Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 504: Divine Guidance

Catherine's ghost castle.

Budapest is the most weird place. It is said that there are often haunts wandering at night and killing people. More than a hundred people have disappeared in the Catherine Castle for more than ten years. I heard that Demon Hunters have visited here before, but in the end, weird things have never stopped.

Lin Lang landed with Philippe. In front of it was a white-towered castle, the gray-white walls around it were falling, the green ghost fire was floating, and the door of the house was rusted with disrepaired iron gates. A shuddering feeling.

"Let's not go in anymore ... this place is too evil, especially at night, and often things go wrong." Philippe had a bitter face, and she really didn't want to step into Catherine Ghost Castle if she could.

"It's okay. I'm here."

Lin Lang's remarks gave Philippe a reassurance, yes, he is a Superman-like figure, and he will certainly protect her. Most definitely.

Philippe's irritable mood was slightly calmed down, and then thinking about the generous reward, Philippe gritted her teeth and followed Lin Lang into the castle with a rash.

The interior of the castle is dark and dark. It has been in disrepair for many years. It is the oldest light bulb in the last century. It is probably broken, and no one will be willing to pay for the electricity of the haunted house. One or two times, Catherine Ghost Castle has always been so gloomy, and occasionally when the light is lit, the ghost fire is floating.

"There seems to be someone there." Philippe turned her head and unknowingly looked behind her. She happened to have a dark shadow passing by, scaring her into disappointment and quickly putting a sticker on Lin Lang.

"It's okay, fake." Lin Lang shook his head, looking around the whole ghost castle could not help but reveal a disappointment. "What's fake?" Philippe murmured in confusion.

"It's nothing, it's just a trick to scare ordinary people." Lin Lang shook his head: "Let's go, there is no need to explore here."

Phillips was puzzled, thinking that the other party was also afraid, but Lin Lang naturally agreed with her hands to leave this ghostly place. She obediently followed Lin Lang and followed, and was afraid that she might see something that she should not see when she was too far away.

What kind of demon place is this Catherine ghost castle? It is clearly an artificial haunted house. Some people deliberately dress as ghosts to scare people. Mostly they use the reputation of the ghost castle to make money and kill. The person behind the ghost didn't provoke them, and Lin Lang was naturally too lazy to care.

The two walked out of the ghost castle and looked at the surrounding wilderness Philippe. They couldn't help worrying. At the end of this time, the bus had already ended, and taxi drivers rarely passed this place on weekdays. Lin Lang wanted to go back. Fly back with her.

Philippe glanced at Lin Lang secretly and was hesitant to speak, at this time Lin Lang had already wrapped around her waist and flew to the sky in the same way.

"Well, can you discuss it ..." Philipse hesitated for a long time before finally deciding to speak: "Can we not go back to the city first and visit the Sait Castle first."

"What does Sait Castle do?" Lin Lang asked.

"Sait Castle is a place of blessings. It is said that there was an angel who fell into the world, purifying evil, and blessing the people of Li, carrying it on his shoulders. Some people went there to see the true content of the angels. Since then, we have lived forever. Out of the castle, I'm afraid of getting evil things, so there is no harm in going there. "

Lin Lang was dumb, with him standing beside him, let alone evil things, even ghosts and gods can't get close. But now that Philippe has spoken, he will also take Philippe to Sait Castle.


There are three rules for entering the Sait Castle. One is to be innocent in life and pure in mind, otherwise the evil-doing bad guys will not only fail to ask for it, but will also have disaster. Secondly, the private life must be inspected. The more pure people, especially the virgins, most of them will be fulfilled. Therefore, Sait Castle has a good reputation and can often see beautiful women entering and leaving.

The third point ... and the most important one.

Philippe took Lin Lang's arm and walked to the gate of Sait Castle. She suddenly stood and turned to look at Lin Lang: "Are you a Korean? Or a Japanese?"

"I am from Huaxia," Lin Lang replied.

Philippe let go of Lin Lang's arm, and her face was a little embarrassed: "You know that the third rule of Sait Castle is that Chinese people are not allowed to enter. , It is likely to cause her discomfort. "

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Lang sneered for a moment, then sneered: "Then I want to see why the Chinese people are not allowed to enter, angel, I think it is a monster."

After all, Lin Lang shook his sleeves and stepped into Sait Castle. Philippe stood at the door and worshiped and said sorry, but reluctantly followed up with the castle.

Inside the castle, this grease lamp was held by a humanoid statue. The lights were brilliant and exuded a different burning odor. It was not pungent. On the contrary, it smelled comfortable, like an incense. The hall was brightly lit, the walls were painted with gold paint, flickering in the light of fire, and three red carpets were spread on the steps.

From the bottom to the top, it is the black gold throne, with a white flag standing behind it, supported by a vermilion flagpole, and the complex lines engraved on the flag look extraordinary.

Philippe walked into the hall, worshipped the empty black gold throne, and said something in her mouth, which looked like prayer and was very religious. After completing a whole set of procedures, Philippe looked back at Lin Lang again: "You come to worship too, it is very effective."

Lin Lang turned a blind eye, still looking at the furnishings around him, always feeling that there was something strange. As he turned around, another figure suddenly flashed behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a gentle and graceful female voice sounded in his mind, with tenderness: "In the past, you stayed away from us and acted according to your own wishes. Many of these sins, whether they are major sins or minor sins, will be linked with You forgive. "

"From now on, I will keep you as my son and eliminate your sorrow and pain. I will guide you in the name of God to open a way to heaven and lead you to the heavenly world without trouble and sorrow. "

At the same time as the voice fell, a flicker of light appeared in front of Lin Lang, colorful along the steps covered by the red carpet all the way down to the arched door below the palace. Inside the arched door, there is a beautiful scene. In the light, a kind old man beckoning can be seen vaguely.

This is the word of God, a divinely given guide.

If a steadfast believer is here, then he will exclaim with miracles and think that the path to the kingdom of God is nothing more seductive to godly devotees than the divine manifestation.

Lin Lang's mouth set off a trace of intriguing playfulness, his eyes fluttered, as if losing his spirit, mechanically pushing open the iron fence door, and advancing towards the arched door below the palace. All this happened only to Lin Lang. Philippe didn't realize it, she still knelt under the throne and prayed quietly.

Through the arched door, all the light guides disappeared in an instant, replaced by a dark envelope, a dark one, and no fingers can be seen!

Where is there a little sacred guidance.

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