Lin Yu suddenly hit a spirit, and the wine glass fell with his trembling and shattered into countless fragments.

"General Lin, you can break me. How can I have this life, I'm afraid to kill me."

Lin Yu was terrified.

At the same time, the thoughts in his mind kept flashing, thinking about whether the other party's words were in the examination, or he felt that he had threatened his status, and wanted to kill them.

If the latter, it would be terrifying.

Under a Chinese warrior, he did not have any chance to survive.

"You don't have to panic. I'm not suitable for this position. I can't stay in the Golden Triangle for a long time. I think only you can do this position." Lin Lang laughed.

Lin Yu was quick-minded and immediately figured out the key to the matter. Lin Lang had a special identity and was a Chinese general. In order to avoid the official fears of China, it was impossible to give up everything.

Moreover, for the little profit in the Golden Triangle, even if he was given a general to do it, he could not bear any interest.

But he still refused to say, "No, no, no, I don't have the courage. I think you are the best candidate. I'm going to play with you and be a forward striker."

"I let you do what you do. Anyone else has any objections, you can come to me now." Lin Lang domineering. The status of Huaxia Quasi-Warrior is still second, mainly because his family is still settled in Huaxia. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he cannot build an armed force in the Golden Triangle.

The air stagnated for a moment, and everyone thought. But almost in the next minute, Sayuro took the lead to say, "I was convinced by General Lin's arrangement. Lin Yu is indeed a talented person. Apart from Master Lin, Lin Yu can't be more suitable."

"I'm willing to be Lin Yu's deputy."

Sayuro also has the intention of self-recommendation. Anyway, now his army has been dispersed into the new army, and his power has been reduced to a trough. Rather than compete with each other, the new army's deputy position is not much worse than before.

"Then you will be your deputy." Lin Lang nodded, and then said: "But I said ugly that if I was found to be both sides and three swords, Yang Fengyin violated, I can not spare you, understand?"

"And you will be the two of them in the future. You will work hard to protect the safety of the two of them. In the future, there will be no benefit to you." Lin Lang warned the duo master lightly.

"Master Xie is done."

Sayuro looked happy.

Kanmai Slov, while scolding Sayuluo for being cunning, kept touting Lin Lang. As for Master Duhe and Master Evan, it is the same, and he is not afraid of any dissatisfaction with Lin Lang's move to cover the sky.

No matter what their roles are, Sayuro and Lin Yu have basically no influence on them, and the dedication they deserve will still be enjoyed in the future.

This is especially true for Watanabe.

To this day, Master Wataru has completely eliminated the idea of ​​escaping, and the master who is stronger than him can only kill his obedient opponent. In comparison, he is just a small irrelevant character.

He can only confess his fate, and this little frog, trapped in the mountains, can only watch the sky from the well, which has attracted the attention of a prehistoric giant.

"Even the three masters have been able to die for him, presumably his means of control is not ordinary. Recently he has not restrained me, and he should be waiting for me to make mistakes."

"If I run away at this point, he will definitely kill me."

Master Watu thought silently.


Tropical forests with countless towering trees are harsh for others and difficult to survive, but they are a treasure for Lin Lang. It was under the aura of Reiki that this vast forest was born.

Lin Lang also set up a spiritual gathering in the mountains. As early as when he arrived here, he found that the aura was a bit stronger, at least stronger than Shen Cheng, and much better than Chuanshu.

It was also a factor in his stay here.

The training of the new army is being carried out in an orderly manner. As a mixed-brand army built by four forces, a lot of preparations are still needed to truly transform the combat effectiveness.

However, the matter of Mount Wangpu was also spreading in the northwest of the Golden Triangle, and a short hurricane came.

There weren't many details in this battle. All I knew was that Lin Yu was caught off guard during the meeting of the three warlords. One As Peter was killed and everyone else was caught alive.

The eyes of many warlords have turned here.

For them, Wangpu Forest is really a barren land. It is covered by the canopy all year round, and even the sun is scarce. In particular, the main economy of the Golden Triangle, the poppy, is not suitable for growth in the Wangpo Forest, where sunlight is insufficient.

Even the four big warlords, such as Lin Yu, have not been seen by them. The small warlords in the backcountry need money but no money, and no one, what can they do? What's more, the four warlords are fighting on their own, and it is difficult to form an effective combat force at all.

But now they have to start paying attention. The four warlords are integrated in one place, and more than 2,000 soldiers are enough to get out of the Wangpu Forest and pose a threat to any force.

"But to the northwest is the territory of General Skelak. How can we let others sleep on the side of the couch? We don't need to worry about it for the time being. I believe Skelak will not let it go." The warlords relied on it.

Sure enough, on the afternoon of the third day, General Skelak made an invitation to invite Lin Yu to Nua City and set up a banquet to celebrate the latter.

Here comes the show!

The wind of the Golden Triangle is surging, the eyes of countless forces have bet over. Mingyan This is the Hongmen Banquet, which will put you under house arrest and remotely control your army.

And if he refused to go to the appointment, it gave General Skylar a reasonable reason, and it was inevitable to go to war.

For a time, countless lights were poured on Lin Yu's body, waiting for the latter's every move.

At the moment in Wangpu Mountain's camp, Lin Yu was reporting to Lin Lang everything about General Skelak.

Including the story of Skylark's birth and so on, according to Lin Yu's speculation, General Skylark is likely to serve the British Empire, because he once had an identity as an agent in MI5.

"Now you are the leader of the noble army. What do you think?" Lin Lang asked in return. The noble army is the name of the new army that was finalized at the celebration party three days ago.

"Everyone knows that the ambition of the wolf in Skylark is that I cannot go to a banquet. Instead, I went south to ask for the asylum of General Robert. As one of the three generals, General Skylark is in the extreme north of the western region and close to the China-Xiaxia border. General Robert is in the Midwestern region of the Golden Triangle and is most vulnerable to General Skylar. "

"We are in the middle to stop Skelak's throat south. General Robert will support us even if he considers it himself. He can only send troops to help us, and it cannot cause me a substantial conflict of interest. It is absolutely best. ally."

"Ten thousand steps back, Wangpu Forest, Baili dense forest, towering vegetation, if I have a strong heart to fight against him in guerrilla warfare, let alone 2,000 people, even if they sent 4,000 people would never think of touching our hairs. "

Lin Yu fiddled with the map and analyzed them one by one.

"Of course, if you come to lead, it is not that we have asked for the asylum of General Robert, but that we have formally formed an alliance." Lin Yu said firmly.

"Your way is really good, but you did not guess me." Lin Lang shook his head gently: "I would choose to go to the banquet and kill him directly at the banquet."

In the face of absolute strength, there is never any need for conspiracy and tricks, everything can be destroyed. As long as Skylark is killed, there is no need for Lin Lang to continue his shots, and Nua City will be in chaos.

Lin Yu smiled with a smile: "You are a daring artist. I don't have your ability, but I can only deal with him with a little cleverness."

"Don't bother him for the time being. I'll take you to Nua City for a while. But before that, I still have something to do."

"By the way, I'll call the two of them together in a while. I have something to tell them."

Lin Yu respectfully exited the room.

Soon after, Master Watari and Master Evan appear together, waiting quietly below.

"Have met General Lin." The two saluted.

"No need to be courteous." Lin Lang waved his hand: "To call you two today is mainly to ask you something. How long have you been practicing so far?"

Master Hehe and Master Evan looked at each other and saw the confusion in the other's eyes. Even though he didn't understand what it meant, Master Duhe still answered truthfully: "The poor monk has blunt qualifications, and has been practicing for 20 years, but the peak of the warrior's cultivation is just that."

"I'm even worse. I've been practicing martial arts with my father at the age of fifteen, and now I'm seventy-six. I gave it to the ancestor, and later buried the teacher myself, and now I'm almost at the end of my life Old. "

"Unfortunately, I did not reach the level of my father until my death. It is too difficult to be a great master. Even if I give me another thirty years with my qualifications, I may not succeed." Master Evan sighed.

The master of the crossing was greatly agreed. There are nearly 100,000 warriors in the world. However, there are only a few who can truly enter the room and break through the realm. Counting the hidden world, it is good to have a thousand or eight hundred.

In this realm, I don't know how much martial arts hope has been lost. Without the qualifications of one thousand miles, even if they are given a hundred years, they may not be able to enter the country.

"Right now I have an opportunity for you to become a great master. You are even more lucky to break through to the middle of transformation. Are you willing to try?" Lin Lang said lightly.

"How could this happen." Master Duhe shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The masters are all trained and studied hard. If they can be made out of thin air, the masters will not change into Chinese cabbage. "

"It is said that the divine realm is extraordinary and sanctified. I don't think even the divine realm can do it. Creating a master is like heaven and earth."

Grand Master, only known as Grand Master when he enters the room, can stand alone and dominate the party. Be treated no matter where you go.

The difficulty of transmigration has attracted countless heroes, and the total number of masters in Huaxia, including those of the hidden sects, will never exceed one hundred.

Which one can achieve the Grand Master's position is not a genius who picks one thousand miles. It is almost impossible to create a master.

"Divine Realm does not have this ability, but I may not be able to do it."

Lin Lang's mouth curled a confident arc.

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