not mean the surface of the body.

"It can be cultivated with the thin bloodline to the peak of the transformation, and the status of the person you are embracing should be not low, at least within the first bloodline, and have the marquis or even the duke's cultivation." Lin Lang said lightly.

"Want to live, take me to see him."

Mrs. Sait's breathing was stagnant, and at this moment in front of Lin Youye, she seemed to have no secret at all.

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