Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 500: Ye Xuanzong's strength!

At this moment, Mu Baiwa spurted blood, and her closed eyes suddenly opened, and a violent attack struck him, pushing him directly to Xuanwutai.

Mu Bai was blasted out of Xuanwu Terrace, and the end of Agarwood burned out. Perhaps it was only a second, but unfortunately, Mu Bai still couldn't hold it to the end.

"You lied!"

Zhong Li was furious. It's too coincidental that Mu Bai couldn't hold it before, but at the last stage, Mu Bai couldn't hold it, wasn't it Lin You Ye's fraud?

"You don't want to spit out your blood. Your disciples are not able to endure and stigmatize me. Ye Xuanzong is waiting for you, do you still have a face?" Duan Zhengchun angered.

"Don't you admit what Ye Xuanzong did? The **** is loud." Zhang Zhenren said lightly.

"You are wanton!"

Kevis shot up, and a thick oak rose up to the people at the four ancient gates. Everyone in the Knights also showed that they were repairing, and an overwhelming momentum rose into the sky.

"If you make trouble, then fight!"

Zhong Li snorted, intimidating breath intimidating. Zhang Zhenren, Xue Zhenren, the head of Chu, and others also showed their successes. The coercion of the four middle-level divine realms was suffocating!

The crowd could only tremble under this coercion. One of the mid-levels of the divine realm is hard to find in the world. Rarely meet rivals. Now four people are together, and the oppressive soul is shivering.

At this moment, the young man in white on the viewing platform gently raised his hand and did not intentionally reveal the cultivation behavior, but it was just a light swing, and the coercion of the four middle-level divine realms disappeared invisible.

"If you are here for Ye Xuanzong's congratulations, I welcome it. If you can't see Ye Xuanzong and want to replace it, I won't be afraid to fight."

"But before that, the bet will still work."

Lin Lang's voice was very soft, but the response was extremely powerful. He reached out a bit and shot a beam of light in four directions at once. The spiritual beam was lightning fast, surpassing double the speed of sound, and the ordinary state of God was too late to respond.

No one could imagine that the murderous voice of Lin Youye was hidden under the calm voice, and the sudden shot was unexpected. Zhong Li and others saw that the situation was not good and wanted to reach out and stop, but it was too late.

The four disciples, Mu Bai and Qi Qi, were hit by the beam of spiritual power, and the light instantly expanded, covering them completely.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four tremors sounded, followed by a few screams, the light dispersed, and there was only a scorched corpse on the ground, and the vitality in the four had long since ceased. However, one of the four bodies suddenly moved his finger, and then he struggled to get up.

This person is Mu Bai.

He coughed a few blood and stood up again. Everyone's gaze was fixed, this Mubai was a character, and he suffered the blow from Lin Youye unscathed. Even if his strength is greatly damaged after today, he will inevitably become famous.

This is a genius who takes the demigod to bear Lin Youye's unbeaten blow! This is simply incredible!

"Lin Youye, you mean!"

Zhong Li growled, and quickly protected Mu Bai behind her, for fear that Lin Lang would use her hands again. This is their decision-making genius. Some outstanding young people with immortal postures are the heirs of the great secrets.

"Don't hesitate to fulfill the bet. Besides, you can't keep the person I want to kill." Lin Lang faintly said.

As the voice dropped, a ground stab suddenly emerged from Mu Bai's feet. From his feet, he punctured to the scapular area, holding Mu Bai's body up to ten meters in height.

A trail of blood ran down the thorn, and Mu Bai's corpse seemed to be floating in the wind like a candle. Such a genius still couldn't escape Lin Youye's assassination, and it fell like this.

Lin Youye proved with actions that no one could stop him from killing, even if he was in the middle-level **** state? He wasn't killed.

"Lin Youye, are you going to war?"

Zhong Li growled wildly, his eyes were blood red, and Mu Bai was the treasure genius of the entire Heavenly Master. He had high hopes, so he could not be angry when he was killed by Lin Youye.

"Isn't it your intention to go to war?"

Lin Lang sat at the observation platform, his expression remained unchanged.

"Also, Ye Xuanzong and other betrayal gates should not exist in this world." A divine realm took a step forward and stood on the side of the four gates.

Twenty-seventh place on the God List, Thunder God Jess.

The first-time cultivation of the old-style divine realm.

"Ye Xuanzong is dead."

Another voice came, standing with Jess. This person is also a well-known strong on the God List, the fair arbiter Raphael from the place of judgment.

"Just the two of you want to destroy Ye Xuanzong, I'm afraid it's not enough." Kevis had a strange face.

"Four middle-level gods won't be easy to win Lin Youye. The two of us will be responsible for sweeping and cleaning up the remaining garbage." Raphael sneered.

"Are you sure you want to go to war?"

Kevis smiled and laughed, and Shenjing Xiu broke out in vain, covering the whole sky. Immediately afterwards, there was another arrogant breath in the other direction.

Duan Zhengchun took a step forward.

Another Divine Realm!

Everyone's heart was tight. Previously, Kevis had already revealed his cultivation behavior, and everyone was not very surprised, but this section of Zhengchun who was not apparent was also a strong god.

"The four main gates will fight if you want to fight. I can't wait."

Looking at the sound, it was a spirited old man with a deep heart, as if carrying a sword, looking like an old fairy hidden in the world.

This person is unfamiliar, and the entire martial arts world has not appeared several times. Perhaps only those with a close relationship with Ye Xuanzong will know his name.

It is Father Wang.

His cultivation reached the semi-god realm. Later, the meridians were broken, and Lin Lang was nourished with the power of life. Numerous blocked acupoints were washed away. Instead, after the war, he was blessed by misfortune, and broke through to God's realm by his own strength.

"The four main gates have lived in the mountains for a long time, sitting on a well to watch the sky, and still trying to interfere with the entire martial arts world with the ancestors' cuteness. Go back, this is not your world.

"This is a bad word. People have hit our doorstep. What can we do if we don't ask for interest? What about the middle-level divine realm? If you leave your life today, you won't be held accountable."

"That's right. Even if they don't leave their lives, at least they will be destroyed and thrown back to their ancestors."

Just listen to two of the crowd, you say a word to me, and separate the people together. The crowd opened their mouths and panicked. The two really dare to say, but the four middle-level gods are not afraid that they will be crushed to death by their anger!

However, when the two men showed up, they were completely convinced. This is awesome again!

"Han Zilong."

Everyone's gaze was fixed. Perhaps the most prosperous in the martial arts in these months is not Lin Youye, but this new god, who challenges the long-established Son of Light and captures without killing. It is conceivable that his transcendent strength.

I'm afraid it can also save lives against upper-middle-level divine realms.

He also has to stand for Ye Xuanzong. This is very important. It is definitely the most peak group of people in the early stage.

"Wait, who is that ... why is it a little familiar?" The martial arts affiliated with Huaxia's native country looked at the other person in confusion, only to find that the person was familiar, but couldn't remember where they had seen it before.

But the senior master of Huaxia should not have this person? "I remembered that he was at the helm of Lu Beidou and the Lu family of Chuanshu." A martial artist suddenly exclaimed, but his voice also brought infinite shock to everyone.

"A few years ago, Lu Beidou died at the martial arts convention. At that time, it was only the cultivation in the early days of the realm. He was easily injured by Bai Mu until Lin Youye appeared later."

There was an uproar below. A grandmaster at the beginning of the transformation, following Lin Youye's promotion to the state of God for several years, this is undoubtedly impacting their imagination.

What kind of magic is Lin Youye?

When did even the Divine Realm break through so well, and how did everyone with him break through to Divine Realm.

Zhang Zhenren frowned, looking at Lu Beidou with a hint of doubt: "The physical body of the mid-level **** state has no spiritual fluctuations. You are the perfect practitioner."

The perfect refiner refers to a group of people who specialize in the flesh but not in spiritual power. They all say that the divine realm requires the integration of four cultivation systems, but it is not necessarily true. They must also be able to reach the perfect refiner who specializes in physical fitness. Divine Realm is just the physical body above the middle level of Divine Realm.

Raphael opened his mouth, and he did not expect that a standing team that he thought was very secure had even brought about such a big change. As a strong man from Ye Xuanzong walked from behind the curtain to the stage, everyone once again for this The numbers are scary.

Kevez, Duan Zhengchun, Lu Beidou, Wang Yanxiang, Han Zilong, plus Lin Youye's six divine powers, who said Ye Xuanzong's high-end combat power is not good, only Lin Youye has a pillar.

Who dares to say? !!

Don't look at Ye Xuanzong just set up, but the comprehensive strength is more horrible than the Gu Zongmen, and even any one of the Gu Zongmen is far less powerful than the six gods, I am afraid that in the current era, in addition to Kunlun and Temple Outside the sect, Ye Xuanzong has no one to rule.

"Ye Xuanzong is a curse to us sooner or later. If we eliminate it as soon as possible, I dare not imagine how far they will develop in the future." Zhang Zhenren secretly spoke to Zhong Li. Zhong Li also nodded, and Ye Xuanzong appeared in the beginning of the six contemporaries, how prosperous it was a few years later, and maybe all four of them would be reduced to vassals.

As the leaders of the Quartet in the Chinese martial arts circle, how can they tolerate such a scene, naturally impossible.


Only war!

The people of the four main gates are united on the front. They are full of warfare. Do not look at them with few people, but the victory is high quality. The four middle-level gods plus two first-level gods are far behind Ye Xuanzong.

"Lin Youye, come and die!"

Zhong Li drank aloud, and Thunder surrounded his side. Bathed in the light of thunder, he seemed to be the **** of thunder, and wrapped in an endless **** thunder soared into the sky. Zhang Zhenren, Chu Jiaozhu, and others also flew up, and each performed their unique skills to kill Lin Lang.

After all, this battle broke out!

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