Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 501: Golden Dan prototype

In the sky, there was more than a roar, and a total of twelve divine realms were fighting together, and they were shocking. This is definitely a world-fighting battle. After Kunlun swept the Quartet, the first large-scale divine realm battle.

This time Kunlun declared war with the four sectarian gates, and this time it was the civil war of the Huaxia martial arts gate, a sectarian dispute.

The leader of the Chu religion alone against Ye Xuanzong's four divine powers, even if it was her own effort to repair her mid-level divine power, she could still fight the four divine powers in battle.

Kevis and Duan Zhengchun face Raphael and Jess respectively. Their strengths are not very different. Even if one is in difficulty, the other can quickly help, but they are still at a disadvantage. After all, Jie Si is the highest peak of God's state. Compared with the Son of Light, it is not bad. It is naturally very easy to deal with the unstable state of Duan Zhengchun.

Boom boom!

The wave of four-man fierce battle swept the Quartet, and the martial arts trembled for it.


Raphael held a half-meter ruler, standing in front of him as a benchmark, shimmering, Raphael whispered: "I will deprive you of strength and make you equal to the world. Your cultivation will be returned to you in full. world."

At this moment, Duan Zhengchun's action was delayed, and he was set in the air by the weird ruler, unable to move at all. He had a feeling that the vast divine spirit of the body was so difficult to call at this moment that all were sealed in the Linghai.

With the passage of time, the thick Xiuwei in the Linghai also began to evaporate and disappear, as if the Xiuwei did not belong to him. "What a weird martial art is this." Duan Zhengchun's face changed, and he couldn't help anxious.

However, no matter how he communicates with Linghai, there is always a stubborn stone there, and no trace of spiritual power can be radiated. Fortunately, Raphael was still standing and chanting. He did not take any action, otherwise Duan Zhengchun was in danger.

At this moment, an invisible force poured into Duan Zhengchun's body, causing his original silent sea like a rock to begin to flow again.

"Let the old opponent take care of me, you go and help others." The killer **** said lightly. As the dark stars of the four major forces in the world have fallen, naturally there are many conflicts of interest with the ruling place, no matter in the past or now.

The killer **** and Raphael are also old opponents of the same age. Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, it is best to have him to fight. Duan Zhengchun nodded and looked around. Lin Lang's battles were all above Intermediate Level. He could not intervene and rushed directly into the battle circle of Han Zilong and others.

Suddenly in the other direction, there was another huge wave rising into the sky, followed by a hearty voice.

"Ye Xuanzong, is there still a lack of divine realm?" Sha Yi smiled brightly, rushed directly into the fighting direction of Han Zilong and others, performed martial arts, and killed behind the leader of Chu.

Six people fight Emei in charge!

Although the leader of Chu is full of strength, she still felt a bit of pressure in the face of the total encirclement of the six divine realms, making it difficult for her to pay attention to others.

However, the fluctuations caused by these battlefields are far less than the battle in the center of the sky, where the vast battle fluctuations affect a world, and the aftermath of the battle is enough to destroy a divine power.

That was the battle of the strongest.

Lin Youye fought alone for three middle-level gods!

In that battlefield, Zhong Li urged Tianshidao's exquisite thunder law, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and fell in the direction of Lin Lang. Xue Zhenren stood at the forefront, stabilized his horse, danced his palms, and stretched his robe with the yin and yang taiji pictures.

There is a faint wave of mysterious waves in the sky, which gradually spreads like an invisible halo, but when Lin Lang's attack falls, it will be dissipated by an invisible force and collapse into a ray of energy between heaven and earth.

"It is the same as the Qingxu Taoism, but the Qingxu Taoism is just martial arts, and the Taiji Taoism has evolved into a supernatural power. The ancestors of the Taiji can not be underestimated." Lin Lang thought silently.

After all, Qingxu Taoism is just martial arts. No matter how perfect it is, these monks are driven by refining and building the base. There is Taiji Taoism in front of you. As long as it is not too different in strength, most of the attacks can be resolved. It can be said that Xue Zhen is entangled in the front, and other people are rarely attacked by Lin Lang.

With such a thought, Lin Lang was trying to crack the Taiji Dao, when Zhang Zhenren killed him with a sword. "Come here, this is your own death." Lin Lang's eyes flashed coldly, reaching for a ring of his hand, and a small, exquisite cyan sword appeared in his hand.

The half-foot sword rose in the wind, and it turned into a cyan sword in a blink of an eye. The blade was sharp, and the three-foot green front shone with a charming luster. Today, as Lin Lang enters the innate, he finally has the qualification to use the true form of the Qing sword.

This was the Yuan Yingzhi treasure that he had seized from the mountain aunt women's Taos at the beginning, saying that beheading and killing the **** realm was just a matter of breaking the body of Jin Danqiang.

Zhang Zhenren rushed to show his jade sword skill, infused the majestic spirit in the sword, and cut to Lin Lang. However, in just one face-to-face, his sword was cut into two pieces by the Qing sword.


Zhang Zhenren never expected that his sharpened sword was able to support even one face under this humble Shangqing sword. In a hurry, he quickly turned around, but was still cut off a ray of clothing.

At this moment, Lin Lang took a step forward and directly abandoned the two men behind him. He took the Qingjian and pursued Zhang Zhenren. Zhang Zhenren fled in haste, but how quickly he passed Lin Lang and surpassed the speed of three times the speed of a sword.

Zhang Zhenren's pupils shrank, only to feel the imminent calamity, and the fear slowly spread from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Go out.


Zhang Zhenren was grateful, and quickly took a few steps back, reaching out to take a picture of the sword in the hands of a sword repairer below. Yu Dingshan is completely different from the other three ancient gates. While other ancient gates practice swords, they also pay attention to other aspects of training. For example, the physical path and the like. Yu Dingshan specializes in kendo. Without the sword, one's ability is basically exerted. Not coming out.

Fortunately, Zhang Zhenren, who had escaped a calamity, rejoined the battlefield, but this time he did not dare to act rashly, and this time the lesson was deep enough.

Lightning and thunder in the sky, the three of them step by step steadily, support each other, and continue to contain Lin Lang's combat power. In the distance, several figures rushed into the sky. One of the leaders was a white-haired old man with wind and bones, and beside him he carried three gods in the world.

"Li Yixian, has Kunlun decided to intervene in this matter?" Zhong Li Yuguang glanced at a few people, his face was hard to look immediately. This white-haired old man was the same person who visited Lin Lang that day, from several hidden strong men in Kunlun. Their arrival is self-evident.

"Everyone is a Huaxia warrior, and it's better to leave a little face each. Everyone above Shenjing is a peerless figure, and one of them is a loss of Huaxia." Li Yixian, the white-haired old man, shook his head and sighed: " I am also thinking about your four ancient ancestors, so that I would not provoke enemies because of this, the foundation was destroyed for hundreds of years. "

"With him also has this ability?" Zhong Li's face was as ugly as eating a fly. The four ancient ancestral gates stood in China for hundreds of years and experienced many catastrophes, let alone a forest night.

Why didn't he know that Li Yixian intended to stop the war, but since there is still room for turning things around in this matter, it's no wonder that Lin You Yezheng's temperament will survive if he doesn't bother him.

However, Xue Zhenren's eyes flickered. Although he was constantly confronting Lin Lang in his hand, he couldn't help raising his thoughts. To this day, the strength of the three of them has not seen Lin Lang, but it is even more difficult to kill each other.

If he really rushed to the other side in desperate desperation, it would undoubtedly be catastrophic to the four ancient gates. When Lin Youye was willing to give up Ye Xuanzong's moment, it would mean he would retaliate at all costs.

That kind of forest night is the most terrifying.

Either make sure you kill Lin Youye for a while, or you can avoid a lot of trouble in the future while Li Yixian and He Shi are always lowering their heads. Obviously, the former is unlikely.

For a while Xue Zhenren was uncertain.

At this moment, with a brisk laughter, the scene became tense again: "Lao Li don't need to worry, since the Huaxia Master is rare, I will not destroy the ancient gate after I cut them three. . "

"Return to the old school, you have a big breath."

Zhong Li yelled, his face was iron-blue, and his determination to get rid of the other party was even more firm: "You can't stay." Xue Zhenren hesitated and used the Taoist method to attack, Lin Youye's revenge was too strong, let him give birth A kind of restlessness.

The three of them joined again, martial arts were flying, and Li Yixian had to step in strongly. At this time, Lin Lang's confident laughter came again: "No need for Li Lao to take a shot, I have a sword in, and chopped all three of them."

Li Yi first settled in place, but did not shoot again. Lin Lang was not rejecting his kindness, but was warning him to extinguish the idea of ​​peace, and he would undoubtedly kill the three. After a long silence, Li Yi first looked at the three people's back, and finally made a long sigh: "What a pain to come to."

This sigh was a sigh only for his contemporaries.

"Unfortunately, the game is over now."

Facing the menacing three men, Lin Lang's face showed a slight disdain. In front of him, a golden particle less than the size of a nail was suspended quietly. Although the volume was small, a dazzling light erupted at this moment.

The light instantly enveloped the sky, and those who pierced the eyes couldn't open their eyes, including Zhongli, their eyes and pupils were covered with a layer of gold, which was difficult to look at directly, and even became confused.

In their realm, in fact, they can fight with God's knowledge even without eyes. What scared them, however, was the appearance of the golden particles.

Golden particles, the prototype of Jin Dan!

This also means that Lin Lang has to break through to the realm of Jindan! Although the size is still small, as it grows in the future, it will one day usher in a thunderstorm and become a real golden pandemonium.

And Jin Dan, represents the immortal!

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