Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 387: Manufacturing Grandmaster

In fact, with Lin Lang's cultivation, it is not difficult to create a master of transmigration. As long as you are willing to indulge your own spiritual power, you can forcefully break through the barriers of the master under the impact of huge spiritual power.

Of course, this is not without its hidden dangers.

The price is that the foundation of the empowered person collapses, and it is impossible to make a breakthrough after that. Eternal life is imprisoned in this realm.

For a moment of stunning, in exchange for eternal life imprisonment. If it hadn't been so costly, Lin Lang would have given the family to the guru. For them, Lin Lang still hopes that family members can cultivate step by step.

In the thin environment of the earth, you can break through to the master by yourself, and have the qualifications to achieve Jindan in places like fairyland. Lin Lang didn't want to waste their talent.

After Lin Lang clarified the stakes, the two still agreed. In particular, Master Evan, Xiu Wu was still unable to enter the realm of fifty years, and his qualifications were extremely poor. Unless there is a miracle, it is impossible for him to break through the master by his own efforts.

If it can break through the realm, what will be the cost of not making progress?

Lin Lang observes the two people's path of Yungong, preparing to cut through the barriers of the realm from the weakest place. When he observed Master Watari's exercises, he wondered: "Your exercises seem familiar, and I should have seen them before."

"I was originally a monk from the King Kong Temple. Later I offended people in Huaxia and had to travel overseas to survive." Master Duhe laughed.

"When you break through the realm, I will allow you to go back to revenge." Lin Langya said first.

"Actually, there was no life or death between me and that person. It was just that the old host of the King Kong Temple offended him. The one who had always suffered and destroyed the Bai family. Then he was reinstated with the medicine king. And fled overseas alone. "

Master Wata could not help shaking his head.

Lin Lang looked weird and said, "Now you can go back."

"I dare not go back, and now Huaxia martial arts respects him as the head. Even if I break through into the realm and practice for another few decades, he is not his opponent."

"As for revenge, I never thought about it. After all, it was the famous Huaxia Linyou Ye."

"You can go back now, Lin Youye won't bother you. Shouldn't you still know my identity?" Lin Lang smiled bitterly. He never thought about the trouble of finding a group of monks in the past, but Master Duhe scared himself into a bird of surprise and fled overseas.

"What is General Lin. Wait, your last name is Lin ... you are Lin Youye!" Master Duhe screamed, and finally figured out the key.

When he calmed down completely, his face was ashamed: "Why do I talk so much, now I meet the Lord."


Lin Lang didn't care about it that much, and he didn't have the desire to guess if he had the idea of ​​revenge. All he knew was that now he could completely deter the master of Hehe. It was enough for him.

After half a day, the disturbed breath in the room finally subsided, and two long breaths were released. Master Evan successfully broke through into the realm, and Master Hehe practiced his kung fu to build a good body to withstand more spiritual power. At present, it is the cultivation in the middle of the realm.

"Is this Master Huajing?"

Master Duhe felt the explosive power in his body, and he felt agitated for a while. Prior to this, how eager he was to reach this state, but he was not qualified. However, with Lin Lang's help today, decades of hard work have been saved.

Everything makes him feel like he is in a dream.

The members of the special operations department are not convenient to participate in the warlords' disputes. Now the two masters are in the realm, and other trivial matters do not need to worry about Lin Lang.

There are two grand masters, Lin Yu is enough to expand the territory.

After the two left, Lin Lang sat cross-legged and began to consume the aura near Wangpu Mountain. What he lost after initiating the two was also his spiritual power, and he had to replenish it.

In addition, he also intends to retreat completely, trying to make more accumulation for the innate realm. The aura he needed to advance was really huge.

In a flash, half a month passed.

During this time, Lin Yu also responded to General Skylark without directly rejecting and not going to the appointment, only in a vague manner.

On this day, two big things happened at the same time.

The first one was two guests from Mount Wangpu. They were Kevis and Lu Beidou. They had an agreement with Lin Lang, and immediately after receiving Lin Lang's notice.

The arrival of the two really made Wangpu Mountain lively for a long time, and even Suzaku was shocked, and they took the initiative to talk to the camp. One has a demigod, and the other is the fifth master of the world's hidden list. Which one is not qualified to treat her?

In the afternoon two days later, there was a noisy area outside the Wangpu Forest, and unexpected guests came. They were about 2,000 in number. Two camouflage off-road vehicles drove in front. The infantry in the back carried heavy rucksacks and advanced on foot, pulling a long stream of people in the mountains.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Stop! Stop, or we'll fire." The patrol discovered in time and fired a flare into the sky, then led a team of more than ten people out of the forest and confronted each other.

It's just that compared with the well-equipped and mentally powerful troops on the opposite side, the patrol team's aura is weak and pitiful, just like an ant facing a dragon.

This huge team didn't even want to talk nonsense with the patrol team, went straight up and tied a few people, and became captives. The captain of the patrol also simply gave up his struggle, with hundreds of muzzles facing his head. He dared to shoot and resist, and he would be sieved immediately.

Anyway, the signal has been sent out, and even if the head is to blame, it will not be too serious.

This 2,000-strong army was rushing into the depths of the Wangpu Forest, and signal flares continued to rise along the road, but the rest of the patrols did not show up.

The news quickly returned to Mount Wangpu. Lin Yu, who was training the new army, was taken aback. He quickly assembled the new army, lined up troops, and guarded around Mount Wangpu.

"Go and explore. I need to know the designation of this unit."

Lin Yu also had to be serious. The noble army is just beginning to take shape, and the tacit understanding between generals and soldiers is not high. Really fighting is no different from a non-brand army.

The spies quickly found out that this force was not a strength of one side, but a coalition of two forces. By the time they reported to Lin Yu, the coalition forces had already set off to Wangpu Mountain.

Soldiers from both sides lined up their guns and slashed.

A soldier ran down the mountain with a rifle, without any concealment of his aggressive attitude, and said, "Go notify Lin Yu, and say that Lord Luca and Lord Hameron have arrived and let him meet."

"It turned out to be Boss Luca and Boss Hameron. What kind of wind has blown to you two."

Lin Yu smiled heartily and walked across the trenches to the forefront.

Luca and Hameron are the two warlords closest to the Wamp Forest. Each of their soldiers has more than 2,000 soldiers. Looking at the Golden Triangle, they are all famous warlords, only one head shorter than the three generals.

The entire northern part of the Golden Triangle is under the control of Skel, and the two of them are no exception. He paid tribute to General Skelak on weekdays and was also sheltered by General Skelak. Of course, these two people are also one of the most important running dogs in Skylark.

The voice dropped, and a soldier opened the off-road vehicle door. Luca and Hameln got out of the car one by one, and took two of them behind, walking to the center of the two army formations.

"Of course, we are here to visit Boss Lin Yu. This month, the old land of Lin Yu continued to annex the site of Aspet and others. The famous Golden Triangle, both of our ears have to wear out cocoons." Lukahaha laughed. , Through the loud sound of loud speakers throughout Mount Wangpu.

"If you only visit Lin naturally to welcome him, provided that the soldiers are also visiting, I'm afraid that someone has ulterior motives." Lin Yu said coldly.

"Boss Lin Yu's words are bad. Now that you have unified Wangpu Deep Forest, as an old neighbor, we should come to worship the mountain." Luca waved his hand: "General Skylark has something to say first, and invites Lin Yu's boss Nua City It just so happened that the two of us will also go to Nua City and we can go together. "

"Let's ask you for General Skylar."

Hammeron added.

"I will go on a trip to Nua City. I do n’t need to worry about it." Lin Yu said coldly.

Although the two men were under the banner of General Skelak, who could not see that they felt threats in Lin Yu, and wanted to eliminate the confidants first while the new army was unstable.

If Lin Yu were to leave Wangpu Forest, the first of them would be the two of them. So they got together and agreed on the attack plan immediately.

"I don't accompany you in circles. If you want to fight, Lin and more than 2,000 brothers will accompany you to the end. If you don't want to go to war, you won't leave."

As soon as Lin Yu waved his hand, the new forces in all directions raised their guns. The sound of opening insurance or pulling bolts in the mountaintops and trenches was neat, and it was extremely deterrent.

The two armies opposed each other.

"Boss Lin Yu really misunderstood. We just passed by here to worship a mountain. It happened that it was getting dark and we wanted to borrow a place to sleep for the time being."

"Staying one night down the mountain, boss Lin Yu shouldn't be so stingy." Lukapi said without a smile.

"Get out, get out of the Wangpu Forest, or you're going to fight immediately!" Lin Yu's eyes burst into bursts of light, involving his own territory. He directly tore his face without compromising.

Luca looked pale. It never occurred to Lin Yu that he did not give face.


At this time, Hameron came out and sang a white face, and said, "Since Boss Lin Yu doesn't welcome us, then don't bother, just camp outside the forest."

"I don't bother you."

Lin Yu returned to the depths of the army and ordered her Majesty to prepare for war. As long as the two of Luca were not in the forest, he didn't want to care. Outside the forest is the territory of the two of Lucca, leaving them to toss.

He also didn't want to go to war at this time.

After the coalition team changed to the front team, slowly retreated.

The original tense atmosphere disappeared.

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